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1. Backpedal: Modify one's opinion, make it less strong

2. Compound: Add or increase

3. Caustic: Harsh or corrosive in tone

4. Voracious: Very Greedy

5. Indiscriminate: Not making or based on careful distinctions

6. Eminent: Of high rank or importance

7. Matron: Supervisor or monitor

8. Paradox: Contradiction

9. Realm: Kingdom

10.Throng: A large gathering of people

11.Accost: Speak to someone

12.Plethora: Extreme excess

13.Felon: Someone who has committed a crime.

14.Fabricate: Make up something artificial or untrue

15.Gesticulate: Show, express or direct through movement

16.Vigilant: Carefully observant or attentive.

17.Avid: Ardently or excessively desirous

18.Enhance: Increase

19.Steeped: To soak in liquid/devote oneself fully

20.Replete: Fill to satisfaction

21.Abound: In large quantities

22.Automaton: Robot

23.Annals: Chronological records

24.Perceive: To become conscious of something

25.Laconic: Brief and to the point

26.Reticent: Cool and formal in manner

27.Hapless: Deserving or inciting pity

28.Irate: Feeling or showing extreme anger

29.Prognosticate: To portend

30.Badger: Annoy persistently

31.Implore: Entreat

32.Drudgery: Hard, menial work

33.Interminable: Tiresomely long

34.Intrepid: Invulnerable to fear

35.Furtive: Secret and sly or sordid

36.Pretext: Something serving to conceal plans

37.Adroit: Quick or skilful

38.Cajole: To persuade by flattery or urging

39. Reprimand: Rebuke formally

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