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0:0:0.0 --> 0:0:2.

Rebecca Smithers
Imagine that if it transcribed into French or something.
0:0:2.740 --> 0:0:3.800
Philip Alexander
That be brilliant.
0:0:4.210 --> 0:0:8.190
Rebecca Smithers
There we go. So I don't know if you can see there's a transcript panel.
0:0:7.140 --> 0:0:13.150
Philip Alexander
He says on the top it says on the top that the transcription is started.
0:0:13.710 --> 0:0:19.520
Rebecca Smithers
Great. So I can see it popping up on my side it. So it's already realised that we've got different voices.
0:0:20.40 --> 0:0:20.670
Philip Alexander
0:0:20.370 --> 0:0:23.300
Rebecca Smithers
Um and it's doing it really well actually, so.
0:0:30.10 --> 0:0:30.570
Philip Alexander
0:0:24.690 --> 0:0:33.100
Rebecca Smithers
That's good. OK. So the first bit of the transcript is gonna be us just chatting. So you'll still have to go
through the transcript to find the actual interview bit.
0:0:34.0 --> 0:0:35.170
Philip Alexander
OK. Ohh wait.
0:0:34.780 --> 0:0:38.90
Rebecca Smithers
But it will save you up all the typing cause it's typing it for us.
0:0:38.580 --> 0:0:40.930
Philip Alexander
Where can I find the transcript bit?
0:0:42.680 --> 0:0:47.430
Rebecca Smithers
Enough. Maybe you see where there's. There's those three dots at the top of the screen.
0:0:48.290 --> 0:0:50.50
Philip Alexander
Three dots on the top of the screen.
0:0:49.810 --> 0:0:51.260
Rebecca Smithers
It says more actions.
0:0:51.230 --> 0:0:52.200
Philip Alexander
0:0:52.380 --> 0:0:54.610
Rebecca Smithers
Is there a record and transcribe function?
0:0:54.980 --> 0:0:55.590
Philip Alexander
0:0:55.380 --> 0:0:58.0
Rebecca Smithers
But can you see like does it say transcription?
0:0:58.420 --> 0:1:1.800
Philip Alexander
It says record and transcribe.
0:1:2.610 --> 0:1:4.760
Rebecca Smithers
Because if you hover, it'll click on that.
0:1:5.460 --> 0:1:7.50
Rebecca Smithers
Does it say show transcript?
0:1:7.570 --> 0:1:12.100
Philip Alexander
It says start recording, stop transcript and transcript.
0:1:12.380 --> 0:1:15.190
Rebecca Smithers
Okay. So if you click on transcript the third one.
0:1:16.630 --> 0:1:17.880
Philip Alexander
Ohh yeah, I can see it.
0:1:17.790 --> 0:1:17.980
Rebecca Smithers
0:1:20.580 --> 0:1:22.240
Rebecca Smithers
And that will save after the meeting.
0:1:23.0 --> 0:1:23.950
Philip Alexander
Ohh OK.
0:1:23.840 --> 0:1:24.330
Rebecca Smithers
0:1:28.360 --> 0:1:29.830
Rebecca Smithers
Yeah. So.
0:1:31.10 --> 0:1:32.530
Rebecca Smithers
Do you want to start the interview?
0:1:33.650 --> 0:1:34.30
Philip Alexander
0:1:34.360 --> 0:1:37.410
Philip Alexander
I don't know how I should start it. How should I start it?
0:1:39.10 --> 0:1:43.280
Rebecca Smithers
Uh, I think you can just start by asking me the question, if you like.
0:1:44.370 --> 0:1:48.350
Philip Alexander
OK. Should I like introduce this interview or something?
0:1:48.870 --> 0:1:55.220
Rebecca Smithers
Yeah, that might be nice. Like my name's Phil. I'm here with Rebecca Smithers. Senko performing arts.
0:1:55.790 --> 0:1:56.340
Philip Alexander
0:1:57.340 --> 0:1:58.870
Rebecca Smithers
Of the older generation.
