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English Department’s Vocabulary Per Grade Initiative

Academic Year 2023-2024 Grade9 Semester 2

Dear Parents,

We would like to share this vocabulary list with you. The list contains a total of 70
vocabulary words that will be covered over the course of the second semester. According
to recent research, displaying the newly acquired vocabulary words to learners will help
foster remembrance. Thus, it is recommended that the vocabulary words are printed out
and hung in a place where students can constantly see it.

Number Vocabulary Word Meaning

1. physiology The way a person’s body functions
2. mortality Death rate
3. reincarnation The rebirth of a soul in a new body
4. Credible Able to be trusted in or believed
5. Valid Well- founded on evidence and corresponds
accurately to the real world.

6. Logical Reasonable; making use of reason and good

7. valiant Courageous / fearless / heroic
8. haul Catch / bring / carry
9. loiter delay
10. cremate Belt / boil
11. serac Pinnacle, sharp ridge, or block of ice among the
large cracks in glaciers

12. prosperity The condition of being thriving and


13. hallowed Holy- blessed

14. tribulations misery
15. redemptive Bringing about redemption
16. oppression gloom
17. exalted High ranked
18. treasure Precious items
19. luminous glowing
20. iridescent Rainbow colored, displaying a play of lustrous
colors like those of the rainbow.

21. Culpability guilt or blame that is deserved; blameworthiness

22. Conscience inner sense of what is morally right or wrong in
one’s actions.

23. Remorse deep sense of regret for having done wrong

24. Entrusted given the responsibility of doing something or
caring for someone or something.

25. Empathic characterized by empathy, the ability to identify

with the feelings or thoughts of others.

26. Burden something that is carried with difficulty or

27. Accounting the action or process of keeping financial
28. Consumer people who buy or purchase products or
eat, drink, or ingest (food or drink)

29. Feature a distinctive attribute or aspect of something

30. Model a three-dimensional representation of a thing or
a person or of a proposed structure, typically on
a smaller scale than the original

31. Capture the process of taking a photo or video done

by a camera

32. take over an act of assuming control of something

33. Clumsy awkward in movement or in handling things
34. Conventional based on or in accordance with what is generally
done or believed

35. Entire with no part left out; whole

36. high-tech using, requiring, or involved in high technology
37. Commuter a person who travels some distance to work
on a regular basis.
38. Fare the money a passenger on public transportation
has to pay.

39. Suburb an outlying district of a city, especially a

residential one

40. Cozy giving a feeling of comfort, warmth, and


41. Efficient achieving maximum productivity with minimum

wasted effort or expense

42. Narrow small width or very small margin (less wide)

43. Conquer overcome and take control of (a place or people)
44. Scenic providing or relating to views of impressive or
beautiful natural scenery

45. Tiring causing one to need rest or sleep; fatiguing /


46. Saucer a shallow dish, typically having a circular

indentation in the center, on which a cup is

47. Saw a hand tool for cutting wood or other materials,

typically with a long, thin serrated steel blade
and operated using a backward and forward
48. Pedestrian a person walking along a road or in a developed
49. Obey comply with the command, direction, or request
of (a person or a law); submit to the authority
50. Pass moving past or through something
51. Compliment politely congratulate or praise (someone) for

52. grab grasp or seize suddenly and roughly

53. Recognize identify (someone or something) from having
encountered them before; know again.

54. Spill cause or allow (liquid) to flow over the edge of

its container, especially unintentionally.
55. Steal take (another person's property) without
permission or legal right and without intending
to return it
56. Absentminded (of a person or a person's behavior or manner)
having or showing a habitually forgetful or
inattentive disposition.

57. Honest free of deceit and untruthfulness; sincere.

58. Athletic physically strong, fit, and active.
59. optimistic Promising / hopeful
60. Persuasive convincing
61. pessimistic tending to see the worst aspect of things or
believe that the worst will happen. / Negative

62. Reliable consistently good in quality or performance;

able to be trusted.

63. Rude offensively impolite or ill-mannered

64. Typical having the distinctive qualities of a particular
type of person or thing

65. Adolescent (of a young person) in the process of developing

from a child into an adult.

66. Aptitude a natural ability to do something.

67. Talent natural aptitude or skill.
68. Vocation a strong feeling of suitability for a particular
career or occupation
69. Beneficial favorable or advantageous; resulting in good or
70. cognitive the mental action or process of acquiring
knowledge and understanding through thought,
experience, and the senses.

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