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Workbook @English_through_Films

Vocabulary @English_through_Films

Nouns from the film

1) Pound Притулок для тварин

2) Dishwasher Посудомийна машина
3) Grease Мастило
4) Bribe Хабар
5) Scholarship Стипендія
6) Charity Благодійність
7) Paralegal Помічник юриста
8) Meter Лічильник паркування, паркомат
9) Treasure Щось дуже цінне, скарб
10) Fundraiser Збір коштів
11) Grown-up Дорослий
12) Pipe Водостічна труба
13) Wizard Чаклун
14) Miracle Диво
15) Property Власність
16) Tenant Орендар
17) Fault Провина
18) Janitor Прибиральник, людина яка дбає про будинок чи іншу будівлю
19) Inconvenience Незручність
20) Fee Плата за щось
21) Consequence Наслідок (зазвичай неприємний)
22) Debacle Фіаско, провал
23) Fugitive Втікач
24) Freighter Вантажне судно
25) Lawsuit Судовий позов
26) Threat Загроза
Verbs from the film
1) To change Переодягнутись
2) To expire Закінчуватись (наприклад термін дії чогось)
3) To insist Наполягати
4) To bother Турбувати, надокучати
5) To steal Красти
6) To evict Виганяти, проганяти
7) To abandon Покинути
8) To slobber Обслюнявити
9) To succeed Досягати успіху
10) To shrink Зменшитись у розмірі
11) To divulge Розголошувати (інформацію)
12) To pet Гладити
13) To raise Ростити, виховувати
14) To sacrifice Пожертвувати
15) To escape Втекти
16) To feed Годувати
17) To capture Спіймати
18) To handle Владнати ситуацію
19) To distract Відволікати
20) To grab Схопити
21) To rescue Врятувати
22) To chase Гнатися
23) To reclaim Повернути собі щось назад, те що було вашим

Adjectives and adverbs from the film

Жахливий 1) Abysmal
Жахливої якості 2) Atrocious
Розчаровуючий 3) Disheartening
Бездоганний 4) Immaculate
Злий 5) Cranky
Безобідний 6) Harmless
Бездомний 7) Homeless
Жорстокий 8) Violent
Надихаючий 9) Inspiring
Useful phrases and idioms from the film

1) To take care of Піклуватись про

2) To grab a nap Дрімати
3) To get rid of Позбутися чогось
4) To make it up to someone Загладити свою провину перед кимось
5) To be afraid of Боятися
6) Number two ‘какашки’, фекалії
7) To have something to show for Мати чим похвалитись, досягти якогось крутого результату
8) So far На даний момент, поки що
9) To be in a rush Поспішати
10) To go to pieces Втратити контроль над собою, над своїми емоціями
11) To fall into place Йти як по маслу, ставати на свої місця
12) To have words with someone Мати серйозну розмову
13) To let someone go Відпустити когось
14) To speak in riddles Говорити загадками
15) To pay someone a visit Нанести комусь візит
16) To be grounded Бути покараним (під домашнім арештом)
17) To leave someone alone Залишити когось у спокої
18) To take someone`s word for it Повірити комусь на слово

Phrasal verbs from the film

Розібратись з чимось, зрозуміти 1) To figure something out

Постояти за, захиститись 2) To stand up for
Виділятись з поміж інших 3) To stand out
Покладатись на когось, розраховувати на когось 4) To count on someone
Шукати 5) To look for
Купитись на щось, повестись 6) To fall for something
Прийти кудись раптово та несподівано 7) To show up
Порвати стосунки 8) To break up
Облажатись, зіпсувати щось 9) To screw up
Провідати когось 10) To check on someone
Вкласти когось спати 11) To tuck someone in
Померти 12) To pass away
Передати щось 13) To hand over
Підвести когось, розчарувати 14) To let someone down
Вписатись, влитись в нову групу чи колектив 15) To fit in

