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Unit 1

1. Determination Рішучість the quality of being determined

2. Foresight Передбачливість the ability to predict what will happen or be
needed in the future
3. Underestimate Недооцінювати to see smth smaller or less important than it
really is
4. Contribute Сприяти help to cause or bring about
5. Remarkable Значне досягнення something that has been achieved
accomplishment successfully
6. Perseverance Наполегливість continued effort and determination
7. School dropout Той хто покинув навчання/вигнанець is someone who has left school or college
before they have finished their studies
8. Overcome adversity Подолати незгоди successfully solve a problem
9. From rags to riches из грязи в князи used to describe what happens to a person
who was poor but becomes rich
10. Self-improvement Самовдосконалення the activity of learning new things on your
own that make you a more skilled or able
11. Bleak childhood Похмуре дитинство difficult childhood
12. To become a little Неактуальний/застарілий To become less useful
13. Acclaimed author Відомий автор publicly praised author
14. Elbow grease Тяжка робота hard physical work
15. Legwork Брудна робота hard work that no one wants to do
16. Rooting for smn Вболівати за когось give smn your support while they are doing
something difficult
17. It struck me the most Це мене найбільше вразило Be amazed
18. Lack of cohesion Відсутність згуртованості lack of the action or fact of forming a united
19. Helping hand «Рука допомоги» Helping action that you receive from smn
21. Glimmer of hope Проблиск надії the belief that there is a slight chance that
something positive will happen.
22. Man of success Успішна людина having achieved fame, wealth, or social
23. Achieve success Досягти успіху To get success
24. Motivational speaker Мотиваційний оратор a speaker who makes speeches intended to
motivate or inspire an audience
25. Reach your full Розкрити свій потенціал повністю to become the best one can be
26. Troubled youth Проблемна молодь teens with a wide array of behavioral or
emotional problems
27. Upbeat tone Піднесений тон full of hope, happiness, and good feelings
28. Believable Правдоподібний able to be believed; credible
29. Psychological tricks Психологічні хитрощі a type of social influence that aims to change
the behavior or perception of others through
indirect, deceptive, or underhanded tactics
30. heavyweight champion чемпіон у важкій вазі a person that is heavier than average
31. sticking to her дотримуючись її принципів to do or keep doing what you said you would
principles do or what you believe in, even when it is
32. back down відступати to admit that you were wrong or that you
have been defeated
33. reconsideration перегляд the act of considering something again;
34. on a whim на примху Based on a sudden, impulsive urge, desire, or
35. on target на ціль so as to hit or achieve the thing aimed at
36.on the off chance на випадок if you do something on the off chance, you
do it even though you think it is unlikely to
37. house-warming party Новосілля a party that you give when you move into a
new house
38. carry sth out здійснювати to do or complete something, especially that
you have said you would do or that you have
been told to do, executes
39. carry over переносити extend beyond the original area of
application, spread
40. wear sb out зношуватись to make someone extremely tired
41. carry sth off вигравати to succeed in doing or achieving something
42. wear (sth) away зношуватися to become thin and disappear after repeated
use or rubbing, or to cause something to
become thin and disappear in this way
43. at one's feet В ногах To be enthralled with or captivated by
44. be a feather in one's cap Досягнення, предмет для гордості a cause for pleasure at one's achievements
45. have one's head in the Літати у хмарах, бути To be daydreaming and not paying attention
clouds незосередженим to what is happening or being said
46. keep on top (of Бути в курсі діла to stay well-informed about the status of
someone or something) someone or something
47. rub sb up the wrong роздратовувати to annoy someone without intending to
48. steal the show Опинятись у центрі уваги to be the most popular or the best part of an
event or situation
49. work one's fingers to Працювати не покладаючи рук to work extremely hard, especially for a long
the bone time
50. work your way to the Рухатись кар’єрною драбина to make progress in a process or structure
51. labored day and night Працювати день і ніч Worked all the time
52. disastrous Катастрофічний, згубний extremely bad or unsuccessful
53. forthcoming майбутні happening soon
54. resistance опір the ability not to be affected by something,
especially adversely
55. breakthrough Прорив, досягнення a sudden, dramatic, and important discovery
or development
56. hold in утримувати to stop
57. enrolled in зарахований до  signed up for something
58. acquire набувати to get or buy something
59. profitable вигідний making or likely to make a profit
60. advertising industry рекламна галузь  is a global, multibillion-dollar business that