0:2:1.860 --> 0:2:3.930
Philip Alexander
I don't even know if I should say that.
0:2:4.900 --> 0:2:5.760
Rebecca Smithers
It's fine, don't worry.
0:2:6.520 --> 0:2:7.910
Philip Alexander
How should I say it though?
0:2:8.460 --> 0:2:13.690
Rebecca Smithers
Just say I'm. I'm here interviewing Rebecca. Who's the senco at Bath College or something? Or.
0:2:14.350 --> 0:2:14.700
Philip Alexander
0:2:14.890 --> 0:2:18.280
Rebecca Smithers
You could just say or just Rebecca, you know, doesn't matter that I'm asanko.
0:2:18.850 --> 0:2:19.460
Philip Alexander
0:2:21.760 --> 0:2:22.130
Philip Alexander
0:2:21.730 --> 0:2:26.660
Rebecca Smithers
Although the transcript isn't picking up what Senco is, it's gone asanko.
0:2:26.880 --> 0:2:30.500
Philip Alexander
Yeah, I can say Ohh it's picked up saying covered.
0:2:30.60 --> 0:2:31.240
Rebecca Smithers
Ohh I did it that time, yeah.
0:2:33.20 --> 0:2:33.310
Rebecca Smithers
0:2:35.100 --> 0:2:37.770
Philip Alexander
OK. Shall I just introduce my?
0:2:38.990 --> 0:2:39.800
Philip Alexander
0:2:40.160 --> 0:2:42.630
Rebecca Smithers
Yeah. So should we start now we'll do a.
0:2:43.400 --> 0:2:43.840
Rebecca Smithers
0:2:45.160 --> 0:2:45.480
Philip Alexander
0:2:50.50 --> 0:2:50.670
Rebecca Smithers
That's alright.
0:2:48.130 --> 0:2:52.360
Philip Alexander
Ohh, I don't even know what to say. Well OK, I am gonna start now.
0:2:52.560 --> 0:2:52.870
Rebecca Smithers
0:2:53.670 --> 0:2:53.940
Philip Alexander
0:2:55.320 --> 0:2:57.380
Philip Alexander
0:2:58.790 --> 0:3:0.760
Philip Alexander
So ohh God, I can't.
0:3:1.490 --> 0:3:8.420
Rebecca Smithers
Ohh, you know it, we could just start it as just ask me the first question. Don't worry about introducing it.
Just ask the first question.
0:3:8.870 --> 0:3:9.480
Philip Alexander
0:3:10.220 --> 0:3:13.870
Philip Alexander
I'm OK. The first question I'm gonna ask.
0:3:14.530 --> 0:3:19.240
Philip Alexander
What games did you play as a child that used your imagination?
0:3:37.590 --> 0:3:37.980
Philip Alexander
0:3:21.50 --> 0:3:43.460
Rebecca Smithers
I'm very lucky that I got on very well with my Big Brother when I was little and we used to play a lot of
games that involved our imagination. The ones that really stand out to me is we used to play Pokémon
where we were pretend to be Pokémon trainers and we would go in our garden pretending to spot
Pokémon and capture them with imaginary poker balls.
0:3:44.680 --> 0:3:51.500
Rebecca Smithers
But we also really like the stories of secret 7 and famous 5, so we used to play secret 7 together.
0:3:52.120 --> 0:3:52.650
Philip Alexander
0:3:52.260 --> 0:3:55.720
Rebecca Smithers
But we didn't have characters. We decided we were our own characters in it.
0:3:56.240 --> 0:3:56.800
Philip Alexander
Ohh that's.
0:3:57.550 --> 0:4:1.470
Rebecca Smithers
And yeah, so we we used to play quite a lot together. We can't with stories.
0:4:3.190 --> 0:4:4.550
Philip Alexander
Ohh that that's nice.
0:4:6.980 --> 0:4:8.910
Philip Alexander
Should I say anything else after that?
