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Foundations of Management, Vol. 6, No.

2 (2014), ISSN 2080-7279

DOI: 10.1515/fman-2015-0011 51


Poznan University of Technology, Faculty of Engineering Management, Poznań, Poland

Abstract: In recent years, sustainable development strategy for enterprises has become an important issue
around the globe. This requires the organization to review its current systems to improve the overall triple
bottom-line performance (i.e. economic, environmental, and social). Rising to these challenges requires
transforming management system towards sustainable management. Assuming quality management (QM)
impact on organisations will continue, what types of QM-based improvement initiatives will develop in the
future to meet the anticipated organizational and market changes?
Keywords: sustainable devepolment, quality management, sustainable quality management, customer, stake-
1 Introduction is defined, challenges of the approach are introduced,
both at the global and operational level, and strategies
Since the end of the 1980s, as a result of the report “Our for the integration of SD into business processes are
common future” published by the World Commission presented. In the third chapter, the idea of QM is char-
on Environment and Development, politics, economy, acterized. Evolution in approach to QM is discussed
and science have been dominated by the term “sustaina- and features characterizing each stage of QM develop-
ble development” (SD). In the report, SD was defined ment are listed. In the fourth chapter, common elements
as a process of change in which exploitation of re- of both approaches: SD and QM are identified
sources, new investments, concentration on technology and analyzed to define issues of SD referring to QM.
development, and institutional changes are focused The new stage of QM development was called Sustain-
on present and future needs of society. At the macro able Quality Management, as it increases the range
level, a model of economy based on the concept of SD of isuues that should be considered when shaping QM
assumes appropriate and conscious forming of relations system in a company. Sustainable quality management
between economic growth (economic aspect), commit- provides a potential to improve and extend the theory
ment to environment (environmental aspect), and quality generation and the best practices of QM in the future.
of life (social aspect). For a company (micro level), SD The fifth chapter is a summary. The important area
means adoption of such business strategy and such ac- of the research conducted is analysis of range of sus-
tions that contribute to satisfying present needs of com- tainable management practices reaching beyond
pany and its stakeholders, as well as simultaneous pro- an organziation.
tection, maintenance, and strengthening of human
and environmental potential that will be needed in the
future [68]. 2 Sustainable development
These new challenges are accompanied with a growing 2.1 SD definition and issues
focus on the role of the quality management (QM)
approach. The question then arises: is SD an issue The origin of the English word sustain is in the Latin
for QM? As is well-known, the framework of quality words sub (under, from below), and tenere (to hold,
has constantly evolved in accordance with environmen- to hold up). To sustain, then, means to keep up, to
tal changes, and due to the absorbing and adaptable maintain, to support, to prevent from sinking or falling
capability, the quality approach has “received” many something. Sustainability is the ability to maintain
new names. or support an activity or process over the long term
This paper aims to address the issue of QM in today’s [10]. In the context of human development and envi-
turbulent environment. To answer the question asked ronmental stewardship, the term sustainability has ideo-
in the title of the this paper, the paper is structured logical, political, ecological, and economic contexts
as follows. In the second chapter, the idea of SD and, in this framework, it is most commonly seen as
is characterized. The term “sustainable development” a derivation of the term SD [62, 12].
52 Małgorzata Jasiulewicz-Kaczmarek

Figure 1. 3P’s model (source: [52])

The term SD has different meanings to different people nomic, and environmental aspects together, and second,
and has numerous interpretations. One of first and most that options for the future should not be limited.
cited definitions of sustainability was created in 1987 An important practical implication of this is that tack-
by the Brundtland Commission, which defined SD ling any of these issues in isolation can result in unin-
as development that “meets the needs of the present tended consequences along other dimensions. Deci-
without compromising the ability of future generations sions must be taken in a way that integrates all these
to meet their own needs” (…) “Sustainable develop- concerns, and this means taking into account the con-
ment is not a fixed state of harmony, but rather a pro- cerns of stakeholders from outside the organization as
cess of change in which the exploitation of resources, well as within it.
the direction of investments, the orientation of techno- Analysis of the definitions presented above leads to the
logical development, and institutional change are made conclusion that SD requires:
consistent with future as well as present needs” [75].
Thus, SD is about reaching a balance between econom-  a broad view of social, environmental, and econom-
ic, social, and environmental goals, as well as people’s ic outcomes;
participation in the planning process in order to gain  a long-term perspective, concerned with the inter-
their input and support [69]. Sometimes SD is referred ests and rights of future generations as well as
to as a triangular theory, reflecting the triple bottom of people today;
line: social, environmental, and economic criteria;  an inclusive approach to action, which recognizes
terms like; 3P’s  people, planet and profit (see Fig. 1) the need for all people to be involved in the deci-
or even 3E’s  equity, environment, and economy [77]. sions that affect their lives.
Szekely and Knirsch [73] defined sustainability as cre- SD is a process on the way to a crucially important
ating a proper balance between economic, social, goal: sustainability. Achieving sustainability requires
and ecological aims. They believe that for businesses, supporting action from all sectors of society, including
this includes sustaining and expanding economic business.
growth, shareholder value, prestige, corporate reputa-
tion, customer relationships, and the quality of products 2.2 Corporate sustainability
and services. By Robert W. Kates et al. [41], SD is
defined through goals, indicators, values, and practice. SD requires the contribution and involvement of many
The British Standard on sustainability management actors. Companies are important players, as they influ-
defined SD as “an enduring, balanced approach to eco- ence the natural environment and society with their
nomic activity, environmental responsibility, and social product designs and offers, their production processes,
progress” [9]. This definition makes two fundamental purchasing decisions, and their business models [18].
points: first, that SD necessarily considers social, eco-
Is Sustainable Development an Issue for Quality Management? 53