Part 1: Before watching
Task 1: Read the definitions and write the correct noun

1) thick, oily substance _____________________

2) a person with some legal training whose job is to help lawyers _____________________
3) an object or objects that belong to someone _____________________
4) something that causes difficulty and is annoying but not serious _____________________
5) the possibility that something unwanted or dangerous will happen _____________________
6) a person who is running away or hiding (from the police) _____________________
7) a place where pets that are lost or not wanted are kept _____________________
8) a machine that washes dirty plates, cups, forks, etc. _____________________
9) very valuable things _____________________
10) an adult _____________________
11) a man who is believed to have magical powers _____________________
12) a mistake, especially something for which you are to blame _____________________
13) a result of a particular action or situation, often one that is bad _____________________
14) a problem taken to a law court by an ordinary person _____________________
15) a large ship for carrying things _____________________
16) a person who rents a room, a building, or land _____________________
17) a person whose job is to clean and take care of a building _____________________
18) an amount of money paid for a particular piece of work _____________________
19) money given by a school, college, university to pay for the studies of a person _____________________
20) money you give to someone so that they do something for you, something dishonest _____________________
21) a device that you put money into so that you can leave your car there _____________________
22) event involved in collecting money for a particular purpose, especially a charity _____________________
23) a tube inside which liquid or gas flows from one place to another _____________________
24) an unusual and mysterious event _____________________
25) a complete failure, especially because of bad planning and organization _____________________
26) the giving of money, food, to those who need it, or an organization that does this _____________________

Task 2: Translate the highlighted words to complete the sentences

1) The museum is full of priceless скарбів ___________________.

2) Her hands were covered with oil and мастило ____________________.
3) She worked as a помічником юриста ____________________ in a criminal defense office.
4) For years, they were орендарі ____________________ on my father’s flat.
5) Our school is a lot dirtier since we fired the прибиральника ____________________.
6) The водостічна труба ____________________ burst, sending out a shower of water.
7) This heavy вантажне судно ____________________ is driven by two electric motors.
8) It’s a диво ____________________ he wasn’t killed in that car crash.
9) His first performance was a фіаско ____________________, the audience didn’t even wait to the end of the play.
10) He was accused of taking хабарі ____________________ from wealthy businessmen.
11) I couldn't find a паркомат ____________________, so I decided to park illegally.
12) Drunk drivers pose a serious загрозу ____________________ to other road users.
13) Three men escaped from the prison and now they are втікачі ____________________.
14) The books are the власність ____________________of the public library.
15) Ask a дорослого ____________________ to cut this for you.
16) I love reading stories about magic, witches and чаклунів ____________________.
17) She believes it was the doctor's провина ____________________ that Peter died.
18) We apologize for any незручності ____________________ caused by the late arrival of the train.
19) We took our dog from the притулку для тварин ____________________.
20) This посудомийна машина ____________________ even washes pots and pans .
21) Well, if you keep on eating so much, you'll have to take the наслідки ____________________!
22) They filed a судовий позов ____________________against the company.
23) An anonymous businesswoman donated one million dollars to the благодійність ____________________.
24) The entrance плата ____________________ is six pounds.
25) He won a стипендію ____________________ to Harvard.
26) Organize a збір коштів ____________________ for your church.

Task 3: Label the pictures

1) Pound
2) Dishwasher
3) Grease
4) Bribe
5) Scholarship
6) Charity
7) Paralegal
8) Meter
9) Treasure
10) Fundraiser
11) Grown-up
12) Pipe
13) Wizard
14) Miracle
15) Property
16) Tenant
17) Fault
18) Janitor
19) Inconvenience
20) Fee
21) Consequence
22) Debacle
23) Fugitive
24) Freighter
25) Lawsuit
26) Threat

Task 4: Solve the crossword

Task 5: Fill in the gaps with the words from the box to complete the

change evicted escaped petted rescue shrink bother

succeeded expire chasing sacrifice steal abandoned
reclaimed divulge distract feed grabbed handle insist raised
captured slobber

1) They shouted for help, but nobody came to ____________________ them.

2) I _____________________ my suitcase from the lost luggage office.
3) Many women _____________________ their careers for their families.
4) Give me five minutes to ____________________ my work clothes and I'll come out with you.
5) If you can't _____________________ the job I'll get someone else to do it.
6) Our dog loves to be ____________________ and tickled behind the ears.
7) He _____________________ his child's arm to stop her from running into the road.
8) She was ____________________ a man who had stolen her bag.
9) Don't _____________________ her from her studies. She has very important exam tomorrow.
10) I usually _____________________ the neighbor's cat while she's away.
11) They were so poor they had to _____________________ in order to eat.
12) She's been trying to pass her driving test for six years and she's finally _____________________.
13) A lion has _____________________ from its cage.
14) She's 85 now, but she will ______________________ on doing all her own housework.
15) These bears were ______________________ in the wild in 1987.
16) The contract between the two companies will ______________________ at the end of the year.
17) She doesn`t know her parents, as a baby she was ______________________ by her mother.
18) I didn't want to ________________________ her with work on her day off.
19) No one likes to have a dog _______________________ on them.
20) He did not ______________________ details of his plan.
21) He was _______________________ from the bar for drunken behavior.
22) Her parents died when she was a baby and she was ______________________by her grandparents.
23) Your sweater will ______________________ if you wash it at too high a temperature.

