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rust a reddish-brown substance that forms іржа

on the surface of iron and steel as a
result of reacting with air and water

2. stealthy quiet and careful in order not to be seen крадькома

or heard

3. insidious (of something unpleasant or dangerous) підступний

gradually and secretly causing harm

4. encroach on/upon sth to gradually take away someone else's посягати на щось
rights, or to take control of someone's
time, work, etc.

5. tenacious holding tightly onto something, or чіпкий

keeping an opinion in a determined way

6. intermingle to become mixed together змішуватися

7. shrub a large plant with a rounded shape чагарник

formed from many small branches
growing either directly from the ground
or from a hard stem, grown in gardens

8. placid having a calm appearance or спокійний,

characteristics безтурботний

9. sprawled lying or sitting with your arms and legs розкинутий

spread out carelessly and untidily

10. sentinel a person employed to guard something варта

11. sepulcher a stone structure where someone is гробниця


12. resurrection the act of bringing something that had воскресіння,

disappeared or ended back into use or
existence відновлення

13. torment to cause a person or animal to suffer or мучити


14. conquer to defeat an enemy, or to take control or завоювати

possession of a foreign land

15. premonition a feeling that something, especially передчуття

something unpleasant, is going to

16. ennui a feeling of being bored and mentally туга

tired caused by having nothing
interesting or exciting to do

17. meadow a field with grass and often wild луг

flowers in it

18. moorland an area of moor болота

19. abruptly in a sudden, unexpected, and різко

sometimes unpleasant way

20. indulgence an occasion when you allow someone поблажливість

or yourself to have something
enjoyable, especially more than is good
for you

21. timidity the quality of being shy and nervous боязкість

22. ornate having a lot of complicated decoration орнаментований

23. uncanny strange or mysterious, often in a way моторошний

that is slightly frightening

24. swiftness the quality of happening quickly or стрімкість

25. subservient willing to do what other people want, or підвладний
considering your wishes as less
important than those of other people

26. inferior worse than average, or not as good as неповноцінний

others of the same type

27. smirk to smile in a way that expresses посміхатися

satisfaction or pleasure about having
done something, or knowing something
that is not known by someone else

28. patron a person or group that supports an меценат

activity or organization, especially by
giving money

29. errand a short journey either to take a message доручення

or to take or collect something

30. luncheon lunch легкий сніданок, обід

31. smattering a slight knowledge of something, or a поверхове знання

small amount

32. hearsay information that you have heard but do чутка

not know to be true

33. seclusion the state of being alone, away from відлюддя, ізоляція
other people

34. ambush an occasion when a person or group of засідка

people are ambushed

35. tedium the quality of being boring for a long нудьга


36. dungeon an underground prison, especially in a підземелля


37. gossamer the very thin thread that spiders осіннє павутиння
produce to make webs

38. trespass to go onto someone's land or enter their порушувати чуже

building without permission право володіння

39. invariably always постійно

40. smack to hit someone or something forcefully шльопати

with the flat inside part of your hand,
producing a short, loud noise,
especially as a way of punishing a child

41. blunder to move in an awkward way ляпнути

42. frock a dress плаття

43. snippets a small and often interesting piece of фрагмент

news, information, or conversation

44. fumble to do something awkwardly, especially намацати

when using your hands

45. stammering to speak or say something with unusual заїкатися

pauses or repeated sounds, either
because of speech problems or because
of fear or nervousness

46. courtesy polite behaviour, or a polite action or ввічливість


47. glisten to shine by reflecting light from a wet блищати

or smooth surface

48. grubby dirty брудний

49. gust a sudden, strong wind that blows for a порив, шквал
very short time

50. slam to (cause to) move against a hard грюкнути

surface with force and usually a loud

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