SD therefore requires companies to get actively in- while being held accountable to its stakeholders” [57].
volved in shaping and implementing sustainability This definition of sustainability requires each organiza-
measures. The objective of SD confronts business en- tion to act responsibly. So it is up to the organization
terprises with three sustainability challenges [66]: to determine what constitutes responsible behavior,
 ecological challenge: increasing ecological effec- and then manage its actions so that the responsibilities
tiveness, are practiced.
 social challenge: increasing social effectiveness, As SD has become the basic factor of competitiveness
 economic challenge to environmental and social for many manufacturing enterprises worldwide [20, 36,
management: improving eco-efficiency and/or so- 26], the need exists to operationalize the approach.
cial efficiency. Hence, the question arises: how to integrate SD into
business processes and everyday routines?
Enterprises must manage all these conflicting aspects
of sustainability in an integrated manner, focusing not A number of authors have discussed the strategies
only on environmental or social performances, but also for the integration of SD into business processes. Re-
on sustainability of business. view of literature on the subject provides recognition
of the three groups of strategies:
And what does the term “sustainability” mean for an
enterprise? According to Grudzewski and Hejduk [25],  approach based on international and national stand-
Sustainability is the capability of an enterprise to con- ards,
tinuously learn, adapt and develop, revitalize, recon-  approach based on business excellence models, and
struct, and reorient for maintaining solid and distinctive  other approaches, benefiting from various elements
position in a market by offering extraordinary value of various management ideas.
for buyers, today and in the future (according to para- The first group includes approaches based on standards
digm of innovative growth), thanks to organic change- developed by International Standardization Organiza-
ability constituting business models and emerging from tion (ISO) [13, 56, 27]. The ISO has developed a num-
creating new opportunities and goals, as well as an- ber of standards related to the management of SD.
swering to them, with balancing interests of various The standards most often presented in the literature are:
groups. (...) Sustainability is based on the following
principles: holistic, and continuously developing view  ISO 26000:2010 “Guidance on social responsibil-
of reality, reflections, cooperation, openness to chang- ity”, which provides guidance on how businesses
es, learning, and trust”. According to Sidorczuk- and organizations can operate in a socially respon-
Pietraszko [68], for a company SD means adoption sible way, it is a guidance rather than requirements,
of such business strategy and such actions that contrib- so it cannot be certified to unlike some other well-
ute to satisfying present needs of the company and known ISO standards,
interested parties, as well as simultaneous protection,  ISO 20121:2012 “Event sustainability management
maintenance, and strengthening of human and envi- systems Requirements with guidance for use”,
ronmental potential, which will be needed in the future. which provides the framework for identifying the
Zairi [76], defined sustainability as the ability of an potentially negative social, economic and environ-
organization to adopt to change in the business envi- mental impacts of events by removing or reducing
ronment to capture contemporary best practice methods them, and capitalizing on more positive impacts
and to achieve and maintain superior competitive per- through improved planning and processes,
formance.  ISO 14001:2004 “Environmental management sys-
Pojasek [57] believes that the problem with these defi- tems Requirements with guidance for use”, which
nitions is that it is difficult to make operational. To help provides practical tools for companies and organiza-
people understand how to put sustainability to work, tions looking to identify and control their environ-
he would propose the following as a starting point mental impact and constantly improve their envi-
for creating a definition: “Sustainability is the capabil- ronmental performance.
ity of an organization to transparently manage its re-
sponsibilities for environmental stewardship, social
well-being, and economic prosperity over the long term
54 Małgorzata Jasiulewicz-Kaczmarek