Task 6: Find the words in the wordsearch

Task 7: Match the adjectives with their definitions

1) Abysmal a) causing you to lose confidence, hope, and energy

2) Atrocious b) not able or not likely to cause harm
3) Disheartening c) using or involving force to hurt or attack
4) Immaculate d) encouraging, or making you feel you want to do something
5) Cranky e) very bad
6) Harmless f) of very bad quality
7) Homeless g) perfect and without any mistakes
8) Violent h) easily annoyed and angry
9) Inspiring i) without a home


Task 8: Unscramble and translate the adjectives

rkCany saHlerms Hoemssle Deenishiartng

__________ __________ __________ __________

mulaaImcte Aasbyml roAtoucis leioVnt

__________ __________ __________ __________

Task 10: Read the definitions and write the correct phrase or idiom

to do something good for

to do the necessary things for
to happen in a satisfactory way, someone you have upset, in order
someone who needs help or
without problems to become friends with them

to say things that are confusing to stop annoying or bothering

at this particular time
and difficult to understand someone
____________________ ____________________

to believe that what someone is to have a serious discussion or

to visit someone
saying is true argument
____________________ ____________________

faeces (= solid waste from the to sleep for a short time,

to be in a hurry
body) especially during the day
____________________ ____________________

to free a person or place of to feel fear, or feel worry about to become unable to think clearly
something unwanted or harmful something and control your emotions

____________________ ____________________ ____________________

to have achieved something​ as a

to allow someone or something to be not allowed to go out as a
result of something that you have
to escape or go free punishment
____________________ ____________________

Task 11: Put the words into the correct order to complete the

1) If you plan the project well, then everything should into fall place. ___________________________________
2) I'll have to words with have him if his behavior doesn't improve. ___________________________________
3) I think he's done a great job far so. ___________________________________
4) Stop in speaking riddles and explain what’s going on. ___________________________________
5) Just me alone leave and stop asking me questions. ___________________________________
6) He likes to a nap grab for an hour when he gets home from work. ___________________________________
7) The idea of the game is to of rid get all your cards as soon as you can. ___________________________________
8) I've always afraid of been flying. ___________________________________
9) They had absolutely to nothing for show weeks of hard work. ___________________________________
10) I can't watch those sappy movies because I just pieces to go every time. ___________________________________
11) I love fishing but hate killing animals, so I whatever I catch let go. ___________________________________
12) He in was rush a to get to the meeting. ___________________________________
13) Don't worry about me, I can take of care myself. ___________________________________
14) I'm sorry we can't take you with us, but I promise I'll it to up make you. ___________________________________
15) If she says she’s sick, you have to her take for word it. ___________________________________
16) Why don’t you us a visit pay next time you’re in town? ___________________________________
17) Have you cleaned a two number after your dog? ___________________________________
18) I stayed out till 1 am last night and now I grounded am for a week. ___________________________________

Task 11: Create your own sentences using new phrases and idioms
1) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
2) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
3) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
4) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
5) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
6) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
7) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
8) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
9) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
10) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
11) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
12) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
13) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
14) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
15) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
16) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
17) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
18) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Task 12: Match the halves to complete the phrases and idioms
1) To take a) far __________________________
2) To grab b) care of __________________________
3) To get c) up to someone __________________________
4) To make it d) to show for __________________________
5) To be afraid e) with someone __________________________
6) Number f) word for it __________________________
7) To have something g) alone __________________________
8) So h) into place __________________________
9) To be in i) a nap __________________________
10) To go j) a rush __________________________
11) To fall k) in riddles __________________________
12) To have words l) grounded __________________________
13) To let m) a visit __________________________
14) To speak n) someone go __________________________
15) To pay someone o) of __________________________
16) To be p) to pieces __________________________
17) To leave someone q) rid of __________________________
18) To take someone`s r) two __________________________

