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Self and Peer Evaluation

UTS Semi-Final Performance Task

Group Number___

Please assess the work of you and your groupmates by using the following criteria.
We will consider your feedback in assigning the grade for the the presentation.
Please try to be as honest and fair as possible in your assessment.

5 = Excellent work; was a crucial component to the group’s success

4 = Very strong work; contributed significantly to group
3 = Sufficient effort; contributed adequately to group
2 = Insufficient effort; met minimal standards of group
1 = Little or weak effort; was detrimental to group

SELF Evaluation (Name: Angeli Marie K. Idol):

5 Participation in developing ideas and planning the presentation

5 Willingness to discuss the ideas of others
5 Cooperation with other group members
5 Interest and enthusiasm in the presentation
5 Participation in leading/facilitating discussion
5 Ease and familiarity with discussion material

PEER Evaluation (Partner 1: Josh David Lim):

5 Participation in developing ideas and planning the presentation

5 Willingness to discuss the ideas of others
5 Cooperation with other group members
5 Interest and enthusiasm in the presentation
5 Participation in leading/facilitating discussion
5 Ease and familiarity with discussion material

PEER Evaluation (Partner 2:Rohanisah Guinar):

4 Participation in developing ideas and planning the presentation

4 Willingness to discuss the ideas of others
5 Cooperation with other group members
4 Interest and enthusiasm in the presentation
4 Participation in leading/facilitating discussion
4 Ease and familiarity with discussion material

PEER Evaluation (Partner 3: Francheska Flores):

4 Participation in developing ideas and planning the presentation

4 Willingness to discuss the ideas of others
5 Cooperation with other group members
4 Interest and enthusiasm in the presentation
4 Participation in leading/facilitating discussion
4 Ease and familiarity with discussion material

1. What did you learn from the experience?

- I have deeply understood the values of material, spiritual, and sexual self. It
made me realize a lot of things and it made me value myself more. It was also
fun learning from the perspective of others. It was nice to hear how they
perceive each topics and why they think that way and with that it widened my
views and it made me more understanding of each topics.

2. What do you think went well?

- The interviews went well as it made us understand the perspective of others.
It was also fun hearing their ideas and it made me learn things from them.

3. What personal reflections have you gained on your group’s chosen topics?
- I have learn a lot about spiritual self and that regardless of the specific
spiritual path we choose, it can be helpful for managing stress, anxiety, and
other common challenges in college life. It also made me feel like embracing
our own sexuality means like we are also embracing freedom. Lastly, it made
me understand how minimalism makes me want to live more meaningfully and
with the intention of fulfilling life by focusing on what truly matters.

4. What would you have done differently, given the opportunity?

- If things were done differently, I would like it if we have all the interviews face
to face with all the group members present but due to certain hindrances we
were unable to do the interview all together.

5. Do you have any other comments or suggestions about the activity

- Doing the activity was nice but it was also very time consuming as it had a lot
of topic and it was also quite confusing. It would be nice if the topics we need
to talk about would line from the topic that we reported during the reporting
and post our own different videos in the google classroom for other students in
our block to learn from our topic.

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