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I asked Rebecca about games that she played as a child that used her imagination because that’s

what the Bronte’s did to create Glass Town and they other books they did like Wuthering Heights.
They used imagination to make stories like the Bronte’s did. Rebecca said she liked to escape from
her world by playing video games and hanging out with her friends, the Brontes wrote books as their
form of escapism. I asked her if love was a risk, Rebecca said there are lots of different types of love
such as romantic or family love. The Brontes loved each other but were also very competitive which
could be a risk to their love. I asked Rebecca if she was a feminist and she was very passionate about
this, the Bronte sisters were feminists they stood up for women and they didn’t always publish under
their own names. The interview helped me get some ideas for the play like it’s all about one
upmanship and they are all very determined to pursue their dreams even if it means they are lying or
cheating to get there.

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