Task 13: Match the phrasal verbs with their definitions

1) To figure something out a) to be deceived by something, esp. a lie

2) To stand up for b) to understand or solve something
3) To stand out c) to be more noticeable when compared to someone or something
4) To count on someone d) to make a mistake, or to spoil something
5) To look for e) to cover a child in bed, to make a child feel comfortable and ready to sleep
6) To fall for something f) to feel that you belong to a particular group
7) To show up g) to give something to someone else
8) To break up h) to be confident that you can depend on someone
9) To screw up i) to defend or support someone or something
10) To check on someone j) to seek someone or something
11) To tuck someone in k) to arrive somewhere, especially late or unexpectedly
12) To pass away l) to die
13) To hand over m) to cause someone to be disappointed
14) To let someone down n) to look at someone or something in order to make sure that they are safe
15) To fit in o) to end a partnership of some kind, often a romantic relationship

Task 14: Fill in the gaps with the words from the box to complete the

hand fell let for over fit broke up in stand

passed down away out screwed figure show standing
up for up out up tuck looking check count
on on for in

a) Her haircut really makes her ____________________from the rest of her friends.
b) I'm sorry, I really ____________________. Please forgive me!
c) We were ordered to ____________________ our passports to the police officer.
d) Do you want me or Mommy to __________ you __________tonight?
e) It's a very nice sofa but it doesn't ____________________with the rest of the room.
f) I told them that I like this stupid school, and they ____________________it—I guess I'm a pretty good actress.
g) Can you ____________________ these instructions? What do you think we're supposed to do next?
h) She's terribly upset because her father ______________________last week.
i) You’ll be there tomorrow – you won’t _________ me __________, will you?
j) I am ____________________Mr. William Wilson. Do you know where he lives?
k) I invited him for eight o'clock, but he didn't _____________________until 9.30.
l) We need to ____________________ grandma and see how she is doing.
m) I can ___________________my parents to help me.
n) Thank you for _____________________me back there. It just felt like everyone was against me.
o) I'm so sad to hear that Mara and John ____________________—I thought those two would be together forever.

Task 15: Create your own sentences using new phrasal verbs

1) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
2) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
3) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
4) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
5) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
6) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
7) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
8) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
9) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
10) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
11) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
12) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
13) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
14) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
15) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Part 2: After watching
Task 16: Fill in the gaps with the words from the box to complete the
summary of the film

chip puppy captured whereabouts veterinarian his mother

truck stand up for cafeteria backpack died uncle giant
bullied Shanghai love evicted owner rescue famous

Emily Elizabeth Howard is a middle school student living with her ____________________ Maggie in New York City. She is
regularly ____________________ but finds comfort in her only friend Owen Yu. Maggie leaves her in the care of her
homeless and irresponsible ______________________ Casey before going to Chicago for a business trip.

Mr. Bridwell, who runs an animal rescue tent at a carnival, introduces Emily to a small red ____________________ whose
family had been taken by dogcatchers. He tells her that the puppy will grow based on how much ____________________
he receives. Casey rejects the adoption due to dogs not being allowed in the apartment building. When Emily gets home
from school, she finds the puppy in her ______________________ and names him Clifford. Casey allows her to keep Clifford
only for one night.

The next morning, Clifford has grown to _____________________ proportions. Emily and Casey attempt to hide him from
the building's ____________________, Mr. Packard. They try taking Clifford to a ____________________, but he chases
and plays with a man in an inflatable bubble. Word of his existence quickly spreads online. After learning from the vet's
secretary of Bridwell's past miracles with animals and their owners, the Howards plan to get information on his
_____________________. As Emily is getting lunch for Clifford from the _____________________, Clifford escapes from
Casey's ____________________ and humiliates a bully named Florence, giving Emily the friends she always wanted.

Zac Tieran, the owner of biotechnology company Lyfegro, discovers Clifford on social media. He lies to the police that
Clifford is ____________________dog and has them search for him. After being ____________________ from their
apartment and chased by the police and Lyfegro guards, Emily and Casey take shelter in Owen's lavish apartment. Casey
tells Emily she can keep Clifford if they find Bridwell and take his advice. If he cannot help, Clifford must be sent to
______________________. They race to the hospital, only to find Bridwell's empty bed and a patient who tells them
Bridwell has _____________________. Clifford is thus sent away by a boat arranged by Owen's father as Emily tearfully
says goodbye.

