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Advanced English

Advanced English Vocabulary

Lesson 4

No. Word Definition

1. Amenity Something that makes life easier or more enjoyable;
2. Disperse To cause to move in many different directions; circulate
3. Clutter Fill
4. Dwelling Where people live; house
5. Erratic No regular pattern in thinking or movement; changeable
without reason; inconsistent
6. Integral To be an essential or basic part of something; vital
7. Mortify To embarrass; humiliate
8. Prevalent Existing widely or commonly; commonplace
9. Mediocre Common
10. Expedition Tour
11. Burgeon Going at a fast pace; thrive
12. Conspicuously Attracting attention; noticeably
13. Eloquent Expressing clearly, effectively and convincingly; articulate
14. Endorse to express approval; support
15. Erode to wear away; disappear slowly; deteriorate
16. Reportedly Supposedly, unconfirmed
17. Incessantly Constantly
18. Alleged to Supposed to
19. Elude To escape in a tricky way; evade
20. Facet Element or component; aspect
21. Oblivious To be unaware of or forgetful; ignorant
22. Uphold To support or maintain; sustain
23. Ample More than enough; sufficient
24. Arduous Very difficult or challenging
25. Arid Being of little rain or water; dry

By Maliha Saeed

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