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Ubiquitous: Present everywhere,

2. Ephemeral: Lasting for a very short
3. Sagacious: Wise and insightful.
4. Pernicious: Harmful or destructive.
5. Pristine: In its original condition;
6. Enigmatic: Mysterious and puzzling.
7. Melancholy: A feeling of deep
8. Exemplary: Setting a high standard;
9. Resilient: Able to recover quickly from
10. Eloquent: Fluent and persuasive in
speech or writing.
11.Ambivalent: Having mixed feelings or
Contradictory ideas.
12. Sanguine: Optimistic, especially in
difficult situations.
13. Esoteric: Intended for or understood
by only a select few.
15. Cacophony: A harsh, discordant
mixture of sounds.
16. Serendipity: The occurrence of events
by chance in a happy or beneficial way.
17. Aesthetic: Concerned with beauty or
the appreciation of beauty.
18. Prolific: Producing abundantly; highly
19. Idyllic: Extremely happy, peaceful, or
20. Ineffable: Too great or extreme to be
expressed or described in words.
1. Circumvent: To finda way around an
obstacle or problem.
2. Conundrum: Aconfusing and difficult
problem or question.
3. Meticulous: Showing great attention to
detail; very careful and precise.
4. Euphoria: A feeling of intense
excitement and happiness.
5. Furtive: Attempting to avoid notice o
attention, typically because of guilt or
a belief that discovery would lead to
6. Exacerbate: To make a problem, bad
situation, or negative feeling worse.
7. Quintessential: Representing the most
perfect ortypical example of a quality
or class.
8. Voracious: Having a very eager
approach to an activity, especially
eating or reading.
9. Altruistic: Showing a disinterested and
selfless concern for the well-being of
others; unselfish.
10. Incandescent: Emitting light as a
result of being heated; passionate or
11. Taciturn: Reserved or
uncommunicative in speech; saying
12. Clandestine: Kept secret or done
secretively, especially because illicit.
13. Panacea: A solution or remedy for all
difficulties or diseases.
14. Veracity: Conformity to facts;
15. Zealous: Showing great energy or
enthusiasm in pursuit of a cause or
16. Ubiquitous: Present, appearing, or
found everywhere.
17. Luminous: Full of or shedding light;
bright or shining, especially in the
18. Facetious: Treating serious issues
with deliberately inappropriate humor;
19. Venerable: Accorded a great deal of
respect, especially because of age,
wisdom, or character.
20. Magnanimous: Very generous or
forgiving, especially toward a rival or
someone less powerful than oneself.

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