0:4:9.690 --> 0:4:10.890
Rebecca Smithers
That's Okay thank carry on.
0:4:10.610 --> 0:4:16.680
Philip Alexander
OK, I'm have you ever felt at your lowest ebb and how did you overcome that?
0:4:17.860 --> 0:4:19.100
Philip Alexander
And come back from it.
0:4:17.680 --> 0:4:32.430
Rebecca Smithers
Yeah, that have been there. Ohh, and come back from it. So there have been a few times in my life where
I've had quite a low ebbs and I had quite a significant change in my life a couple of years ago and it was a
very difficult time.
0:4:32.730 --> 0:4:33.180
Philip Alexander
0:4:42.560 --> 0:4:43.10
Philip Alexander
0:4:33.150 --> 0:5:0.370
Rebecca Smithers
And I think the thing that I found the most important was surrounding myself with people who I knew
wanted the best for me and looked out for me. So lucky to have good family and friends who kept an eye
on me. And but I also tried to focus on things that brought me happiness. So I really like making things.
I'm a crafter, so I do crochet and baking things like that.
0:5:0.530 --> 0:5:2.230
Philip Alexander
Is crocheting knitting?
0:5:5.480 --> 0:5:6.60
Philip Alexander
0:5:3.70 --> 0:5:9.700
Rebecca Smithers
Yeah. So it's like Yum, but it's got a hook. And so instead of two sticks, it's it's a little hook. So it's just
making lots of loops.
0:5:10.110 --> 0:5:10.620
Philip Alexander
Ohh yeah.
0:5:10.240 --> 0:5:18.530
Rebecca Smithers
And and well, the last few weeks even I've been quite stressed. So my my latest project was I crocheted a
really big dinosaur.
0:5:18.750 --> 0:5:19.650
Philip Alexander
Ohh that's good.
0:5:21.480 --> 0:5:21.790
Philip Alexander
0:5:19.890 --> 0:5:22.540
Rebecca Smithers
It's like this thing is about a foot and 1/2 tool.
0:5:23.680 --> 0:5:24.30
Rebecca Smithers
0:5:23.240 --> 0:5:24.570
Philip Alexander
Is it in the college?
0:5:24.940 --> 0:5:28.150
Rebecca Smithers
It's not. It's at home, but I can show you a picture next time I see you.
0:5:29.150 --> 0:5:29.510
Rebecca Smithers
0:5:28.370 --> 0:5:30.320
Philip Alexander
Ohh OK, that would be good.
0:5:31.400 --> 0:5:33.660
Rebecca Smithers
Yeah, that. That's how I come back from a low web.
0:5:34.290 --> 0:5:34.810
Philip Alexander
0:5:36.930 --> 0:5:37.880
Rebecca Smithers
What's the next question?
0:5:38.500 --> 0:5:40.410
Philip Alexander
The next question is.
0:5:42.450 --> 0:5:49.760
Philip Alexander
Have you ever found that love is a risk? Have you ever thought, you know, I'll go in?
0:5:50.510 --> 0:5:51.620
Philip Alexander
The deep end.
0:5:52.390 --> 0:5:58.430
Rebecca Smithers
I think I think love is always a risk, but I think it can be a very worthwhile risk.
0:5:58.840 --> 0:5:59.260
Philip Alexander
0:6:7.910 --> 0:6:8.370
Philip Alexander
0:6:17.570 --> 0:6:18.130
Philip Alexander
0:5:58.880 --> 0:6:29.970
Rebecca Smithers
Um, I think some people don't worry too much about it being a risk. I personally worry quite a lot about
it being a risk and and I think that because people change over time, it might not have been a risk at one
time, but then it becomes a risk later on because things might change. But I think because love comes in
so many ways, you could have romantic love with a partner. You could have, you know, platonic love with
a friend. You can have familial love with a family member.
0:6:30.340 --> 0:6:40.470
Rebecca Smithers
I think there's just so many types of love. I say that maybe like romantic love is riskier than family love.