Figure 2. Model of corporate motivation for IMS implementation

(source: [1])

Guidelines and standards have also been developed with- grated management system enables including require-
in individual countries to meet local needs, for example, ments and expectations of various stakeholders
guides developed by British Standardization Institute and enables various stakeholders to facilitate IMS de-
(BSI): velopment [35].
 BS 8900-1:2013 “Managing sustainable develop- The second group includes the approaches in which
ment of organizations Part 1: Guide”, which pro- basis for the implementation of SD are business excel-
vides guidance on managing SD and a framework lence models, such as the European Framework for
that assists organizations to enhance performance Quality Management (EFQM) and the Baldrige Criteria
and effectiveness, for Performance Excellence [7, 3, 11]. The possible
 BS 8900-2:2013 “Managing sustainable develop- linkages between corporate SD and the EFQM are
ment of organizations. Framework for assessment further highlighted by Isaksson and Garvare [29].
against BS 8900-1. Specification”, which acts as an As these authors have shown, the EFQM could provide
evaluative framework to support organizational self- a starting point for the integration of sustainability into
assessment or third-party assessment and result business processes. While it is a potentially useful start-
in formative outcomes. ing point, the EFQM does not provide a comprehensive
Several papers have focused on an integrated manage- model for organizational sustainability [4].
ment systems approach to SD. Enterprises which im- The third group includes the approaches benefiting
plemented several various management standards often from various management methodologies, standards,
integrate them into one coherent management system, and good practices, e.g. codes. The interesting example
and factors driving integration process include: regula- of a solution within the group is a model developed
tory drivers, financial drivers, social drivers, etc. (see by Asif & Searcy [4], so-called Sustainable Develop-
Fig. 2). ment Management System (SDMS) model. According
Integration of management systems such as for quality, to Asif and Searcy [4], “The systematic implementation
environment, occupational health and safety, risk man- and assessment of corporate sustainable development is
agement, and corporate social responsibilities is a via- difficult in the absence of a structured approach.
ble organizational approach to cost reduction, efficient The existing management systems and frameworks do
utilization of resources, greater motivation of employ- not provide a balanced approach to the management
ees, and better compliance with social obligations of the triple bottom line of sustainable development.”
and stakeholders’ requirements [40, 37, 61, 38 and 2]. Reaching out to the need of business environment, they
In the context of SD, based on the Brundtland defini- developed SDMS, described its elements (Table 1),
tion of SD, companies are asked to manage resources developed the model (Fig. 3) and defined standard
in such a way that we do not impair the possibility requirements for management systems in Plan-Do-
of future generations to satisfy their needs. This means Check-Act (PDCA) cycle context.
that the future generations as customers, society
and employees also are stakeholders. Developing inte-
Is Sustainable Development an Issue for Quality Management? 55

Table 1. The core descriptive elements in a SDMS

(source: [4])
core values
The concept of sustainability is centered on the need to address
Stakeholder-oriented management
stakeholder requirements in a systematic and integrated manner
Organizations need to understand the social, environmental,
Triple bottom line and economic implications of their business.
The measures should be taken to ensure that business processes
of an organization do not adversely affect these three bottom lines
Organizations need a systematic approach to the management of SD.
A systematic approach is reflected in the:
Systematic approach  management by facts,
 a focus on results and creating value, and
 a systems perspective on managing SD
SD needs to be addressed strategically through the visible commitment
Strategic management of top management. The tactical processes and operational activities
need to be aligned with the organization’s strategic priorities

Innovation and learning Organizations need to ensure never-ending improvement, innovation,

and learning along all dimensions of stakeholder requirements
SD: Sustainable development

Figure 3. Management of organizational sustainability based on the PDCA cycle

(source: [4])

According to authors, the PDCA-based structure of the et al. [6] identified three dimensions, which are essen-
SDMS makes it possible to integrate it with other tial in translating sustainability issues into strategic
standards, including ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS priorities for firms and managers:
18001 and other specification standards. 1) Identify strategic sustainability issues    a material
Summarizing, the approaches presented above inter- concept of sustainability, must be understood
changeably show that implementing SD into business in order to define risks and opportunities and their
processes requires strategic approach, including com- relation with the firm’s business strategy, trans-
mitment of top managers, incorporating SD into vision forming them into a source of competitive ad-
and mission of a company, as well as setting principles vantages.
and practices at all the levels of organization. Boechat
56 Małgorzata Jasiulewicz-Kaczmarek

