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1) tardily after the expected, arranged or usual time пізно

2) morosely in a bad mood and without talking very much похмуро

3) implausibility the fact of not seeming reasonable or likely to be неправдоподібність
true; something that does not seem reasonable
or likely to be true
4) hideous very ugly or unpleasant огидний
5) simultaneously at the same time as something else одночасно
6) to contemplate to think about whether you should do міркувати, роздумувати
something, or how you should do something
7) sluggishness the fact of moving, reacting or working more млявість
slowly than normal and in a way that seems lazy
8) to pummel to keep hitting somebody/something hard, лупцювати
especially with your fists
9) bouncer a person employed to stand at the entrance to a охоронець в клубі, барі
club, pub, etc. to stop people who are not
wanted from going in, and to throw out people
who are causing trouble inside
10) awestruck feeling very impressed by something вражений
11) muster to get enough courage, confidence, support etc. набратися сміливості,
to do something впевненості тощо
12) demise (formal) death Загибель

13) gnarled (of a tree) twisted and with hard parts growing (про дерево) звивисте, з
all over it великим стовбуром
14) circuitous /səˈkjuːɪtəs/ (of a route or journey) long and not direct (про шлях)обхідний
15) terminal (of an illness or a disease) that cannot be cured невиліковний
and will lead to death
16) soliloquy /səˈlɪləkwi/ a speech in a play in which a character, who is монолог, розмова із самим
alone on the stage, speaks his or her thoughts собою
17) gibberish words that have no meaning or are impossible to Нісенітниці, незрозуміла
understand мова
18) to decipher to convert something written in code into розшифровувати
normal language
19) algae very simple plants, such as seaweed, that have водорості
no real leaves, stems or roots, and that grow in
or near water
20) to amble to walk at a slow relaxed speed повільно йти,
21) animatedly in a way that shows interest and energy захоплено

22) incredulous not willing or not able to believe something недовірливий

23) to fathom to understand or find an explanation for розуміти, вникати у щось

24) equidistant equally far from two or more places рівновіддалений
25) impunity the fact of not getting punished for something безкарність
26) rivulet a very small river or a small stream of water or Струмок, струмінь
other liquid
27) locksmith a person whose job is making, fitting and слюсар
repairing locks
28) an albatross a thing that causes problems or prevents you «камінь на шиї», тягар
(around one's neck) from doing something
29) coincidence the fact of two things happening at the same збіг
time by chance, in a surprising way
30) cummerbund a wide band of silk, etc. worn around the middle пасок, пояс
part of the body
31) to nourish to keep a person, an animal or a plant alive and живити, підживлювати
healthy with food, etc.
32) to bequeath to say in a will that you want somebody to have заповідати
your property, money, etc. after your death
33) to refute to prove that something is wrong спростовувати

34) acceleration an increase in how fast something happens прискорення

35) abject terrible and without hope жалюгідний

36) perpetual continuing for a long period of time without вічний, безперервний
stopping or being interrupted
37) cavalier not caring enough about something important безтурботний
38) wanderlust a strong desire to travel любов до подорожей

39) to go stag (of a man) to go to a party without a partner (про чоловіків) йти на
вечірку без пари
40) unambiguously in a way that is clear in meaning and can only be однозначно
understood in one way

41) ubiquity the fact that something seems to be everywhere Повсюдність, всюдисущість
or in several places at the same time
42) cacophonous having a loud unpleasant sound неблагозвучний

