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Lesson 2: A Royal Mystery

brandishing: waving about in a bold or daring manner; flourishing

bungled: botched; handled badly

contagious: spread by contact; communicable

discomfort: distress or unease

disorder: a lack of order; confusion; a public disturbance; an ailment or illness

honored: accepting or enjoying respect or distinction

immersed: fully absorbed or occupied

imprinted: marked on a surface by printing or pressure

interior: the inside of a space, such as a home or building

misunderstand: to understand incorrectly; misinterpret

nonsense: foolish or absurd language or behavior; a matter of little or no importance

primitive: simple, unsophisticated or crude

secretive: concealing; not open or frank

uneasy: lacking ease, comfort, or security; awkward or unsure

unnoticed: not observed; unseen; not paid attention to

Lesson 2

Long a and Long e

The long vowel sound /ā/ is often spelled a-consonant-e or with two letters, ai or ay. The long
vowel sound /ē/ is usually spelled ea, ee, or ie.

1. awake 11. ashamed Challenge:

2. feast 12. sleeve require
3. stray 13. waist reproach
4. greet 14. beneath defy
5. praise 15. sheepish plight
6. disease 16. release opponent
7. repeat 17. remain
8. display 18. sway
9. braces 19. training
10. thief 20. niece

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