That's my experience cause I've got quite a strong family.
0:6:39.160 --> 0:6:41.590
Philip Alexander
I I would probably agree as well.
0:6:42.150 --> 0:6:51.680
Rebecca Smithers
Yeah, it's it's a tricky 1, isn't it? But I think you know when you where, where love is, you could also have
hurt and pain, but people would argue that maybe it's worth it.
0:6:52.240 --> 0:6:52.750
Philip Alexander
0:6:52.920 --> 0:6:53.260
Rebecca Smithers
0:6:53.870 --> 0:6:57.500
Philip Alexander
Because some people can come back from it, some people can't.
0:6:58.120 --> 0:7:4.280
Rebecca Smithers
That's true. Yes, it could be. You know, if it was a risk that went wrong, it could be there's a lot of trust
lost or.
0:7:9.480 --> 0:7:10.40
Philip Alexander
0:7:4.680 --> 0:7:10.930
Rebecca Smithers
Um, yeah, I think. I think that's a good point. Some people can come back from it, can't they? And others
struggle. Yeah.
0:7:13.0 --> 0:7:13.510
Rebecca Smithers
It's good.
0:7:14.490 --> 0:7:17.160
Philip Alexander
Shall I ask you the next question?
0:7:17.390 --> 0:7:18.100
Rebecca Smithers
Yes, please.
0:7:18.390 --> 0:7:24.240
Philip Alexander
Okay the next question is what does desire mean to you?
0:7:24.990 --> 0:7:29.630
Rebecca Smithers
Desire Okay I think. I think desire is something that's very.
0:7:34.940 --> 0:7:35.460
Philip Alexander
0:7:30.700 --> 0:7:39.210
Rebecca Smithers
Very much like inside you like. It's a very internal thing. At least that's kind of how I feel about it. But, you
know, desire can be.
0:7:44.690 --> 0:7:45.280
Philip Alexander
0:7:52.730 --> 0:7:53.250
Philip Alexander
0:8:5.190 --> 0:8:5.580
Philip Alexander
0:7:40.120 --> 0:8:8.510
Rebecca Smithers
Lots of things like right now I'm quite tired. I quite desire a nap or something. You know, sometimes it's
just your basic need. But I think desire. Maybe it's deeper than that. It's something that you feel that you
really want and that could be a person or a thing or a job or an object. Could be a really desire, that next
iPhone or something. That's not really me. I don't go for the latest model of stuff.
0:8:10.100 --> 0:8:15.600
Rebecca Smithers
But yeah, I think maybe desire is like the want for something, but a real drive behind it to go out and get
0:8:16.110 --> 0:8:17.180
Philip Alexander
Yeah, like.
0:8:16.580 --> 0:8:17.810
Rebecca Smithers
Whatever that might be.
0:8:17.860 --> 0:8:19.550
Philip Alexander
Like my new iPhone.
0:8:24.980 --> 0:8:25.590
Philip Alexander
0:8:19.950 --> 0:8:34.310
Rebecca Smithers
Like your new iPhone? Yeah. So you decided you went out and you got that new iPhone. And yeah, then
it might be that maybe sometimes desire could be something quite active or it could be quite restful as
well. You could just desire to just have some peace.
0:8:35.500 --> 0:8:35.610
Philip Alexander
0:8:35.680 --> 0:8:36.260
Philip Alexander
Like that.
0:8:36.590 --> 0:8:38.370
Rebecca Smithers
Yeah, it's usually at the end of term.
0:8:38.670 --> 0:8:39.40
Philip Alexander
0:8:40.300 --> 0:8:43.310
Philip Alexander
Because I pretty much finish now.
0:8:43.850 --> 0:8:46.840
Rebecca Smithers
Yeah. Yeah. You're pretty much then I still got another day.
0:8:47.130 --> 0:8:47.870
Philip Alexander
0:8:47.840 --> 0:8:48.220
Rebecca Smithers
0:8:49.550 --> 0:8:57.720
Philip Alexander
So what tactics do you have to escape from the stresses of your life? So that could be work, you know?