serves as a conduit between manufacturers
and consumers
61. prosperity Процвітання, добробут the state of being successful and having a lot
of money
62. acquaintances знайомі a person that you have met but do not know
63. decline занепад to gradually become less, worse, or lower
64. social background соціальний фон refers to a persons history in terms of how
they were raised, their ethnicity and their
family's background in instances where one
is married
65. financial backing фінансове забезпечення financial resources provided to make some
project possible
66. a well-rounded Хорошв всебічна освіта an education that includes many areas, for
education example music, the arts, and social and
physical skills
67. a willingness to готовність піти на компроміс Be ready and willing to make an agreement
compromise between your needs and those of your partner
68. resilience стійкість the ability of a substance to return to its usual
shape after being bent, stretched, or pressed
69. persistence наполегливість the fact of continuing in an opinion or course
of action in spite of difficulty or opposition
70. ruthlessness нещадність the quality of not thinking or worrying about
any pain caused to others when deciding
what you need to do
71. regardless незалежно despite the prevailing circumstances
72. appeal звернення make a serious, urgent, or heartfelt request
73. on the verge На краю at the point when (something) is about to
happen or is very likely to happen
74. re-established відновлено establish (something) again or anew
75. essential Неодмінний very important and necessary
76. appropriate Відповідний/властивий suitable or right for a particular situation or
77. restate Робити заново to say something again or in a different way
78. proposed Запропонований suggested as a possible plan or action for
people to consider
79. enormous progress Величезний прогрес movement to an improved or more developed
80. committee Комітет a small group of people chosen to represent a
larger organization and either make decisions
or collect information
81. percentage Відсотковий amount of something, often expressed as a
number out of 100
82. Under-funded Недофінансований If an organization is underfunded, it does not
receive a large enough income
83. Entitle Надавати право to give someone the right to do or have
84. Among Серед in the middle of or surrounded by other
85. Congested Переповнений too blocked or crowded and causing
86. Widespread poverty Розповсюджена бідність the popular state of the extremely poor
87. Trial Судове засідання the hearing of statements and showing of
objects, etc. in a law court to judge if a
person is guilty of a crime
88. forсefully Насильно in a strong way that demands attention or
89. Maintain Підтримувати to continue to have; to keep in existence, or
not allow to become less
90. Sophisticated Витончений having a good understanding of the way
people behave and/or a good knowledge of
culture and fashion
91. contraction Скорочення the fact of something becoming smaller or
92. particular Зокрема special, or this and not any other
93. Prompt Підказка make someone decide to say or do something
94. Crime Злочин illegal activities
95. enclose Обводити to surround something
96. anticipation Передчуття a feeling of excitement about something that
is going to happen in the near future
98. remaining Те, що залишилося be left after other parts or things have been
used or taken away
99. A far cry from Далеко від, дуже відрізняється very different from
100. Out of the ordinary Незвичайний unusual
101. Stomach-churning Бентежний, той, що викликає frightening
102. A milestone Важлива подія an important event
103. The world is your Весь світ у твоїх ніг there is no limit
104. Well-heeled Заможний, багатий wealthy
105. Looming on the Не за горами, наближається approaching
106. I would not say no to Я б не відмовився, мені подобається I would like
107. I can but dream Я можу тільки мріяти it is impossible for me
108. From the outrageously Від шалено дорогого до відверто
expensive to the downright небезпечного
109. Outrageous Шалений, обурливий shockingly bad or excessive
110. Downright Прямий, відвертий, чесний
111. Dearly Дорогою ціною; ніжно, палко very much
112. Explicitly Ясно, точно, без натяків
113. Attain Досягати succeed in achieving
114. A distant relation Віддалене відношення
115. Parachuting Стрибки з парашутом drop or cause to drop from an aircraft by
116. Air ballooning Катання на повітряній кулі
117. Bungee jumping Банджі-джампінг a sport in which a participant jumps from a
high bridge, building, etc., secured only by a
rubber cord attached to the ankles
118. White water rafting Рафтинг the sport or pastime of traveling down a river
on a raft
119. Ride down rapids Спускатися порогами, поїздка вниз
120. Octogenarian Восьмидесятирічний a person who is from 80 to 89 years old
121. Alarmist Панікер someone who is considered to be
exaggerating a danger and so causing
needless worry or panic
122. Alarming Хвилюючий, тривожний worrying or disturbing
123. Impressionable Вразливий, вражаючий, чутливий easily influenced because of a lack of critical
