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English File Advanced 2b 4th edition

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1. rhubarb long pinkish sour leafstalks usually eaten cooked

and sweetened

2. acceptable adequate; satisfactory

3. consensus general agreement

4. definitely without question and beyond doubt

5. manoeuvre a movement or series of moves requiring skill and


6. bewildered completely puzzled or confused

7. random by chance, not planned or prearranged; irregular

8. scribe a person who copies out documents, especially one

employed to do this before printing was invented

9. snobbery the trait of despising those of lower social status

10. ultimate last, final; most important or extreme; eventual; basic,


11. fluid not settled or stable; likely or able to change

12. whim a sudden wish to do something without a particular

reason; a fanciful idea

13. monk a member of a group of religious men who do not

marry and usually live together in a monastery

14. devise to think out, plan, figure out, invent, create

15. pesky annoying or causing trouble

16. fiendishly in a cruel or wicked manner

17. whirl move or cause to move rapidly around and around

English File Advanced 2b 4th edition
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18. howl long loud wailing cry of a dog, wolf, etc.

19. refer to mention or allude to

20. concise short and to the point

21. pick up acquire a skill without effort over a period of time

22. brush up refresh one's knowledge, skill, or memory of (a sub-


23. get by manage to survive / live

24. pass for be accepted as someone or something

25. take in to understand

26. talk at cross purposes two people think that they are talking about the same
thing when in fact they are not

27. on the tip of one's when someone is almost but not quite able to bring
tongue a particular word or name to mind

28. get the wrong end of to not understand a situation correctly

the stick

29. get one's tongue be able to pronounce a word

round a word

30. get one's head round understand the definition, (situation, etc.)
a definition (situation,

31. occurrence an incident or event

32. chime a sound made by a bell

33. consonants b, c, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, q, r, s, t, v, w, x, y, z

34. vowels a, e, i, o, u, and sometimes y

English File Advanced 2b 4th edition
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35. drawback disadvantage, inconvenience

36. embarrass to make (someone) feel confused and foolish in front

of other people

37. gnome dwarf; a small figurine with a beard and a pointed hat
used as a garden decoration

38. guidance help or advice that tells you what to do

39. jaws bones in your mouth that hold your teeth

40. jealousy a complex and often painful emotion that occurs

when a person perceives a threat to an existing

41. request to ask for

42. respond to answer

43. separated divided

44. worm a small animal with a long, narrow, soft body without
arms, legs, or bones

45. unnecessary not needed or wanted, or more than is needed or



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