0:8:58.360 --> 0:9:0.480
Philip Alexander
Work could be a massive stress.
0:9:4.0 --> 0:9:4.530
Philip Alexander
0:9:0.930 --> 0:9:19.380
Rebecca Smithers
But work is quite often a big stress bill. You're right. I. Yeah, I I would say that probably the most stressful
aspect of my life is my job, cause it's just quite can be quite intense. Sometimes it's very rewarding. I
really love working with my learners, but sometimes at the end of the day, I just want to completely
switch off and not think about work.
0:9:19.580 --> 0:9:20.50
Philip Alexander
0:9:20.870 --> 0:9:27.790
Rebecca Smithers
I do live by myself, so I found that an interesting thing to figure out how to escape when you're on your
0:9:28.260 --> 0:9:28.700
Philip Alexander
0:9:28.810 --> 0:9:33.220
Rebecca Smithers
But I do have two two Guinea pigs as pets. They keep me clean, entertained and.
0:9:32.720 --> 0:9:36.300
Philip Alexander
I had to Guinea pigs when I was younger, yeah.
0:9:35.130 --> 0:9:38.820
Rebecca Smithers
Do I love Guinea pigs? They're such good pets. They're so lively.
0:9:53.780 --> 0:9:54.280
Philip Alexander
0:9:39.650 --> 0:9:59.950
Rebecca Smithers
And so yeah, they keep me busy. But in in the last couple of years, I've actually quite gotten into playing
video games, and especially like the games where you play a character and you're off on missions and
you get to meet people and go to new places, mainly started during lockdown because obviously then
was the pandemic. I just needed to escape.
0:10:0.10 --> 0:10:0.360
Philip Alexander
0:10:0.750 --> 0:10:4.980
Rebecca Smithers
Yeah, I I don't think I could have got through lockdown without playing Animal Crossing.
0:10:5.840 --> 0:10:6.360
Rebecca Smithers
0:10:5.550 --> 0:10:7.540
Philip Alexander
Ohh, I used to love that as well.
0:10:7.640 --> 0:10:20.150
Rebecca Smithers
It's so nice cause you just have your little Ireland and you have your you know you, you can plant it how
you want and especially at a time when I was very isolated from people, I had these little animals on this
island and they were always like, really chatty.
0:10:20.630 --> 0:10:21.220
Philip Alexander
0:10:21.110 --> 0:10:22.930
Rebecca Smithers
I you know, they wanted to talk to you.
0:10:24.350 --> 0:10:34.560
Rebecca Smithers
So I think, yeah, gaming is definitely something that I found is useful, but then yeah, also having like a
really good project to sink my teeth into like crochet.
0:10:36.20 --> 0:10:43.50
Rebecca Smithers
And of course, just going and hanging out with friends and doing something that's completely not work
like we go paddle boarding or hiking or something.
0:10:44.330 --> 0:10:44.660
Rebecca Smithers
0:10:43.910 --> 0:10:46.170
Philip Alexander
Go out drinking. Oh my God.
0:10:49.730 --> 0:10:50.260
Philip Alexander
0:10:45.430 --> 0:10:52.940
Rebecca Smithers
Or out drinking. While I wasn't going to say that one, Phil, but yes, there's some sometimes us grown-
ups do that to you.
0:10:53.630 --> 0:10:53.950
Philip Alexander
0:10:55.800 --> 0:10:56.210
Rebecca Smithers
0:10:55.700 --> 0:10:56.350
Philip Alexander
I've got.
0:10:57.20 --> 0:10:59.500
Philip Alexander
Team. No, I've got one more question.
0:10:59.240 --> 0:11:0.710
Rebecca Smithers
Ohh, one more question, go ahead.
0:11:1.20 --> 0:11:1.530
Philip Alexander
0:11:2.390 --> 0:11:6.170
Philip Alexander
So do you consider yourself to be a feminist?
