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List for Vocabulary Quiz #2

Part of Speech Definition Two Synonyms Sample Sentence with Correct Punctuation
(noun, verb,
adjective, etc.)

1 verb feel a strong dislike or disgust for something. It is a verb that can be used to describe a person's detest, loathe The cruelty of the dictator was abhorred by people all over the
abhor feelings about a person, place, thing, or idea. world.

2 verb/noun is evidence that proves that a person was not present at the scene of a crime. It is testimony or explanation, justification Her alibi was confirmed by several witnesses, proving
alibi evidence that establishes that the person accused of a crime could not have committed it her innocence.
because he or she was elsewhere at the time of the crime.
3 adjective expressing love or sexual desire. It is an adjective that can be used to describe a person, animal, romantic, passionate He stole a glance at her, his eyes filled with amorous desire.
amorous or thing that is romantic or sensual.

4 verb is a verb that means to completely destroy something, leaving no trace of it behind. It implies the
destroy, obliterate The earthquake annihilated the entire city in a matter of
annihilate obliteration of something's existence. seconds.
5 noun is a strong feeling of dislike or aversion towards someone or something. It is often accompanied aversion, dislike His antipathy towards his boss eventually led him to quit
antipathy by feelings of disgust, hostility, or contempt. his job.
6 verb/noun is the act of agreeing to or approving of something, often after careful consideration. It implies agree, consent He reluctantly gave his assent to her plan, knowing it was
assent acceptance and consent a risky undertaking.
7 verb To avoid something, especially cleverly or illegally. / Overcome (a problem or difficulty), typically evade, avoid She knew she would have to circumvent the rules if she
circumvent in a clever and surreptitious way. wanted to achieve her goals.
8 verb is to tolerate or accept something that is bad or harmful. This is the most common definition and tolerate, approve I simply cannot condone your behavior under any
condone is used in a variety of contexts. circumstances.
9 adjective/noun is secret or hidden. This is the most common definition and is used in a variety of contexts. clandestine, undercover The spies operated under a covert mission to gather
covert intelligence.
10 adjective is superficial or hasty. This is the most common definition and is used in a variety of contexts. perfunctory, brief The doctor conducted a cursory examination of the
cursory patient.
11 adjective is the finality and impact of a decision. It implies that the decision puts an end to any doubt or resolute, determined The jury reached a decisive verdict after hours of
decisive uncertainty and is unlikely to be reversed. deliberation.
12 verb difference of opinion opposition, objection The scientist's theory met with considerable dissent from
dissent the scientific community.
13 verb It implies enhancing something's aesthetic appeal or making it more engaging. exaggerate, adorn He embellished his resume with false qualifications.

14 noun It implies that the person has been entrusted with a specific task or responsibility, and they are envoy, delegate The queen sent an emissary to negotiate peace with the
emissary acting on behalf of someone else. neighboring kingdom.
15 noun is that it is a state of intense happiness and well-being. It is often described as a feeling of elation, exhilaration She felt a wave of euphoria wash over her as she
euphoria excitement, joy, and contentment. Euphoria can be caused by a variety of things, such as achieved her lifelong goal.
achieving a goal, spending time with loved ones, or experiencing something new and exciting.
16 adjective Unwillingness to accept something as true because of its absurdity or impossibility. disbelieving, skeptical The audience was left incredulous by the magician's
incredulous performance."
17 noun This applies to errors in mathematical calculations or estimations. It implies a discrepancy misjudgment, oversight The engineer's miscalculation led to the collapse of the
miscalculation between the intended result and the actual outcome. bridge.
18 adjective Means plain to see, understand, or perceive; clear and unmistakable. It implies something that is unaware, unmindful He was so engrossed in his book that he was oblivious to
oblivious so evident that it does not require explanation or proof. the commotion around him.
19 adjective means that he has absolute power and can do anything almighty, boundless In some religions, God is portrayed as an omnipotent
omnipotent being.
20 noun is a person who has a positive and hopeful attitude towards life. Optimists tend to see the bright hopeful, positive The optimist believes that things will always work out for
optimist side of things, even in difficult times. They believe that things will turn out well and that they can the best.
overcome any obstacle.
21 noun is a place or situation of great confusion and disorder. chaos, uproar The news of the attack created pandemonium in the city.

22 adjective means exact, precise, definite. It is an adjective used to describe something that is exact or accurate, exact The scientist made precise measurements to ensure the
precise precise in its details. accuracy of the experiment.
23 adjective means to incite or stimulate a reaction. It is an adjective used to describe something that is stimulating, challenging The artist's provocative work sparked heated discussions
provocative capable of eliciting a response, either positive or negative. about censorship.
24 noun means the action of separating from a larger political or social group. It is a noun used to withdrawal, departure Some members of the club are considering secession
seclusion describe the act of a state, region, or group of people separating from a larger country or due to disagreements.
25 adjective means short-lived or temporary. It is an adjective used to describe something that is not ephemeral, fleeting The joy of a child's laughter is often a transitory feeling.
transitory permanent or will not last long.

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