Figure 4. Life cycle of a mega trend “Quality”

2) Cascade strategic priorities in supply chain    en- tem development in a company. (...). As their quality
gage supply chain partners in order to leverage fi- system is developing, companies change main dimen-
nancial, social and environmental performance. sions of quality definition and measures they use”. Such
3) Involve corporate departments and corporate func- evolutionary character of the tem quality can be found in
tions    promoting sustainability in a company has scientific works of [16, 28 and 44].
to be a process that is shared amongst its different D.A. Lubin and D.C. Esty [49], defined actions under-
business units. Only once each unit identifies its taken in companies to achieve quality as one of mega-
most relevant activities will their consolidated im- trends in management. The term “mega-trends” was
pact benefit a company´s triple bottom line perfor- coined and popularized by John Naisbitt in 1982.
mance. He defined mega-trends as broad processes embracing
The success of a SD process depends, above all, on the the world, having socio–economic or structural charac-
quality of the process by which it is realized. SD is not ter and influencing a unit and shaping its future [54].
a property and is not a fixed state of constancy but Broader definition was introduced by [70], as they
a process of directional change by which a system im- defined mega-trends as “global, solid and macroeco-
proves through time in a sustainable way. SD is a learn- nomic development forces, which influence business,
ing process. This continuous improvement process economy, society, culture and private life and by that
should slowly but surely be integrated into existing defining our future world and its growing pace
company structure and procedures. of changes”.
Taking into account the fact that the approach which Development of “mega-trend” can be presented in the
acts the longest at the operational level and confirms its form of a product life-cycle model, with four specific
effectiveness in many organizations worldwide is QM, stages [62]:
the question arises whether SD issues could be effec-  stage 1  Definition, which is convergence of trends
tively operationalized by including them into QM sys- connected, leading to creation of mega-trend
tem functioning in an enterprise.
 stage 2  Growth, which is fast manifestation
of mega-trend and spreading its influence on busi-
3 Quality management  from reactive ness, industry and lifestyle.
to proactive approach  stage 3  Domination, the stage refers to the results
of mega-trend and its influence on all the areas
Similar to sustainability, quality is a broad, multi- of social and economic life.
interpretable, relative and dynamic concept. Many ways
 stage 4  Decrease, which is a period in which
of defining and interpreting quality term in utilitarian
mega-trend is so common that it is treated as a nor-
sense refers to the level of noticing and range of prob-
mal thing.
lems it contains in a company. According to L. Wa-
silewski [74] “if for any reasons we have to define In the following paper, the following approaches
the term quality, we have to adjust it to the level of sys- to “quality” mega-trends analysis were applied (see
Fig. 4).
Is Sustainable Development an Issue for Quality Management? 57

The first stage of QM development is quality inspec- involve suppliers or customers.

tion. It originates in XIX century, as then because The central idea in the quality assurance (next stage) is
of industrialization, mass production, specialization, that quality of output can only be achieved by organiza-
and work division became the leading paradigms [43]. tions that are in control of their processes and func-
At this stage, quality was mostly connected with prod- tions, and that try to continually improve themselves.
ucts and the focus was on inspection of some critical This stage, directs organizational efforts towards plan-
characteristics of final products referred to predefined ning and preventing problems occurring at source.
requirements  specifications. The goal of the inspec- Emphasis is shifted from mere detection to training,
tion was identification of final products not meeting product design, process design, process control
requirements specified, and afterwards, if possible and motivation of people. Factors creating product
implementation of corrections, and if not selling prod- quality were taken into account, even if they were not
ucts at lower prices. The main task of managers in an directly connected with manufacturing area  but a part
enterprise was keeping efficiency at the high level, of pre-production and post-production processes.
while quality inspection was performed by inspectors In pre-production, the stress was put on materials and
trained and representing pre-formed quality depart- sub-assemblies deliveries, suppliers qualification pro-
ments, so production staff was not involved. Along cedures, requiring implementation of pro-quality solu-
with economic development and production scale tions by suppliers, so that they covered the entire manu-
growth, inspection costs have been growing and did not facturing process. In post-production area, pro-quality
give the results expected by the owners. It was noted actions included improvement in post-sale services,
that by inspection it is impossible to provide an appro- creating premises for embracing the entire product life-
priate level of quality [53]. cycle. The next step in striving for providing products
The scope of activities charged with quality started of quality was adjusting organization to quality re-
to extend the processes of production. This stage quirements defined by customers and users of products
of development and the perception of quality in the and services. The postulates emerged for developing
company in the literature is called quality control. solutions which would embrace in systematic way re-
By contributing to the quality employees were included quirements necessary to achieve quality expected by
in the production, drew attention to the skills of work- customers. The first system-based solutions, including
ers supervised by them formally established require- the entire nets of co-operational requirements, were
ments and standards for their implementation. Feed- developed in the USA (f.ex. MIL-Q-9858). In Europe,
back was created between the result of control the earliest interest in the field was in the Great Britain.
and production line. Based on the results of checks, In 1972, BSI published BS4891standard  “A guide
production process was modified so as to obtain prod- for providing quality”. Soon, other European countries
ucts that met the specifications. As in the run-up, followed the Great Britain. Internationalization of eco-
the producers did not have much difficulty in disposing nomic exchange and variety of requirements included
of the products, and therefore did not have to take into in national standards led to necessity of coordinating
account customer feedback. During this period primari- normalization actions and taking up development
ly refined receiver subsystems and supply the current of systematic international solutions. In 1987, the ISO
and final product inspection, not paying attention to the published the first edition of its 9000 standards.
information coming from the market. Producer’s mar- From the very beginning, the standards were classified
ket caused that customers were forced to accept condi- as so called third-generation standards, which means
tions defined by producers. Whereas customers were they are completely different from industrial standards,
interested mostly in access to products, their quality focusing f.ex. on product’s characteristics. Thus, their
was of a secondary importance. Dissatisfaction of cus- basic assumption was the idea of standardizing general
tomers, if appeared, was mitigated by replacing or re- methodologies of managerial practice, bringing benefits
pairing defective products. to both, suppliers and customers [43].
Summing up. In the first two stages of QM develop-
ment, actions were focused on detecting discrepancies
and taking up reactive corrective actions. The thinking
was departmentally based and did not usually directly
58 Małgorzata Jasiulewicz-Kaczmarek