0:11:15.150 --> 0:11:15.640
Philip Alexander
0:11:20.500 --> 0:11:21.50
Philip Alexander
0:11:6.690 --> 0:11:31.570
Rebecca Smithers
I absolutely do consider myself to be a feminist, and quite frankly, I think if you if you know a woman and
if you like a woman is in, even if you just ohh friends with or related to one, I think everyone should be a
feminist and it's something I feel very strongly about. And I actually did my masters dissertation on the
inequality of women in science, technology, engineering and mathematics.
0:11:31.920 --> 0:11:32.500
Philip Alexander
0:11:32.90 --> 0:11:40.320
Rebecca Smithers
And yeah, I did. I did a a study into why. It's mainly men in STEM subjects.
0:11:40.840 --> 0:11:41.390
Philip Alexander
0:11:42.70 --> 0:11:50.520
Rebecca Smithers
And you know it especially, I mean in all of us, you feel like could be here for hours going on and on
about feminism and but.
0:11:50.60 --> 0:11:51.700
Philip Alexander
Well, I've got a lot of time.
0:11:52.160 --> 0:11:53.210
Rebecca Smithers
Ohh thank you though.
0:12:8.940 --> 0:12:9.450
Philip Alexander
0:11:54.310 --> 0:12:16.290
Rebecca Smithers
And but yeah, so it's, I mean that's the thing. You know we it's it's been just over 100 years since women
over 30 got the vote. So if I was alive 30 years ago, I would have the vote. But I am a single woman over
30. So that meant that I might not have as many rights as a married woman over 30 because she has to
basically follow what her husband says.
0:12:16.720 --> 0:12:17.220
Philip Alexander
0:12:17.670 --> 0:12:27.320
Rebecca Smithers
And there are still lots of inequalities in today's society with like the gender pay gap. So quite often men
are paid more for doing the exact same job as a woman.
0:12:27.800 --> 0:12:28.310
Philip Alexander
0:12:29.290 --> 0:12:38.300
Rebecca Smithers
And I genuinely find it terrifying looking at some of the news in America, like where abortion laws and
reproductive rights are being limited.
0:12:38.740 --> 0:12:39.220
Philip Alexander
0:12:38.900 --> 0:12:52.430
Rebecca Smithers
Um, but it's all it. It's. But you know when it's those sorts of things are being restricted, but there's no
emphasis on supporting child services or education.
0:12:53.550 --> 0:12:58.420
Rebecca Smithers
It it means that it is. It's the women who suffer. It's the women who were in a difficult position so.
0:13:4.840 --> 0:13:5.330
Philip Alexander
0:12:59.110 --> 0:13:14.780
Rebecca Smithers
Yeah, I think there's there's a a very long way we need to go with women's rights. I think we're on the
right track, but there are sometimes where we go backwards as well. So yeah, it's a subject I feel very
passionately about and I think I think everyone should be a feminist.
0:13:18.810 --> 0:13:19.340
Rebecca Smithers
Deep down.
0:13:15.520 --> 0:13:19.960
Philip Alexander
I think we all are deep down. Well, I'm hoping we all are.
0:13:20.170 --> 0:13:21.370
Rebecca Smithers
Hopefully, yeah.
0:13:24.580 --> 0:13:26.650
Philip Alexander
I think those are all the questions.
0:13:27.330 --> 0:13:29.700
Rebecca Smithers
Excellent. Well, thank you very much for interviewing me, Phil.
0:13:30.20 --> 0:13:34.250
Philip Alexander
Well, thank you very much for doing the interview with me.
0:13:34.740 --> 0:13:35.450
Rebecca Smithers
0:13:36.710 --> 0:13:37.650
Rebecca Smithers
Okay so we.
0:13:37.0 --> 0:13:39.820
Philip Alexander
So we stopped the transcript now.
0:13:39.980 --> 0:13:45.550
Rebecca Smithers
Yeah. So if I let's figure that out. Ohh, it's good. I enjoyed that Phil. And there are some good questions.

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