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This is an extremely complicated subject. Religion is so deeply rooted in humans.

Before Mohammed, before Jesus, before Buddha, there was Zoroaster. Some
3,500 years ago, in Bronze Age Iran, he had a vision of the one supreme God and
so the world’s first great monotheistic religion was born.
84% of the world’s population identifies with a religious group. Members of this
demographic are generally younger and produce more children than those who
have no religious affiliation, so bases on this statistical data one might argue these
days that modern the world is getting more religious, not less.
Even based on this information, I wouldn’t say that religion is becoming much
more important in modern society. Some might even say that religion is dying,
because in modern parts of the world, where people have evolved their minds,
upgraded their societal structure, nowadays change is more prevalent. Men can
get married to men and women can get married to other women. Society’s
approach to what is regarded as sin in different religions is changing and is more
normalized than ever. Based on this, people are more open to question religious
institutions, their beliefs etc.
Young people have become more active and involved in their lives, adopting
critical thinking as they try to question everything, explain things and come up
with proper answers. Religion is struggling here, as it is not based on anything
factual, there is no statistical data involved or any fact based information. It is
purely ones own faith that guides a person and in this day and age it seems to be
not quite enough.
As fact based sciences grow more and more popular, religion is on a kind of a back
track and atheism gains its footing. Young people, who are indeed the future,
tend to believe in factual information and researches more than religious tales
and faith based activities. They say that if one would take and burn all religious
books, and after tried to re-write them, the information given in those writing
would change, so to say, the end result wouldn’t be the same, which is not true
for science. The ways to get there may be different, if one would wipe out every
scientific research, but the end result would remain the same.
Based on this, I would argue that in many developed countries religion is loosing
its importance, but religious beliefs are so deeply rooted in humans, that it will
take a long time before we actually see that. Of course we cannot say this on the
countries where the development of science and its population is not on the same

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