Technical commitment




iqu s,

Cu n g e
hn ool

Focal business

tec lity t


environment TQM

ini n
Tra catio

Wo c h
rk a

en nge

v ir
Internal me

Improved quality of work life
Employee satisfaction
Customer loyalty
Incereased marked share

Figure 5. Effect of Interactive Environment on Business System

(source: [45])

The fourth stage, can be described as total quality man- Mohanty [45] is to identify and recognize the external
agement (TQM), where quality has become a strategic environment (i.e. supplier environment, customer envi-
issue and its scope extended to the quality of the organ- ronment, economic, and technological environment)
ization and the quality of the relationship with the envi- and create conditions within the focal system to main-
ronment of an organization (customers, suppliers, com- tain internal balance and eventually gain external equi-
petitors, the public in general) and their integration librium (see Fig. 5).
with horizontal business processes [8]. This paradigm TQM is multidimensional approach analyzed in the
states that the responsibility for quality lies not with following aspects, that is: strategic, marketing, techno-
one department or one person (the representative of the logical, economic, organizational, social, and system-
management), but the whole organization needs to take based [72]. Various interpretation of TQM approaches
responsibility for quality and take it as a common value is a results of taking various definition criteria (Table
[55]. The objective of TQM as suggested by Lakhe & 2).

Table 2. Various TQM interpretations

(source: [72])
TQM definition criteria Characteristics

In activity-based approach TQM is a process, its strategic market goal is increase of competitiveness
and company’s value

In operational approach Goal of TQM is achieving desired size and structure of results of actions
undertaken by a company

In objective approach TQM is an approach of corporate management that strives for meeting re-
quirements and expectations of customers

In subjective approach Refers to all the employees of an enterprise, hence it is dedicated to both,
managers and their subordinates

In functional approach Refers to all the areas of economic activity, together with interdependencies
TQM: Total quality management
Is Sustainable Development an Issue for Quality Management? 59

