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Introduction Cultural Anthropology

Scott Swan
I think it's misunderstood how drastically different cultures and communities are all

around the world. I wholeheartedly concur with Franz Boas' contention that no culture is

superior to or inferior to another. What we see in the film is a group of boys who have been

placed in an unfamiliar setting with an unfamiliar sense of community. Although many

Americans have come to feel that because of our accomplishments, we are superior and a

better society, this belief does not in any way demonstrate our superiority. One of the

Sudanese guys frequently remarks on how unfriendly and unhelpful the residents of this

new town are to one another. The issue grows to the point where the city's residents urge

the authorities to take action because they are concerned about the lads' antics. This

prompts a meeting when the lads are informed that it is unsafe to travel in groups. Without

even the slightest tolerance for people from other cultures, American civilization cannot

possibly be any more advanced. This cultural shock demonstrates the stark differences

between how each society runs.

There are various factors that contribute to cultural differences. Every culture has a

unique set of values and customs that have evolved over time. For instance, the boy's

observation that individuals are less sociable and avoid introducing themselves to strangers

is comparable to a cultural distinction that emerged during the process of forming a

community. In Sudan, greeting and interacting with members of your community has

become customary via repetition and outside observers' observations. Being able to

converse with someone who have experienced a different "lifeworld" requires an awareness

of cultural differences.

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