43) itinerary a plan of a journey, including the route and the план подорожі
places that you want to visit
44) sustainable that can continue or be continued for a long time стійкий
45) savant a person with great knowledge and ability вчений, дуже розумна
46) relinquish to stop having something, especially when this відмовитись
happens unwillingly
47) vapid not showing interest or intelligence безглуздий
48) mediate to try to find a solution to a problem between бути посередником
people or groups who disagree
49) Gospel one of the four books in the Bible about the life Євангеліє
and teaching of Jesus
50) deplorable very bad and unacceptable, often in a way that плачевний, поганий
shocks people
51) peripheral not as important as the main aim, part, etc. of Другорядний
52) outlandishly in a strange or extremely unusual way Дивовижно
53) embolden to make somebody feel braver or more підбадьорювати
54) obfuscation the act of making something less clear and more помутніння
difficult to understand, usually deliberately
55) to enthrall if something enthralls you, it is so interesting, Захоплювати
beautiful, etc. that you give it all your attention
56) to sprout (of plants or seeds) to produce new leaves пускати паростки
or buds; to start to grow
57) to smirk to smile in a silly or unpleasant way that shows самовдоволено
that you are pleased with yourself, know посміхатися
something that other people do not know, etc.
58) curfew a law that says that people must not go outside комендантська година
after a particular time at night until the morning;
59) impenetrability the fact that something cannot be entered, Непроникність
passed through or seen
60) intricately with a lot of different parts and small details that Хитромудро
fit together
61) bewildered totally confused Спантеличений
62)misogynist/mɪˈsɒdʒɪnɪst/ a person who hates women женоненависник
63) twitchy nervous or anxious about something стривожений,
64) incandescent (formal) very bright дуже яскравий
65) turquoise a blue-green color Бірюзовий
66) clingy (of clothes or material) sticking to the body and Облягаючий
showing its shape
67) exceedingly very Дуже
68) interstate between states, especially in the US міжштатний
69) kerfuffle unnecessary excitement or activity Метушня
70) briskly quickly Швидко
71) nonplussed surprised and confused so that you do not know розгублений
what to do or say
72) immense extremely large or great Величезний
73) belatedly in a way that comes or happens late Із запізненням
74) guttural (of a sound) made or seeming to be made at the Гортанний
back of the throat
75) to gouge to make a hole in something with a sharp object Видовбати
in a violent way
76) immaculate perfectly clean and tidy, with no marks or flaws Бездоганний
77) leverage /ˈliːvərɪdʒ/ the ability to influence what people do Вплив
78) ransom money that is paid to somebody so that they will Викуп
set free a person who is being kept as a prisoner
79) halcyon (of a period of time in the past) peaceful and (про період часу) щасливий
80) jamb /dʒæm/ a vertical side piece of a door or window frame Одвірок