Figure 6. The core values of TQM

(source: [28])
TQM may be defined as a continuous quest for excel- “quality” is a bit old and out-of-date compared to fresh
lence by creating the right skills and attitudes in people and nowadays catchy “excellence”), and on the other
to prevent defects possible and satisfy customers/users the consequence of the situation that the criteria of the
totally at all times [45]. Hellsten & Klefsjö [28] defined original quality awards (e.g. EFQM, MBQA) succes-
TQM, as a continuously evolving management system sively over the years widened their perspectives in har-
consisting of values, methodologies and tools, the aim mony with discussions related to environmental issues
of which is to increase external and internal customer and social responsibility.
satisfaction with less resource consumption.and intro- Edited in 2000, the next version of ISO 9001:2000
duced core values, which should be used to character- standard adopts TQM philosophy with stronger focus
ize this approach to quality in an enterprise (Figure 6). on customer satisfaction and an effective process-
Praxiom Research Group Limited (2003, cited by [59]) oriented approach, emphasizing on continual perfor-
defined TQM as a management approach that tries mance improvement (in 2008 there was the next
to achieve and sustain long-term organizational success amendment; however, no important differences com-
by encouraging employee feedback and participation, pared to previous editions were introduced). In the
satisfying customer needs and expectations, respecting standard, the stress is put on the fact, that organizations
societal values and beliefs, and obeying governmental depend on their customers and therefore, should under-
statutes and regulations. Independently from the level stand them current and the future need; they will meet
of precision in TQM definitions presented in the litera- these requirements, while taking care to exceed cus-
ture, there are some common elements of TQM tomer expectations. “Quality” is delivering an output
stressed, namely: top management commitment, every- meeting or exceeding customer’s expectations.
body’s commitment, continuous improvement, focus The client is the frame of reference for answering the
on customer, focus on process, and using facts-based question “What is quality?”, including the nature
approach for decision making. of quality as well as the needed or appropriate level.
Research on the literature related to the subject shows This new revised standard is a step forward towards
that the successful implementation of TQM can lead TQM, customer satisfaction and does not just achieve
to a wide range of benefits for organizations. These product quality assurance.
benefits include higher profits, growth and efficiency, Summing up. The third and the fourth stage of quality
increased market shares, reduced operational cost, mega-trend development indicate that there is a sub-
productivity, and innovation [45, 33, 14, 63 and 47]. stantial change in approach to quality. The models
Nevertheless, because of the lack of generally accepted presented above are oriented neither to a given product,
universal TQM model, many companies “turn back” service nor quality control methodology, but to broadly
from the approach searching for improvement guidelines understand corporate management and processes influ-
in quality awards and models [64, 42]. Confirmation encing final products.
of the pre-mentioned “turning back” from that approach What then is to be the next stage in the evolution
to management is TQM application tendency observa- of QM after TQM. As we have seen, TQM has been
tion. Whereas in 1993, TQM was applied in 72 % characterized by strong focus on the following issues:
of analyzed companies, in 2000 the number fell down  espoused organizational values supported by meth-
to 41 % only, and in 2008 the number reached 34 % odologies and tools,
[60]. It is on hand the result of a “fashion” (the term
 customer focus and satisfaction,
60 Małgorzata Jasiulewicz-Kaczmarek

Figure 7. Model of internal and external TQM drivers

(source: [50])

 efficient use of resources, in methodologies of actions taken and building compet-

 continuous monitoring and assessment of improve- itive advantage of companies. Thus, organizations
ment potentials. should identify the trends, assess their influence on its
activity and opportunities it creates, and include
What will be its characteristics and focus in the future?
and integrate them to binding business strategy.
Analysis of both approaches presented, SD and quality
4 Sustainable quality managemant
[34], leads to the conclusion that they have much
in common:
Searching for answers to questions presented in the
previous chapter, requires referring to the model pre-  Both have gone through a historical and conceptual
sented in the figure. Nowadays, we are at the fourth progression from passive reactivity to proactive,
stage of the cycle. It means that “quality” megatrend is strategic integration. Over the years, quality issues
in its decreasing stage, hence it is the “normal” ap- have evolved from being focused on product per-
proach from the company’s point of view. However, formance to comprehensively addressing business
assuming that QM impact on organization will contin- excellence. Similarly, SD for many years was asso-
ue, question on the types of QM based improvement ciated with environmental aspects and degradation
initiatives that will develop in the future to meet of natural environment caused by civilization devel-
the anticipated organizational and market changes opment only, while now it is a broad concept refer-
seems to be justified. And even though because of in- ring to such terms as “quality of life” and “corporate
creasing complexity, discontinuity and pace of changes, social responsibility”.
future forecasting is almost impossible, we still can  Both impact satisfaction, well-being and safety
and should try to forecast future. Identification of direc- of customers, employees and other stakeholders.
tion that QM will evolve in, is valuable in cognitive In QM, customer focus has evolved into the broader
and utilitarian sense. It is to enable the understanding concepts of interested parties, human stakeholders,
of external challenges, which are unavoidable, environmental stakeholders and societal sustainabil-
and make developing scenarios easier by providing ity [24].
guidelines useful in decision on shaping QM system  Both are based on a core set of values, such as “cre-
in companies making process. ate zero waste,” “make external costs visible,”
Future QM in a company will be shaped by two kinds and “drive out fear” between management and em-
of factors (Figure 7): external, which refers to changes ployees [71]. Like quality, SD also has a strong fo-
in business environment, and internal, which refers cus on people  not just in terms of customer satis-
to issues within QM movement. faction, but related to the quality of working life
and employee satisfaction.
External factors, which currently most influence com-
pany’s functioning and the way its strategy is shaped,  Both impact, and are impacted by, every function
are challenges brought by SD. SD is the next mega- in the organization. Just as a customer’s perception
trend in management [49]. Through the next years, this of quality is affected by everything including prod-
trend will shape trends and force sustained changes uct design and development, manufacturing, logis-
tics, interactions with marketing, sales, customer
Is Sustainable Development an Issue for Quality Management? 61

