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Roll No. : 229320

Question & Answers :

1] Distinctive communication practice

has greatly contributed to human
progress. Elucidate.

One of the distinguishing traits of humans is the capacity for

communication. Through communication, we have been able
to create the societies we do today and it is what enables us
to share our thoughts and experiences with others. Speaking
and writing are only two parts of good communication. This
article will examine some of the various communication
techniques that have advanced humankind.
 Communication
Communication has always been a vital component of human
advancement. Sharing knowledge and ideas has helped us as
a species develop in a variety of ways.

We still gain from better communication techniques today.

We can now instantly speak with one another no matter
where we are in the globe thanks to technological
advancements. As a result, working together on projects,
exchanging ideas, and keeping in touch with loved ones have
never been simpler..

 Introduction
People have been talking with one another for as long as
history can record. This indicates that communication
techniques have played and will continue to play a crucial part
in the development of people. This essay will examine how
various communication techniques have advanced

 The Evolution of Communication

One of the key components of human evolution throughout
history has been communication. Our capacity to create new
technology, social systems, and methods of life organisation
has advanced along with our capacity for communication.
Simple grunts and gestures were probably the earliest means
of communication, but these early endeavours in verbal
exchange helped lay the groundwork for the sophisticated
linguistic systems that are still in use today. As a result of the
ability to communicate with one another made possible by the
creation of language, it swiftly emerged as a crucial
instrument in our struggle for survival and growth.
Our means of communication also developed as our species
did. Writing, smoking signals, and eventually telegraphy were
some of the new communication methods we invented to
communicate messages across great distances. We also
created new forms of communication, like sculpture and
Each new means of communication has improved our
understanding of the world and aided in the flow of ideas
between various cultural groups. Thus, the development of
communication is essential to the advancement of humanity.

 The Impact of Communication on Human

How did dialogue initially start? What effect has it had on the
history of mankind?
When examining how communication contributes to human
advancement, these are two crucial considerations to take into
Early kinds of body language and sign language are supposed
to have served as the foundation for communication. Early
people were able to exchange fundamental concepts and
requirements because to this. This evolved into increasingly
sophisticated kinds of communication over time, including
spoken language.
Effective communication has had a significant influence on
human history. It has made it possible for us to collaborate
with others, establish partnerships, and exchange ideas. Our
social, economic, and political growth has been significantly
influenced by communication, which has assisted us in the
formation of communities and civilizations.
Humanity would not have progressed as much without
communication. It is one of the most crucial abilities for
humans, and it will become much more crucial as time goes

 Conclusion
The development of humanity has been substantially aided by
distinctive communication techniques. We have been able to
communicate with one another and create ties that would not
have been possible without it. Never take communication for
granted because it is part of what makes us human..


2] Culture is an extension to human's

biological being. Elucidate .

Since the dawn of time, culture has been passed down from
one generation to the next. We are human because of it. Our
views, values, and traditions are defined by our culture. It
influences how we perceive the environment and is an
extension of our biological nature..

 What is Culture?
Culture is a set of accepted ideas, standards, and conventions
that influence how people feel, act, and think. It affects every
part of our existence and is an extension of our biological
being. Culture is passed down from one generation to the next
and aids in our understanding of the outside world. It is what
distinguishes us as a society and as people.
Our identity and how we perceive others are shaped by our
culture. It affects our attitudes, feelings, and actions. Our
languages, faiths, works of art, music, cuisine, traditions, and
customs all reflect it. As we contact with various cultures,
culture is continuously expanding and changing. It is a
dynamic, living creature, and we should rejoice over it!

 The Different Types of Culture

Culture extends from the biological nature of humans and
manifests itself in many different ways. There is material
culture, which consists of the items that people produce and
use on a daily basis. This might encompass everything from
furniture and apparel to structures and works of art. There is
also social culture, which describes how people relate to one
another. Among these are things like traditions, lingo, and
religion. The final type of culture is symbolic culture, which
entails the significance that people give to various objects.
Things like symbols, mythologies, and rituals can fall under
this category..
 Relationship between Culture and
Human biology extends into culture. It's a collection of
acquired behaviours that let people adapt to their surroundings
and pass on their knowledge to subsequent generations.
Language, social interaction, and education all serve to
transmit culture. Our values, beliefs, and behaviour are shaped
by it.
Numerous factors in culture can impact our biology. It affects
our diet and nutrition, for instance. Our health and wellbeing
are impacted by the food we consume. How we take care of
our bodies is influenced by culture as well. The conventions
of our culture have an impact on how we groom ourselves,
exercise, and dress.
Additionally, culture can influence our biology in a beneficial
way. For instance, it can support our mental health and assist
us in coping with stress. Cultural engagement has been
associated with improved physical health and longevity.
Therefore, culture genuinely influences our biology in
significant ways, rather than just being an extension of human
biology. We can better take care of ourselves and our
communities if we comprehend the connection between
biology and culture.

 How does Culture Affect our Lives?

Culture is an expansion of the biological nature of humans. It
offers us a sense of identity and aids in our ability to survive
in our surroundings.
Every area of our lives is influenced by culture. It affects the
way we feel, think, and act. Our beliefs and values are shaped
by it. It is the perspective we use to view the world..

Because it gives us a sense of community, culture is

significant. It provides us a feeling of self and meaning. It aids
in our comprehension and interpretation of the outside world.
The arts, such as music, dance, theatre, and visual arts, are
frequently on our minds when we think about culture. But
culture goes much beyond that. It encompasses all aspects of
our way of life, such as our language, religion, style of eating,
how we dress, and our rituals.
Culture is transmitted from one generation to the next. Our
parents, grandparents, teachers, and other community
members teach us about our culture. Through travel,
employment, and other life experiences, we continue to learn
about and contribute to our culture as we become older.

 Conclusion
Culture undoubtedly influences and shapes our beliefs,
behaviours, and interactions with others in ways that go
beyond our biological makeup. We should all seek to learn
more about it because that's what distinguishes us from other
people and other groups. We may construct bridges of respect
and understanding that can contribute to the development of a
more tranquil and harmonious world by having a thorough
understanding of both our own and other people's cultures..

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