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Santos 1

Joseph Santos

Emily Litle


19 March 2023

My Favorite Musical Genre

When I think of music, I like to think of something that I can relate to. If I had to choose

a specific genre that I could listen to every day, I would choose Christian Hip-Hop. I love this

because I can enjoy the smooth beats, and lyrics that just make me feel like I have nothing to

worry about and that my faith will keep me where I need to be. A message that seems like it was

meant for me to hear at that moment is a feeling that I cannot describe.

Christian rap is a cross-genre of contemporary Christian music and Hip-Hop, emerging

from contemporary music and Christian media during the 1980’s. One of my favorite Christian

Rappers would have to be Rare of Breed. Rare of Breed, whose name is Rob Hardin, is from

North Carolina, who was placed in foster care at the age of 8. His therapist gave him a notebook

and encouraged him to write his thoughts down to release feelings in a healthy way. His topic is

ministering to others through his music, sharing God’s love with others and talking about real

life struggles that I can relate to. Some instruments that he uses would have to be electric drum

pad, and I know in some of his songs he uses a guitar, drum set, and a bass guitar.

What draws me into Christian music period is the way it makes me feel. The way I can

have a sense of enlightenment and relief through the power of the Spirit working through these

amazing performers. I still have other music I love to listen to, like I also listen to heavy metal

when I work out, but I can honestly be ok with just listening to Christian Rap all the time.

Christianity is a huge part of life now, and I hope I did not' cross some line talking about this.
Santos 2

Thank you for the assignment, I really enjoy talking about things I like and what I use to get by

life’s obstacles. And Christian Rap does it for me!

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