The next day, Clifford is _____________________ on the ship by Lyfegro personnel and sent to Lyfegro. Emily soon learns
Bridwell did not die, so she and Casey try to save Clifford from being operated on at Lyfegro, aided by friends from their
neighborhood. They break into Lyfegro’s headquarters, _____________________ Clifford, and flee in Casey's truck with

At Central Park, a large crowd gathers as Emily desperately asks Bridwell to help, and he tells her that she must
_____________________herself and for Clifford and that being different is a gift. Emily explains to everyone the
importance of love, regardless of differences. However, Zac forces the police to see who Clifford's owner is by checking an ID
______________________ he had implanted. When the chip identifies Emily as Clifford's rightful
_____________________, the police arrest Zac and inform him that he will be fined for lying to them. Emily, Casey, and
Maggie are welcomed back into their apartment; Casey gets a job at Scholastic, thus making Clifford

Task 17: Who said these?

Casey Howard Owen Yu Emily Howard Mr. Bridwell

@English_through_Films Zac Tieran

1) Well, I guess I'm just not as brave as you. I don't want to stand out. ________________
2) Actually, no, the meter is broken. ________________
3) I'm collecting cans and bottles for my school's fundraiser. ________________
4) Hey! I'm gonna make it up to you, okay? We're gonna do something super cool this
weekend. ________________
Emily Elizabeth Howard
Well, you are obviously a young lady - of immaculate taste. ________________
6) The thing about animals is that the best time to find them is when you're not looking
for them. ________________
7) Please, Uncle Casey? He's so tiny, he wouldn't bother anyone. ________________
8) I think it's awesome you actually did the work. Really makes you stand out around
here. ________________
9) I'm not gonna fall for your little girl powers. Oh! Okay, one night.And then, first thing
in the morning, he is going back to that weird old man that we met in the animal tent. ________________
10) Listen, he's not gonna hurt you, okay? He's harmless. He's the same dog he was last
night. ________________
11) We can't abandon him. We're all he's got. We just need to make him small again. ________________
12) I need some information on one of your tenants, please. ________________
13) Oh, it is my specialty. Screwing stuff up for your mom. ________________
14) And then our mom died, Dad went to pieces. So she stayed here to help raise me. She
sacrificed everything. ________________
15) One of our clumsy janitors left the gate open and this large fella slipped away from
the lab. ________________
16) You said when Clifford escaped he was big. I found him when he was small. ________________
17) We need to capture this animal and return it to my lab as soon as possible or the
consequences could be catastrophic. ________________
18) Clifford came to me when I was alone and had no friends. He's the best part of my life.
I'm not gonna abandon him. ________________
19) We don't have a choice. We've been evicted. And now, according to the news, we're,
like, actual fugitives. ________________
20) I'm sorry I let you down, Clifford. ________________
21) He belongs to my niece, Emily. She rescued him when he was just a tiny puppy. ________________

Translate the highlighted words and phrases

Task 18: Look at the pictures and describe some moments from the























































Questions for discussion
 Do you like the film? Why? Why not?
 What is your favorite moment of the film? Why?
 Who is the best character? Why?
 What is the message of the film?
 Why did Clifford choose Emily?
 Would you like to have such pet as Clifford? Why?
 What can Clifford teach people?
 How did Clifford change Emily`s life?
 What would you change about the film? Why?
Task 1
1) Grease 8) Dishwasher 15) Freighter 22) Fundraiser
2) Paralegal 9) Treasure 16) Tenant 23) Pipe
3) Property 10) Grown-up 17) Janitor 24) Miracle
4) Inconvenience 11) Wizard 18) Fee 25) Debacle
5) Threat 12) Fault 19) Scholarship 26) Charity
6) Fugitive 13) Consequence 20) Bribe
7) Pound 14) Lawsuit 21) Meter

