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Aivanne Dela Vega

PurpComm Informatice Personal Essay

“Variety: the World’s Key”

Being stranded at sea, homesick, and far from home are all very challenging

situations. Surroundings will be very unfamiliar and most would try to find any

remnants of home as they hold on to objects they are used to seeing. That is how a child

feels when they get lost. A young boy with so little knowledge of the environment

walking away from his parents while in Spain. So many people surround him, wearing

strange outfits, speaking an unknown language, facial features he never saw growing

up; fear fills the boy’s mind.



The boy calls for his mother and father who he last saw as they were asking for

directions to the Trevi Fountain. There was no reply. Many inhabitants of the city were

trying to ask the child where he was headed and who he was looking for, they figured

he was missing his parents so they tried to help. The child’s sense of unfamiliarity

stopped him from minding much of the citizens.

Finally, he saw something he remembered, flowing water that spouted upward.

It was Trevi Fountain which he remembered his family of 3 planned to see since before

the trip to Rome. A flash of memories of what he found normal rushed to him, taking

showers in an open area while being sprayed by his parents. This and his young mind

had him run towards the fountain where he jumped into it. The citizens were laughing
as they were incredibly entertained by the child while many just seemed confused as to

why he jumped into the fountain. In the midst of all this, however, a call could be

heard, it got closer and closer to the child. His parents had found him, they picked him

up from the fountain immediately and tried to dry him. At last, the boy found home.

When we go abroad at first, we would probably feel unfamiliar with our

surroundings, it isn’t just the location that is new to us, it is everything. The language,

the etiquette, the behavior all differ from wherever we come from, this is the difference

of culture. Across the world when people travel one of the items on their bucket-list

would include immersing themselves in the culture but, aren’t we all individuals? How

does culture vary per country or even per state? Like a lost child, we will get

overwhelmed whenever we face something new, cultural differences also appear in

shared places.

In one’s workplace or community, different cultures clash and this leads to

interesting encounters as well as enlightening experiences. To truly understand how

society’s differences come about, one must strengthen the idea of what culture is? We

all have an idea of what it is, it could be seen as the values set as acceptable by a

community. It is also the tangible objects that we encounter on a day-to-day basis. As to

have a concrete and whole idea of what culture is, the definition that will be used will

be taken from the University of Minnesota’s open textbook and compilation on

Sociology that states that “Culture is defined as the symbols, language, beliefs, values,

and artifacts that are part of any society.” Culture is not simply one sole idea, it is both

material and nonmaterial at the same time. Beliefs along with language are part of one
community’s culture as much as the technology, food, and clothing used. Even if the

word culture can be used very loosely to describe the action of any group, it is what

molds us into the beings we are. Our sense of self is rooted in these norms, behaviors,

and material objects seen in multiple generations. (Belfield 2012). The world today has

195 countries that each have different cultures and within those countries exist more

groups whose size can vary from minuscule to enormous. Even though each person

was created very similar to each other, our differences still shine, and this is why each

member of the human race is very unique to the other. The cultural differences we see

today were conceived from the reactions and actions formed because of one’s

environment. May it be the location itself that affects the popular dishes and clothing

for that certain community or the specific habits, views, and concepts passed down

from previous generations, the culture was shaped and continues to be by the changing


Imagine finding the love of your life. The one who makes you smile each day,

someone who would be constantly present to lift you as you do the same. You enjoy a

healthy relationship together for months, overcoming any small or large squabbles and

you decide to meet their parents.

The Great Wall.

After meeting their parents of Chinese descent they seem to resent you while

also being angry at their child. Even if one’s etiquette was at their best why did meeting

them seem to go so poorly? This is a question many ask when they encounter ‘The
Great Wall.’ Prevalent especially in the latest generation of teens, dating was made

difficult because of cultural preferences and contrast. In the Philippines, ‘The Great

Wall’ is a term used by Fil-Chi individuals who have parents or even grandparents that

are against being romantically involved with anyone not of Chinese descent. There are

many reasons why some elders uphold this, to keep the bloodline “pure” and to

strengthen the Chinese culture within the family are a few given. Even if some couples

overcome this, this is only one situation on why cultural differences have led to

different problems arising.

The diversity and sheer amount of existing cultures on the planet have made it

possible for us as humans to come across others with varying beliefs. Now it is seen as

mutually beneficial due to how some cultures can take from others but, in the past, it

was treated as a problem. Racism was rampant especially in the United States where

‘colored’ individuals would be segregated from ‘whites.’ These individuals of varying

races such as African-American and Native-Americans were made to work as slaves

and field workers. Today we may see remnants of this past such as labeling another

culture with stereotypes or viewing their own as a superior one. An imbalance of power

stems from this because of the presence of some members of society who would

unfairly bring their own culture up while suppressing others.

Conflict is also unavoidable between different cultures because of how certain

values or actions may be acceptable in one while viewed as detestable in another. Even

in the workplace contrasting cultures has their negatives. Employees not having the

opportunity to speak up and share ideas, miscommunication, and opposing work styles
and customs only add to the issue between differing cultures. (Reynolds 2019).