81) yearn to want something very much, especially when it Жадати

is very difficult to get
82) eponymous the eponymous character of a book, play, film, персонаж, в честь якого
etc. is the one mentioned in the title названа книга\фільм
83) banter friendly remarks and jokes дружнє кепкування
84) ramshackle (of buildings, vehicles, furniture, etc.) in a very напівзруйнований
bad condition and needing repair
85) treacherous that cannot be trusted; intending to harm you зрадницький
86) nimbly with quick and easy movements спритно
87) to scoff to talk about somebody/something in a way that Глузувати
makes it clear that you think they are stupid
88) indecipherable (of writing or speech) impossible to read or нерозбірливий
89) whacked very tired дуже втомлений
90) dimension a measurement in space, for example how high, розмірність, величина
wide or long something is
91) congenital (of a disease or medical condition) existing since вроджений
or before birth
92) presumably used to say that you think that something is ймовірно
probably true
93) to flicker (of a light or a flame) to keep going on and off as Мерехтіти
it shines or burns
94) to fancy yourself as sb to like the idea of being something or to believe, уявляти себе кимось
often wrongly, that you are something
95) adjacent next to something прилеглий
96) to dissuade to persuade somebody not to do something відмовляти
97) condo /ˈkɒndəʊ/ (=condominium - one apartment in a building квартира
with several apartments each of which is owned
by the person living in it but the shared areas are
owned by everyone together)
98) velocity /vəˈlɒsəti/ the speed of something in a particular direction швидкість
99) coroner an official whose job is to discover the cause of судовий експерт
any sudden, violent or suspicious death by
holding an inquest
100) aflutter in a state of nervous excitement схвильований
101) girder a long strong iron or steel bar used for building балка
bridges or large buildings
102) malodorous having an unpleasant smell з неприємним запахом
103) merchandise goods that are for sale in a shop товар
104) queasy feeling sick; wanting to vomit який відчуває нудоту
105) humiliation a feeling of being ashamed or stupid and having приниження
lost the respect of other people
106) vengeful showing a desire to punish somebody who has мстивий
harmed you
107) unadulterated something is complete or total чистий,
108) deafeningly very loudly дуже голосно
109) eerily in a strange, mysterious and frightening way моторошно
110) to compel to force somebody to do something Змушувати
111) repulsive causing a feeling of strong dislike; very відразливий
112) uncanny strange and difficult to explain Дивний
113) rendition the performance of something, especially a song виконання
or piece of music;
114) reluctantly in a way that involves hesitating before doing Неохоче
something because you don`t want to do it
115) reservoir a natural or artificial lake where water is stored водосховище
before it is taken by pipes to houses, etc.
116) disentangle to separate different arguments, ideas, etc. that розплутати
have become confused
117) inexhaustible that cannot be exhausted (= finished); невичерпний
118) prevailing existing or most common at a particular time переважний
119) bashfully in a shy way сором’язливо
120) to contract to get an illness,virus заразитися
121) decapitate to cut off somebody’s head обезголовити
122) meager – /ˈmiːɡə(r)/ small in quantity and poor in quality мізерний
123) demure /dɪˈmjʊə(r)/ (of a woman or a girl) behaving in a way that (про жінку, дівчину) -
does not attract attention to herself or her body; скромна
quiet and serious
124) opaque (of glass, liquid, etc.) not clear enough to see Непрозорий;
through or allow light through світлонепроникний
125) exhilarating very exciting and great fun захоплюючий

126) to hibernate (of animals) to spend the winter in a state like перебувати у сплячці
deep sleep
127) vindictive showing a strong and unreasonable desire to який хоче помсти
harm or upset somebody because you think that
they have harmed you
128) discernible that can be recognized or understood Помітний, видимий
129) excruciatingly in an extremely bad or painful way Болісно
130) brackish (of water) containing salt and tasting of it in an солонуватий
unpleasant way
131) incontestably in a way that cannot be disagreed with or denied безперечно
132) distracted unable to pay attention to somebody/something розсіяний
because you are worried or thinking about
something else
133) bespectacled wearing spectacles який носить окуляри

134) haphazard with no particular order or plan; not organized Випадковий, необдуманий
/hæpˈhæzəd/ well
135) to encircle to surround somebody/something completely in оточити у формі кола
a circle
136) to angle to move or place something so that it is not перехилити
137) hamper a large basket with a lid (= cover) плетений кошик

138) oblivious /əˈblɪviəs/ not aware of something який не усвідомлює, не в

139) boulder a very large rock which has been shaped by брила
water or the weather
140) tuck in to make somebody feel comfortable in bed by Накривати ковдрою
pulling the covers up around them
141) gaga over slightly crazy because you are very excited about бути до нестями
somebody/something захопленим; не тямитися
від чогось
142) reverence a feeling of admiring and respecting Повага
somebody/something very much
143) populous where a large number of people live Велелюдний
144) radiate if an emotion, radiates from a person, people випромінювати
can see it very clearly ( relief radiated out of my
145) Hebrew the language traditionally used by the Hebrew Іврит
146) solemnly /ˈsɒləmli/ in a very serious and dignified way Урочисто
147) succulent (of fruit, vegetables and meat) containing a lot of Соковитий
juice and tasting good
148) plaintive sounding sad, especially in a weak, complaining Тужливий
149) incomprehensible impossible to understand незбагненний
150) congregate to come together in a group Збиратися

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