Task 2
1) The museum is full of priceless treasures.
2) Her hands were covered with oil and grease.
3) She worked as a paralegal in a criminal defense office.
4) For years, they were tenants on my father’s flat.
5) Our school is a lot dirtier since we fired the janitor.
6) The pipe burst, sending out a shower of water.
7) This heavy freighter is driven by two electric motors.
8) It’s a miracle he wasn’t killed in that car crash.
9) His first performance was a debacle, the audience didn’t even wait to the end of the play.
10) He was accused of taking bribes from wealthy businessmen.
11) I couldn't find a parking meter, so I decided to park illegally.
12) Drunk drivers pose a serious threat to other road users.
13) Three men escaped from the prison and now they are fugitives.
14) The books are the property of the public library.
15) Ask a grown-up to cut this for you.
16) I love reading stories about magic, witches and wizards.
17) She believes it was the doctor's fault that Peter died.
18) We apologize for any inconvenience caused by the late arrival of the train.
19) We took our dog from the pound.
20) This dishwasher even washes pots and pans .
21) Well, if you keep on eating so much, you'll have to take the consequences!
22) They filed a lawsuit against the company.
23) An anonymous businesswoman donated one million dollars to the charity.
24) The entrance fee is six pounds.
25) He won a scholarship to Harvard.
26) Organize a fundraiser for your church.

Task 3
Pound, janitor, fugitive, grown-up
Debacle, fundraiser, bribe, grease
Inconvenience, miracle, dishwasher, fault
Threat, charity, consequence, paralegal
Freighter, wizard, fee, treasure
Lawsuit, tenant, meter, pipe
Property, scholarship

Task 4
1) Evict 7) Slobber 13) Expire 19) Handle
2) Change 8) Shrink 14) Abandon 20) Pet
3) Raise 9) Insist 15) Bother 21) Steal
4) Reclaim 10) Capture 16) Sacrifice 22) Succeed
5) Distract 11) Rescue 17) Grab 23) Escape
6) Feed 12) Divulge 18) Chase
Task 5

1) They shouted for help, but nobody came to rescue them.

2) I reclaimed my suitcase from the lost luggage office.
3) Many women sacrifice their careers for their families.
4) Give me five minutes to change my work clothes and I'll come out with you.
5) If you can't handle the job I'll get someone else to do it.
6) Our dog loves to be petted and tickled behind the ears.
7) He grabbed his child's arm to stop her from running into the road.
8) She was chasing a man who had stolen her bag.
9) Don't distract her from her studies. She has very important exam tomorrow.
10) I usually feed the neighbor's cat while she's away.
11) They were so poor they had to steal in order to eat.
12) She's been trying to pass her driving test for six years and she's finally succeeded.
13) A lion has escaped from its cage.
14) She's 85 now, but she will insist on doing all her own housework.
15) These bears were captured in the wild in 1987.
16) The contract between the two companies will expire at the end of the year.
17) She doesn`t know her parents, as a baby she was abandoned by her mother.
18) I didn't want to bother her with work on her day off.
19) No one likes to have a dog slobber on them.
20) He did not divulge details of his plan.
21) He was evicted from the bar for drunken behavior.
22) Her parents died when she was a baby and she was raised by her grandparents.
23) Your sweater will shrink if you wash it at too high a temperature.

Task 7
1) E 4) G 7) I
2) F 5) H 8) C
3) A 6) B 9) D

Task 9
1) Fall into place 7) Take someone`s word for it 13) Get rid of
2) Take care of 8) Pay someone a visit 14) Be afraid of
3) Make it up to someone 9) Have words about 15) Go to pieces
4) So far 10) Be in a rush 16) Let someone go
5) Speak in riddles 11) Number two 17) Be grounded
6) Leave someone alone 12) Grab a nap 18) Have something to show for

Task 10
1) If you plan the project well, then everything should fall into place.
2) I'll have to have words with him if his behavior doesn't improve.
3) I think he's done a great job so far.
4) Stop speaking in riddles and explain what’s going on.
5) Just leave me alone and stop asking me questions.
6) He likes to grab a nap for an hour when he gets home from work.
7) The idea of the game is to get rid of all your cards as soon as you can.
8) I've always been afraid of flying.
9) They had absolutely nothing to show for weeks of hard work.
10) I can't watch those sappy movies because I just go to pieces every time.
11) I love fishing but hate killing animals, so I let whatever I catch go.
12) He was in a rush to get to the meeting.
13) Don't worry about me, I can take care of myself.
14) I'm sorry we can't take you with us, but I promise I'll make it up to you.
15) If she says she’s sick, you have to take her word for it.
16) Why don’t you pay us a visit next time you’re in town?
17) Have you cleaned a number two after your dog?
18) I stayed out till 1 am last night and now I'm grounded for a week.
Task 13
1) B 5) J 9) D 13) G
2) I 6) A 10) N 14) M
3) C 7) K 11) E 15) F
4) H 8) O 12) L

