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Case Study:

You are a Software Engineer in the IT department of a car making

company. Company has assigned you a task to create class level design
of software.
The software is needed to simulate the behavior of future automatic cars.
The simulation software allows users to command the car (in the
simulation) to accelerate to a given miles-per-hour (mph) number. The
design of simulation software currently supports two types of cars:
regular car and luxury car. The Regular Car has Standard Engine,
Standard Wheels, and Standard Seats. The Luxury Car has Luxury
Engine, Luxury Wheels, and Luxury Seats.
The regular car has the following functions/operations: Start, Stop, and
Transmission mode manual. The luxury car has the following functions:
Start, Stop, Transmission mode automatic, and Mobile phone-based
doors lock. Each car has model name, model number, and color.

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