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Word list: Guide to sleep

to lean or lie back with the upper part

recline verb of your body in a nearly horizontal відкинутися
quick to see, understand, and act in a
alert adjective particular situation жвавий
feeling that you are likely to vomit, or
nauseous adjective causing this feeling коли тошнить
being in a state between sleeping and
drowsy adjective being awake сонливий
a successful way of curing an illness or
remedy noun dealing with a problem or difficulty засіб
help in the form of food, money,
medical supplies, or weapons that is
aid noun given by a richer country to a poorer допомога

adjective, (especially of something bad) extremely

downright adverb or very great абсолютно
to breathe air, smoke, or gas into your
inhale verb lungs вдихнути

exhale verb to send air out of your lungs видихнути

to prepare something for use, especially
dust sth off after it has not been used for a long
in a way that exists as a natural or basic за своєю суттю
inherently adverb part of something
to prevent something from continuing стримувати,
suppress verb or operating забороняти
to become completely involved in зануритися в
immerse yourself in something щось
onset noun the beginning of something початок
an interruption in the usual way that a
disruption noun system, process, or event works порушення
used to describe the processes in
animals and plants that happen циркадний
circadian adj
naturally during a 24-hour period
attached to something прив'язаний
tethered adjective

the speed at which someone or

pace noun something moves, or with which темп
something happens or changes
total lack of movement or changing of
stillness noun position нерухомість
a feeling of nervousness before an
tension noun important or difficult event напруга
(of a solid) to be absorbed by a liquid,
dissolve verb especially when mixed, or (of a liquid) to розчинити
absorb a solid

steady adjective under control стійкий

the movement of something in one
flow noun direction потік
the quality of being peaceful and calm безтурботність,
serenity noun
the practice of being aware of your
body, mind, and feelings in the present
mindfulness noun moment, thought to create a feeling of уважність

prolonged adjective continuing for a long time тривалий

ramification noun the possible results of an action наслідки
in a way that has a negative or harmful
adversely adverb effect несприятливо
a warning to consider something before
taking any more action, or a statement
caveat noun that limits a more general statement застереження

infml to go to bed in order to sleep

hit the sack завалитися спати

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