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Soy María de la Soledad Leona Camila Vicario Fernández de San Salvador, más conocida como Leona
Vicario nací el 10 de abril de 1789 en la ciudad de México, y mi deceso fue 21 de agosto de 1842, fui una de las
figuras más destacadas de la Guerra de Independencia de México, durante la cual me detuvo y me dedique a
informar a los insurgentes de todos los movimientos que podían interesarles y que ocurrían en la capital del
Pertenecí al grupo de Los Guadalupes, y financi con mi propia fortuna la insurgencia. Fui una de las primeras
mujeres periodistas de México, me enfrente a numerosos riesgos, por apoyar la causa independentista y contrajo
matrimonio con Andrés Quintana Roo.
Fui una heroína nacional, Benemérita de la Patria, Madre de la Patria y fundadora de México. Considerada la
primera periodista en México.
When he returns to the Mexican's table, he realizes that the owner of the restaurant is
with him, the owner asks him why he has given the Mexican the worst place if he is a
restaurant partner, that he is an important businessman who has helped the restaurant
cresca, the waitress is speechless and the Mexican says
"Don't worry, maybe because of my appearance you thought I wouldn't have the money
to pay for this and I understand you, I'm not used to dressing elegantly", the owner
lamented what the waitress did. When the partner left, the owner ran to the waitress
since in her restaurant they did not allow that type of discriminatory staff, and she also
had to pay the white man's bill because apparently he was a thief who escaped when
she realized that he did not care for her. reached money.

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