124. Quarrel Сваритися an angry argument or disagreement, typically
between people who are usually on good
125. Elaborate Ретельно, детально розробляти; detailed and complicated in design and
досконалий planning
126. Go-between Посередник mediator
127. Chart Діаграма, мапа, схема a sheet of information in the form of a table,
graph, or diagram
128. Ancestral Спадковий, родовий lineal
129. Altar Олтар
130. Inauspicious Зловісний, несприятливий not conducive to success; unpromising
131. Omen Знак, прикмета an event regarded as a portent of good or evil
132. Make ends meet Звести кінці з кінцями
133. Make one's head spin Кружити голову
134. Lace Шнурок
135. To fetch Принести, дістати go for and then bring back
136. Roundabout Обхідний шлях not following a short direct route
137. To hand in Вручати
138. Make up for Компенсувати
139. Well-brought up Добре вихований
140. Joviality веселість; товариськість the quality in a person of being friendly and
in a good mood, or of a situation being
enjoyable, friendly and pleasant
141. Ggenerosity щедрість, великодушність the quality of being kind and generous
142. smirk самовдоволена посмішка smile in an irritatingly smug, conceited, or
silly way
143. wretched жалюгідний, нещасний miserable, unhappy, sad
144. mortality rate смертність death rate
145. a nation of ingrates нація невдячних a nation who is not grateful
146. to wake up to the fact усвідомлювати факт to start to realize something
147. keeping-up-with-the- йти в одну ногу з чимось try to emulate or not be outdone by one's
Joneses neighbours
148. outbreak вибух, спалах (почуттів, гніву) the sudden or violent start of something
149. to be down in the вішати ніс; бути у поганому настрої to be sad, unhappy, dejected
150. obstacle перешкода barrier, problem, drawback
151. easy-to-reach легкодоступний accessible, available
152. glum похмурий looking or feeling dejected
153. full-time education денна (повна) форма навчання education undertaken in pursuit of a course,
where an average of more than 12 hours per
week is spent during term time
154. elimination усунення, ліквідація the complete removal or destruction of
155. incivility неввічливість, нечемність, rude or unsociable speech or behaviour
156. become a victim of ставати жертвою свого власного to have problems because of your success
your own success досвіду
157. massively масово, широкомасштабно extremely or very much
158. apathy байдужість; апатія; пасивність lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern
159. likewise 1) подібно, так само, у такий же in the same way; also
спосіб; 2) також, більше того
160. cheering up підбадьорювати stop feeling depressed and become more
161. timeless вічний not affected by the passage of time or
changes in fashion
162. to be inferred зробити внесок deduce or conclude (something) from
evidence and reasoning rather than from
explicit statements
163. inclusive 1) всеохоплюючий; 2) що містить в including all the services or items normally
собі expected or required
164. affluent багатий having a great deal of money ; wealthy
165. virtual віртуальний, фактичний, уявний almost a particular thing or quality
166. to call in sick взяти лікарняний to inform one's employer that one will be
absent due to illness (real or feigned).
167. incredibly неймовірно used to introduce a statement that is hard to
168. search engine пошукова система a computer program that finds information on
the internet by looking for words that you
have typed in
169. exhilarating хвилюючий making one feel very happy, animated, or
170. incomparable незрівнянний without an equal in quality or extent
171. unacceptable неприйнятний, небажаний not satisfactory or allowable
172. rejection неприйняття, відхилення the dismissing or refusing of a proposal, idea,
173. to kick ударяти (ногою) to hit someone or something with the foot
174. awesome приголомшливий, жахливий extremely impressive or daunting; inspiring
great admiration, apprehension, or fear.
175. conceivable можливий, зрозумілий, збагнений capable of being imagined or grasped
176. envious заздрісний, недоброзичливий spiteful, jealous
177. obscure розмитий, нечіткий, незрозумілий not discovered; uncertain
178. layman непрофесіонал; пересічна, проста a person without professional or specialized
людина knowledge in a particular subject
179. favour 1)прихильність, підтримка; feel or show approval or preference for
180. word of mouth "сарафанне радіо", із вуст в уста informal conversation about other people or
unimportant things
181. antiquarian антиквар, хранитель старожитностей a person who studies or collects antiques or
182. sampling відбір проб the action or process of taking samples of
something for analysis
183. a corruption корупція illegal, bad, or dishonest behaviour,
especially by people in positions of power
184. briefly коротко for a short time
185. purchasing купівля, придбання acquire (something) by paying for it; buy.
186. afterwards згодом, пізніше at a later or future time; subsequently.
187. prosaic нудний, прозаїчний ordinary, everyday, routine
188. alleviate полегшити to make (suffering or a problem) less severe.

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