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Joseph Santos

Emily Litle


31 January 2023

Powder Pursuit

Peace, such a word that makes us think and say, “what is this and how do I get it?” We all

experience different things in life and find ourselves in places that make us feel a way that

cannot really be described, places that we feel comfortable and safe. Sometimes life is too much,

and we search for a way to escape, not run away but find out how to deal with whatever is going

on. Having a place that we can use to experience peace is something worth having. What would

most people consider being at peace? Peace can be anything from having that morning cup of

coffee and a cigarette, or just being with family. Even working all day long can be peaceful for

some. For me, peace is a place that makes me feel like nothing could go wrong. A place that

truly makes me happy, as I think we should all have such a place that gives us this sense of

complete happiness.

Imagine waking up at 4:30am every winter morning to catch the local bus which leaves at

6am to get to the slopes in the next town. That feeling of anticipation in my gut only makes me

more eager for the day to come. I have my morning coffee and sit while the warmth from my

brew electrifies my senses, giving me the perfect energy needed to ease my anxiety. I gather my

gear, place a fresh coat of wax on my board and head out of the front door to start my journey.

The walk to the bus stop is unpleasant from the cold, but it does not bother me because my mind

is beyond that moment. Waiting for the bus seems like an eternity, but I eventually spot it driving

towards the stop.

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On the bus I sit in my seat and pop my headphones into my ear to clear my mind and

prepare for my day. It takes about forty-five minutes to arrive at the Steamboat Ski Resort, so I

sit and enjoy the scenery passing by my window. I watch the other people on the bus, most of

them are going to work or have more important things going on, but I am on a journey, and all I

can do is muster a smile in thought of what awaits me. The bus arrives in Steamboat, such a

beautiful cozy little mountain town with crisp cool air, a place that screams freedom. Once

stopped at the mountain, I stepped off the bus and grabbed my board bag from the undercarriage

and made my way to the locker room.

After putting my belongings away in the locker, I walked towards the gondola, smiling

and saying good morning to people passing by. I placed my board in the slot on the gondola and

stepped in to sit down on the bench, I happen to be the only one on this ride up. My anticipation

is intense now, as my stomach jumps in wild ways turning my every breath into a long,

delightful one. Reaching the top, I step off grabbing my board from the slot, making my way

towards my desire. At about 9,080 feet (about the height of Mount St. Helens) I take in the

beauty of the valley before me. This snow-covered wonderland has many sites, but from where I

stand, I can see everything for miles. Kinda like something out of a movie if you ask me.

Now here is where I begin, the thrill of this place and the peace it brings me. I strap my

board onto my feet and while adrenaline fills my body, I start forward with my left foot in front

of me. Feeling the wind rip around me I make my way to this specific run called heavenly days.

The powder from the blizzard the night before is laying untouched waiting to be disturbed from

my excitement. I slash through the pillows of white as I am covered by a wave of pure bliss, lost

in tranquility, longing for more. I reach the park, and my adrenaline is at its peak. Stopping

before the path to the lip of the first jump I clear my thoughts of everything, letting nothing hold
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me back from complete freedom. I press forward, and at the lip of the jump I pop up bringing the

tail end my board to my right hand, throwing my left shoulder to spin my body around to land a

smooth frontside 360 tail grab, and that right there is what I do and live for. I love the warmth

from the adrenaline pulsating through my veins.

This whole thing is important to me, the quietness of being on the slopes to having my

heart pump out whatever stress I may be holding on to. This is a way I know many people like to

utilize as a tool to find a sense of purpose, even to be at peace within oneself. I personally love

being able to feel everything from fear, to complete happiness, while bombing down some gnarly

runs and popping of a jump to land in some soft powder. I appreciate the view and the intriguing

beauty of what is peace for me. I would do this day after day, and sometimes it might have

interfered with other things I should have been doing, but I can honestly say I am genuinely

happy when I am out riding.

A quote from one of my favorite riders, Travis Rice, “I wouldn’t even call snowboarding

a sport. For me, it’s a way of life. It's a chance to finally shut your brain off and live within the

moment. And for as long as I am able, I will ride until the day I die.” This shows that I am not

the only one that feels so passionate about snowboarding. I have used snowboarding so many

times to ease my way through life’s unexpected happenings. Even to just think about what is

going on, I would head to the slopes to seek answers I could only obtain from within. And

becoming one with what I love, and giving myself over to the unknown is the only way I could

unlock my innermost thoughts. I have learned to appreciate the smallest things in my life, and to

be grateful for everything I have been through.

Like the way the thrill of riding and being on the slopes brings me peace, there is

something similar for everyone. My desire is that one day we all will be able to experience
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something as amazing as true happiness, whether it is working nine to five, or starting a family,

or having that morning coffee and cigarette, because it is the smalls things in this life that can

really bring us true peace if we choose to let them....

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