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Leal,Denise Ethynie M.

STEM11- St.John the Evangelist


1.Why should we study different cultures?

First of all, having a basic understanding of a certain culture can increase your culture sensitivity. It can
help you avoid misunderstanding and embarrassment. This is a valuable skill not only in the workplace
but also in daily life. Secondly, learning other cultures can broaden your horizons. It is a good way to
absorb new information, and view things from different perspectives. Last but not least, you probably
will become more open-minded. When you make an effort to understand others, you will find it easier
to respect and accept their differences.To sum up, cultural awareness has become an essential issue; As
a result, we should grab every chance to learn different cultures. Besides, I believe that we can learn a
lot from them.

2.How does the Internet change our tastes in modern culture?

It is no doubt that the Internet and the social media are powerful instruments for mobilization of
people. However, it is not its own technological imperative that allows the social media to play a
prominent role in social protest.Throughout human history new technologies of communication have
had a significant impact on culture. Inevitably in the early stages of their introduction the impact and the
effect of such innovations were poorly understood. Plato used the voice of Socrates to raise the alarm
about the perils posed by the invention of writing and of reading. In his dialogue Phaedrus, Plato
denounced writing as inhuman and warned that writing weakened the mind and that it threatened to
destroy people’s memory.Also the invention of the printing press was at its time perceived as a threat to
European culture, social order and morality. “Ever since they began to practice this perverse excess of
printing books, the church has been greatly damaged,” lamented Francisco Penna, a Dominican
defender of the Spanish Inquisition. Similar concerns have also been raised in the aftermath of the
ascendancy of the electronic media—television in particular has been often represented as a corrosive
influence on public life.

3. What characteristics can we study about cultures?

The customs, traditions, attitudes, values, norms, ideas and symbols govern human behaviour
pattern.The members of society not only endorse them but also mould their behaviour accordingly.
They are the members of the society because of the traditions and customs which are common and
which are passed down from generation to generation through the process of socialisation. These
common patterns designate culture and it is in terms of culture that we are able to understand the
specific behaviour pattern of human beings in their social relations. Cultural ideas emerge from shared
social life.

4.How does the music we listen affect our relations with other people?

Some of the first communication we give and receive in life is through music. Mothers play music for
and sing to their children in the womb. Most parents sing to their child from an early age for a reason, as
singing is such an important part of learning language.How do you think we learned the alphabet – one
of the first and most essential skills developed as a child? If you took another language, chances are you
learned key words and phrases through song as well. Music provides an entertaining form of repetition
that is so conducive to memory and it’s a key part of growing our cultural identity.

5.How do beliefs and values of individuals affect society?

Culture shapes the way we see the world. It, therefore, has the capacity to bring about the change of
attitudes needed to ensure peace and sustainable development which, we know, form the only possible
way forward for life on planet Earth. Today, that goal is still a long way off. A global crisis faces humanity
at the dawn of the 21st Century, marked by increasing poverty in our asymmetrical world, environmental
degradation and short-sightedness in policy-making. Culture is a crucial key to solving this crisis.Beliefs
come from real experiences but often we forget that the original experience is not the same as what is
happening in life now. Our values and beliefs affect the quality of our work and all our relationships
because what you believe is what you experience. We tend to think that our beliefs are based on reality,
but it is our beliefs that govern our experiences.The beliefs that we hold are an important part of our
identity. They may be religious, cultural or moral. Beliefs are precious because they reflect who we are
and how we live our lives.Everyone is entitled to their own values, attitudes and beliefs. It is important
to accept and respect that other people may well have different attitudes, values and beliefs than you.
We do not have the right to expect that others change their values, attitudes and beliefs just because
they are different to ours.It is quite possible that you may face situations at work that either challenge
or compromise your own values, attitudes or beliefs when working to support people with a disability.It
is not always easy to avoid communicating your beliefs and values to clients, but it is something you
need to be very aware of. It can be very easy to influence clients in subtle ways. Simple things like body
language, gestures, the way you say something, or even actions, can give a client the impression you
agree or disagree with their values or beliefs.Many Ugandans participate in a culture that centres on the
importance of family and ethnicity. There are extended kinship bonds with grandparents, aunts, uncles,
cousins, or individuals who are not biologically related but who play an important role in the family
system.The simplest way to think about culture is to think about the distinction between nature and our
environment and surroundings that also shape our identities. Because of our biology and genetics, we
have a particular form and we have certain abilities .But our biological nature does not exclusively
determine who we are. For that, we need culture. Culture is the non-biological or social aspects of
human life, basically anything that is learned by humans is part of culture.

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