Figure 8. Stakeholders’ participation in quality approaches

service and more, so too is sustainability impacted idea more and more important, that is corporate social
by every function within the organization. Like responsibility; moreover, it is an attempt to draw
sustainability on the societal level, the SD of a the attention of managers to the necessity of reacting
company requires the involvement of a variety to needs and requirements of diverse stakeholder
of company-internal actors, since many challenges groups. Numerous management principles and tech-
of sustainability management demand the contri- niques are focused on needs and requirements of vari-
bution of several corporate functions [66]. The in- ous groups. The groups mentioned are, and for many
volvement of all functional units is considered years were, customers, now accompanied by employees
to be necessary to create comprehensive sustaina- and suppliers. However, growing complexity of envi-
bility solutions and to impede sustainability prob- ronment company is functioning in, as well as growing
lems from being partially or superficially “solved” access to information, indicate the need of considering
or from being shifted back and forth between more and more diverse group of stakeholders within
functional units [67]. an organization and outside of it, with their needs
 Both are based on continuous improvement to- and requirements (see Fig. 8).
wards a performance ideal: a company will never Expectations of stakeholders are not only focused di-
reach perfection in either quality or sustainability, rectly on transactions between parties involved, but
and it is also never “done,” but rather always striv- also on participation in a debate on social issues (e.g.
ing to improve towards the goal of perfection. unemployment, poverty, etc) and proactive considera-
 Both, if done well, help drive significant financial tion of results and effects of activity on society.
and strategic benefits to the organization in the Hence, contemporary company according to [58, p. 17]
form of scrap and rework reduction, cost reduc- is an organization engaged in mobilizing resources
tions, increased profitability, improved reputation for productive uses in order to create wealth and other
and customer loyalty. benefits (and not intentionally destroy wealth, increase
 In both, senior management holds complete re- risk, or cause harm) for its multiple constituents,
sponsibility. The majority of quality problems are or stakeholders. In that aspect, organizational wealth is
the fault of poor management rather than poor defined as “a mean of summarized ability of an organi-
workmanship. Likewise, corporate sustainability zation to create benefits for each and every stakeholder
success is directly related to CEO commitment. in a long time period” [58, p. 45].
Value creation is driven through executive buy-in
Such increasing care for society is imminent part
and execution throughout the organization [46].
of QM approach. The new approach to thinking about
Taking into account challenges brought by SD to man- quality requires taking a look at definition of TQM
agers (see chapter 2) and common elements of both presented in ISO 8402:1994 standard and at “customer”
mega-trends introduced above, it is clear that the im- definition by Crosby. In ISO 8402 [32] standard pub-
portant element of each stage of evolution of QM is lished in 1994, TQM is defined as “methodology
“transactivity” term, which lies at the basis of link be- of managing an organization based on cooperation
tween organization and its broader social context. of all its members.
The term is a key relation between QM idea, and the
62 Małgorzata Jasiulewicz-Kaczmarek