Task 14
a) Her haircut really makes her stand out from the rest of her friends.
b) I'm sorry, I really screwed up. Please forgive me!
c) We were ordered to hand over our passports to the police officer.
d) Do you want me or Mommy to tuck you in tonight?
e) It's a very nice sofa but it doesn't fit in with the rest of the room.
f) I told them that I like this stupid school, and they fell for it—I guess I'm a pretty good actress.
g) Can you figure out these instructions? What do you think we're supposed to do next?
h) She's terribly upset because her father passed away last week.
i) You’ll be there tomorrow – you won’t let me down, will you?
j) I am looking for Mr. William Wilson. Do you know where he lives?
k) I invited him for eight o'clock, but he didn't show up until 9.30.
l) We need to check on grandma and see how she is doing.
m) I can count on my parents to help me.
n) Thank you for standing up for me back there. It just felt like everyone was against me.
o) I'm so sad to hear that Mara and John broke up—I thought those two would be together forever.

Task 16
Emily Elizabeth Howard is a middle school student living with her mother Maggie in New York City. She is regularly bullied but finds comfort in her only
friend Owen Yu. Maggie leaves her in the care of her homeless and irresponsible uncle Casey before going to Chicago for a business trip.

Mr. Bridwell, who runs an animal rescue tent at a carnival, introduces Emily to a small red puppy whose family had been taken by dogcatchers. He tells
her that the puppy will grow based on how much love he receives. Casey rejects the adoption due to dogs not being allowed in the apartment building.
When Emily gets home from school, she finds the puppy in her backpack and names him Clifford. Casey allows her to keep Clifford only for one night.

The next morning, Clifford has grown to giant proportions. Emily and Casey attempt to hide him from the building's superintendent, Mr. Packard. They try
taking Clifford to a veterinarian, but he chases and plays with a man in an inflatable bubble. Word of his existence quickly spreads online. After learning
from the vet's secretary of Bridwell's past miracles with animals and their owners, the Howards plan to get information on his whereabouts. As Emily is
getting lunch for Clifford from the cafeteria, Clifford escapes from Casey's truck and humiliates a bully named Florence, giving Emily the friends she
always wanted.

Zac Tieran, the owner of biotechnology company Lyfegro, discovers Clifford on social media. He lies to the police that Clifford is his dog and has them
search for him. After being evicted from their apartment and chased by the police and Lyfegro guards, Emily and Casey take shelter in Owen's lavish
apartment. Casey tells Emily she can keep Clifford if they find Bridwell and take his advice. If he cannot help, Clifford must be sent to Shanghai. They race
to the hospital, only to find Bridwell's empty bed and a patient who tells them Bridwell has died. Clifford is thus sent away by a boat arranged by Owen's
father as Emily tearfully says goodbye.

The next day, Clifford is captured on the ship by Lyfegro personnel and sent to Lyfegro. Emily soon learns Bridwell did not die, so she and Casey try to save
Clifford from being operated on at Lyfegro, aided by friends from their neighborhood. They break into Lyfegro’s headquarters, rescue Clifford, and flee in
Casey's truck with him.

At Central Park, a large crowd gathers as Emily desperately asks Bridwell to help, and he tells her that she must stand up for herself and for Clifford and
that being different is a gift. Emily explains to everyone the importance of love, regardless of differences. However, Zac forces the police to see who
Clifford's owner is by checking an ID chip he had implanted. When the chip identifies Emily as Clifford's rightful owner, the police arrest Zac and inform
him that he will be fined for lying to them. Emily, Casey, and Maggie are welcomed back into their apartment; Casey gets a job at Scholastic, thus making
Clifford famous.

Task 17
1) Emily 7) Emily 13) Casey 19) Casey
2) Casey 8) Owen 14) Casey 20) Emily
3) Emily 9) Casey 15) Zac 21) Casey
4) Casey 10) Emily 16) Emily
5) Bridwell 11) Emily 17) Zac
6) Bridwell 12) Zac 18) Emily

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