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Name : Aisya Noorfajaraina (111711563)

A. Summary of the news

HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) is a virus that attacs cells that help the body
fight infection, making person more vulnerable to other infections and diseases. It spread
by contack with certain bodily fluids of a person with HIV, most commonly during
unprotected sex. If left untreated, HIC can lead disease AIDS (acquired
immunodeficiency syndrome). While, AIDS is the stage HIV infection that occurs when
the body’s immune system is badly damage because of the virus.

There were an estimated 38.4 million people living with HIV at the end of 2021, two
thirds of whom (25.6 million) are in the Africa Region. In 2021, 650,000 people dies from
HIV-related causes and 1.5 million people acquired HIV. HIV remains a major global
public health issue, having claimed 40.1 million lives so far with ongoing transmission in
all countries globally ; with some countries reporting increasing trends in new infections
when previously on the decline.

The spread of HIV in sub-Saharan Africa is mostly through heterosexual relationships,

both in the context of transactional and commercial sex and in longer-term relationships,
including marriage. Current evidence in southern Africa has identified sexual
relationships between adolescent girls or young women and older men as a common HIV
transmission route. In addition, infants born to mothers living with HIV are the risk of
becoming infected if their mothers are not on effective treatment or retained in care.

CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) in Africa already start to make a
treatment and also programs : The government of South Africa and some accredited non-
governmental health facilities provide antiretroviral drugs at no cost in the public sector
to HIV-infected South Africans with CD4 counts below 350. CDC South Africa is
working hand-in-hand with NDOH to achieve accreditation standards by renovating
facilities to ensure there is sufficient space and appropriate equipment for service delivery,
there’s many clinics were built there but unfortunately they do not have the accreditation
standards. CDC South Africa and its implementing partners work closely with the NDOH
to build the human resource capacity at the primary health-care level by conducting
trainings and working with medical and nursing schools to ensure their curriculum
addresses HIV.
B. Thoughts, Critique, and the affect or relate to my personal life

Governments and economics surely play some important roles in determining how
people live. They need to know the causes of the problems and why the problem
happening in the country. And Education for the people, education is an important asset
for everyone. With education provides skills necessary to make a living in today’s worl,
trains people for careers, prepares them to run governments, and teachers them how to
solve problems HIV/AIDS. About HIV/AIDS it will be surely affect to my personal life,
since I’m a woman or a girl that would like to get married and get pregnant and will have
a children. I really want to make the best for the family and keep them safe and healthy as

Source :

HIV and AIDS Epidemic Global Statistics |

HIV and AIDS (

HIV Statistics - Global and Regional Trends - UNICEF DATA

CDC Global Health - South Africa - CDC's HIV/AIDS Care and Treatment Programs:
Antiretroviral Treatment and Services: Prolonging and Improving the Quality of Lives

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