It stresses quality issues and by satisfying customers that if “quality management is seen as managing quali-
leads to achieving perspective success of an organiza- ty improvements of goods and services aiming to max-
tion, its employees and society.” From TQM definition imize customer satisfaction subject to meeting the
perspective, it is justified to incorporate social respon- needs and expectations of non-customer stakeholders,
sibility issues into business strategy. Thus, the direction then we could choose the boundaries of quality man-
in which QM strives for, was defined 30 years ago agement simply by selecting an appropriate customer
and is still accurate. While its realization by organiza- definition. If we use a wide definition which could
tion depends on the definition of “customer” applied. include many different groups of stakeholders, Quality
In recent years, indications are that the scope of QM Management should become something similar
has begun to change from “customer satisfaction” into to Business Management. On the other hand, if we use
something broader. Specific gravity has moved a narrow definition of customers, Quality Management
to providing work conditions, including work culture becomes something much more limited in scope” [5].
and quality of relations with environment and social Foley [2005, p. 10] argues that if the organization can
responsibility [48]. The ISO 9001:2005 standard pro- continue to meet the needs and expectations of the
motes a narrow definition of the customer as an “organ- stakeholders, the aim of organizational sustainability
ization or person that receives a product.” Examples will be accomplished. Foley & Zahner [21] have used
include the consumer, client, end-user, retailer, benefi- the definition of the stakeholder to construct an organi-
ciary and purchaser. According to the standard, a cus- zation sustainability model, which in its consideration
tomer can also be internal or external to the organiza- of quality as one of the wants and expectations
tion. Though the standard gives some further explana- of stakeholders, and as a strategy for guiding the organ-
tion for the definition its range is quite narrow. While ization to sustainable success, generates a form of QM.
according to Ishikawa [31] the customer is simply In the next edition of ISO9001, planned for 2015,
the process that follows (“the next process is your cus- the stress is put on stakeholders and necessity for sus-
tomer”). A broader definition was suggested by J. Juran tainable approach to their requirements and expecta-
[39], who defined customer as “anyone who is affected tions via assessment of opportunities and risk emerging
by the product or by the process used to produce from their influence on organizational success. The
the product” where the customer can also be a local element binding new and old is the term “stakeholder”
community, the environment, and even future genera- and responsibility of an organization for its influence
tions. This broad definition of “client” is close to the on society [37].
notion of “stakeholder”. The term is often used in the Quality movement moves towards corporate order
sense of those who have a “stake” in the organization. and elimination of negative influence on environment.
The most famous, but the most general definition It focuses on solving multi-dimensional problems, ben-
of stakeholders was presented by E. Freeman in 1984. efiting from broad definition of “complex quality,”
According to [22]: “a stakeholder is any person referring to all the aspects of social systems, both
or group that can affect or is affected by the achieve- in public and private sectors. QM works as a main cata-
ment of the organization’s objectives”. This definition lyzer of development of corporate social responsibility
has been the subject of discussion and deliberations in an organization. This concept is seen as an approach
in literature [15, 17, 23, 51]. In the model of excellence of running a business in society and environment
Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award (MBNQA) friendly way, while meeting the most important goal
2011–12, the term “stakeholders” refers to all groups of economic activity, which is increasing wealth
that are or may be affected by the activities of the or- of business stockholders. Therefore, it indicates that it
ganization and its success. The EFQM Excellence is possible to compromise moral principles and rational
Model 2010 [19], defines stakeholders as: “a person, economic rules, balancing striving for profits
group, or organization that has direct or indirect owner- and searching for rationale and doing the right thing
ship or interest in the organization because it can affect in terms of respecting interests of wider groups
or be affected by the organization or its influence.” of stakeholders. Hence, QM models (e.g. ISO 9001)
This approach is close to the definition of Freeman. can play an important role in facilitating broad social
Hence, answer to the question whether SD is an issue and environmental dimension introduction to corporate
for QM, is based on the discussion by [5]. They believe strategy, and supporting organization in realization
of SD approach.
Is Sustainable Development an Issue for Quality Management? 63

Thus, it is justified to define the next stage of approach zation of this management approach, QM has to be:
to quality as sustainable QM, which can be manage-  integrative: integrating linked human–environment
ment framework for improving quality of corporate
systems  in order to integrate systems, departments
development towards SD. However, in the approach,
to achieve whole system sustainability,
instead of introducing additional set of procedures
 inclusive: participatory-based  in order to accom-
and processes defining relations between an organiza-
modate multiple perspectives and understand unde-
tion and its stakeholders, theory and practice requires
cidability, and to generate adaptive and innovative
generally various processes, which hitherto were not
a part of a normal practice of quality approach. These
processes should be capable of dealing with complex  adaptive: supporting adaptive modeling of transi-
problems that are not limited to the subjects traditional- tions to provide decision-support to adaptive man-
ly believed to be external. They can embrace any of or agement efforts  in order to be able to adapt to re-
all the stakeholders. al-world changes as they occur.
I think that there are many ways in which experience
5 Conclusions in quality managemnt and knowledge in the area can
support enterprises in realization of the challenges
Over a half-century ago, quality pioneers Edwards emerging from SD realization.
Deming and Joseph Juran encouraged organizations However, support seems not to be enough. It is neces-
to ask better questions about corporate challenges sary to define activities in the area of QM which need
and enabled companies to redesign systems for im- to be carried out and not to exist for managers only
provement. They started with a systems approach as “somtehing obvious and normal” (fourth stage
and then grounded quality in practical analytical tools of a lifecycle), but also as the source of inspiration
to foster product, service, and organizational improve- in creating value for stakeholders and support in solv-
ments. ing potential and existing problems.
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