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English File Advanced Fourth Edition File 4A

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1. saga a long story, often telling the history of a family

2. switch off relax

3. blurb a short publicity article on the book jacket

4. speckled dotted

5. slaughter to kill in order to obtain meat

6. concoct invent

7. enhance improve

8. sneaky doing or saying things secretly, often in a dishonest or

unfair way

9. haunting difficult to forget

10. moving causing strong feelings

11. intriguing very interesting because of being unusual or mysterious

12. creepy weird in a scary way

13. heavy going difficult to read or understand

14. plausible appearing true, reasonable, or fair

15. odd strange or unusual

16. angst anxiety; fear; dread

17. faux pas a slip in manners or conduct; a social blunder

18. cliché a worn-out idea or overused expression

19. debacle a complete failure; a disaster

20. aficionado an enthusiastic and usually expert follower or fan

English File Advanced Fourth Edition File 4A
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21. al dente firm to the bite

22. schadenfreude delight in another person's misfortune


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