However, from the dark past to the outdated worldviews; thanks to many innovative

world leaders, our society was able to progress into a more accepting one. Toronto is

one of the most multicultural cities in the world with 250 ethnicities present all while

being a safe and accepting one. The world has evolved and has continued to tackle

issues on cultural discrimination that now diversity is seen as an advantage of the

human race.

Growing up I was never a fan of all the troubles school put me through. I faced

difficult topics that were unfamiliar to me and would cause my mind great amounts of

stress. Every day, I would encounter these situations that only leads to me being

confused and wishing to return to what I was used to. However, even when I would be

faced with these difficulties I continued to put in the time and effort needed to

understand these subjects, and from something that overwhelmed me, it became

something I benefited from. Everything new or unknown in this world isn’t solely

negative, if one were to have to enter a new country without any prior knowledge they

would view their surroundings as unusual. Nevertheless, as time passes they would

learn more and form an understanding of that place. The unfamiliarity and possible fear

present at the start will have been long gone as new interconnections would take their


Culture in our world can never be fully understood, the world is just too large

and diverse for culture to be describable. The differing values, beliefs, attitudes

contribute not just to who is accustomed to it but to each individual who can encounter
it. New knowledge and outlook on life could be a result of cultural diversity, because of

the sheer variety on our planet the contributions of each culture are endless. Aside from

brand new experiences that are shared the cultural differences of our world have

several benefits that contribute to how the world goes round-and-round.

Society has progressed from a time where on certain faces of the earth, other

cultures would be treated and looked at lowly. Now, this multiculturalism is what

connects each of us humans to each other through the unique facets we hold that can be

shared. One of the best benefits that a culturally diverse world offers us is the formation

of individual values that further develop us into social beings. When encountering and

learning more about other cultures, one always aims to show respect towards any

traditions and beliefs. Even if it may not be noticeable immediately, as time goes on our

respect and recognition given to opposing cultures are molded. The ideas of treating

others as family and being another’s keeper are strengthened along with the stated core


Another one that stands out is the variety and unity formed within communities

due to the similarities between cultures as well as the unique aspects injected by the

many contrasts. Our world is more colorful than ever because of how varying cultures

banner their identities and allow outsiders to immerse themselves in them. Lastly, even

in situations that we college students will partake in the future, the workplace is made

more effective by diversity. A mixed roster of employees gives a wide range of

perspectives that contribute to the conception of creative and innovative ideas.

Additionally, the shared knowledge can be meant for personal growth as well as that of

the office, business, etc.

The amount of cultures present in our world is countless, these do not solely

exist as a country or city’s culture but, communities of whatever size can form their

own. These can be the practices formed by a family or by even a group of friends. With

so much variety in our world, it would not be surprising that stereotypes are formed

and that some would be treated wrongly. Even in a constantly changing world, many of

us still possess an outdated mindset towards outsiders. However, even with any issues

that could arise, even more benefits and support towards our multiculturalism exist.

More and more people learn acceptance and can view the environment from a

multitude of perspectives all because of our expanding society. Personally, I, who

entered Ateneo back in Grade 7, have been able to immerse myself into the Atenean

culture. This has helped me form many of my tendencies in how I speak and how I act

socially but, most importantly I have been able to form values from the teachings and

experiences I have undergone in Ateneo. Each one of us can attribute our growth to

different cultures that we take from, our whole world, and each individual is influenced

by the many cultures that come to light. Since culture is also formed based on the

environment, all the choices and our influences even allow culture to further evolve.

Ultimately, as the diversity of culture continues to broaden, society is able to progress

and takes steps in adjusting to these changing times. The cultural differences that tie

each person together build a bridge to the future as it continues to shape our world.

American Psychological Association. (2016, July 26). Culture and the Self: A New Global

Perspective. American Psychological Association. 

Belfield, L. D. (2012, December 18). Cultural diversity in the United States. Purdue Global.


Billikopf, G. (2009, June 1). Cultural Differences? Or, are we really that different? Berkeley

Rausser College of Natural Resources.


Creanza, N., Kolodny, O., & Feldman, M. W. (2017). Cultural evolutionary theory: How

culture evolves and why it matters. Proceedings of the National Academy of

Sciences, 114(30), 7782–7789. 

Foley, R. A., & Mirazón Lahr, M. (2011). The evolution of the diversity of

cultures. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological

Sciences, 366(1567), 1080–1089. 

Reynolds, K. (2021, January 19). 13 benefits and challenges of cultural diversity in the

workplace. Hult International Business School. 
Thernstrom, A., & Thernstrom, S. (2020, June 26). Black progress: How far we've come, and

how far we have to go.


University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing edition, 2016. This edition adapted from a

work originally produced in 2010 by a publisher who has requested that it not

receive attribution. (2016, April 8). 3.2 The Elements of Culture. Sociology. 

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