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Chapter 3: Methodology

This chapter discusses the method used to gather the data related to the

research. This chapter includes the research design, instrumentation, etc.

Research Design

The research will focus on the experiences of teachers using previous scanner

apps to aid with their work. A qualitative approach was used for this study, where

Phenomenology was the research design. Qualitative is an approach that is described

by Tenny (2022) explores and provides deeper insights into real-world problems. It

focuses on the specific experiences, conduct and attitudes of the participants as it is

addressing the hows and whys rather than the how many or how much.

Phenomenology seeks to comprehend and depict the fundamental nature of a

phenomenon, which examines personal experiences to gain a more profound

understanding of how people interpret them. (Delve and Limpaecher, 2022). The

experiences of teachers using this kind of application is subjective as their experiences

may vary. The lack of previous research regarding this topic also makes the use of this

design fitting as the unique experiences of teachers would greatly help give insight to

the research. Due to these reasons, Phenomenology would be the most appropriate for

the study as it will enable researchers to gain insight into the teachers' exceptional

experiences, thoughts, and emotions concerning using scanner apps in their work.
Tradition of Inquiry

The research tradition used in the study was the Phenomenology study.

Phenomenology pertains to interpretive practices that shape reality and explains how a

single phenomenon holds different meanings for various individuals based on their lived

experiences. The researchers aim to use this approach to identify the experiences of

teachers and its significance. In the case of the study, a phenomenological study would

entail exploring the personal experiences of teachers while utilizing technology in their


Through utilizing the phenomenological approach, it allows the researchers to

have a more in-depth understanding in what teachers think of scanner apps including its

impact on their work and the problems in its design. This methodology can aid the

researchers in uncovering valuable insights about the topic that may not be evident

through the use of other research approaches.

Data Generation

The data was gathered during the school year 2023 - 2024 at FEU Alabang. The

sampling technique used for the study is the Purposive Sampling technique. Purposive

sampling refers to a group of non-probability sampling techniques in which units are

selected because they have characteristics that you need in your sample.

(Nikolopoulou, 2022). This sampling method relies on the researcher’s judgment when
identifying and selecting the individuals, cases, or events that can provide the best

information to achieve the study’s objectives. Data will be gathered by the researchers

as they interview participants in a face-to-face setting. Questions are open-ended

according to the topic and it will be made by the researchers. Questions will be related

to if teachers use scanner apps, what scanner apps they use, what they think of

scanner apps and what could be improved with their current state. The interview will

then be documented and transcribed for credibility, accuracy and better analysis of

data. The aim was to conduct the interviews with selected participants of FEU Alabang

on the approval of the principal and their consent of being interviewed.

Sources of Data

The researchers utilized various data sources to supplement the comprehension

of the subject. The primary sources of data will consist of recordings and transcripts

based on interviews. Secondary data sources, on the other hand, will consist of articles,

and journals related to the study.


In this study, the researchers conducted interviews as a primary source of the

data. Primary data is data that is collected first hand. The data gathered was not altered

or modified.
The interviews are semi-structured meaning there are a set of questions ready

but it doesn’t follow a structure. The interview is open-ended and allows for the

interviewer to ask follow-up questions which would help make the interview more

comfortable for the teacher. The questions are focused on what teachers experience

with scanner apps and what could be improved in their current state.

Ethical Considerations

To address the ethical considerations in accordance with the Republic Act

10173, also known as the Data Privacy Act of 2012, the participants of the study will be

provided with in-depth information about the study and how the data is gathered. This

data would not be used in any other ways aside from this research or shared to any

other parties. Additionally, the participants will be required to give their consent prior to

the interview.

These measures serve to illustrate the researchers' recognition of the need to

adhere to ethical principles, and their commitment to uphold the privacy and

confidentiality of the participants at all times


Bhandari, P. (2023, June 22). What is qualitative research? | Methods & Examples. Scribbr.
Dovetail Editorial Team. (2023, February 5). What is purposive sampling? Technique, examples,

and FAQs.


Nikolopoulou, K. (2023, June 22). What is purposive sampling? | Definition & Examples.


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