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WORDS FRAY-2021-22


S. Part of
Word Meaning Synonym Antonym
No. Speech
1 Advisory A report giving information Noun Consult, counsel Executive
To make worse, more
2 Aggravate Verb Amplify Calm
serious, or more severe
Characterized by a mixture
3 Ambivalent of opposite feelings or Adjective Sure, certain
To bring to a state of peace
4 Appease Verb Pacify, placate Provoke, inflame
or quiet
To make something
(developed or well under
5 Augment Verb Increase Decrease
way) greater in size, extent,
or quantity
High sound but with little Pompous,
6 Bombastic Adjective Straightforward
meaning; inflated blustering, turgid
A member of the whole body
7 Bureaucrat of non elected government Noun Adhocracy
A sudden, terrible calamity;
8 Catastrophe Noun Disaster Harmless
Excessive or prejudiced
excessive Tolerant, broad-
9 Chauvinism loyalty or support for one’s Noun
patriotism, minded
own cause, group, or gender
To compel by force,
intimidation, or authority,
10 Coerce Verb Pressurize Persuade
especially without regard for
individual desire or volition.
11 Courteous Considerate in manners Adjective polite Rude
A transgressor against duty
12 Delinquent or law Noun Lawless, criminal
To divert by advice or
13 Dissuade Verb Discourage Encourage
Compliant, Disobedient,
14 Docile Ready to accept control Adjective
obedient wilful
Explain, make
15 Elucidate Make (something) clear Verb Confuse, obscure
plain, illuminate
A markedly short-lived thing;
16 Ephemeral Adjective Transitory Permanent
lasting a short time.
To free or remove from an Extract, free,
17 Extricate Verb Entangle, involve
entanglement or difficulty. release
Happening by accident or Chance,
18 Fortuitous Adjective Predictable
chance unforeseen
19 Frugal Economical in the use or Adjective Sparing Extravagant
expenditure of money or
other resources.

20 Cognizant
Aware, Ignorant,
Having knowledge or
Adjective conscious, indifferent,
apprised senseless

Deadlock, stand- Agreement,
21 A situation in which no Noun
off breakthrough
progress is possible.

Be an expression of or give a
visible or tangible form to an Represent,
22 Embody Verb Conceal, Exclude
idea, quality or feeling Epitomize

23 Impoverish To make poor Verb Rich, wealthy
24 Innocuous Producing no injury. Adjective Harmless, safe Harmful
25 Inscrutable Difficult to understand Adjective Enigmatic Expressive
Using or marked by the use Verbose,
26 Laconic Adjective
of few words Terse, concise. loquacious
27 Lament To express sorrow for Verb Bewail, mourn Celebrate, rejoice
causing or affected by
anxiety or stress, filled with charge, filled,
28 Fraught Adjective Calm
something undesirable replete

Showing ability to think Rational, sane, in Confusing,

29 Lucid Adjective
clearly one's right mind ambiguous
A person who refuses to
30 Maverick conform and who takes an Noun nonconformist Conformist
unorthodox stand.
To make less severe or
31 Mitigate Verb Alleviate Aggravate
32 Mollify To calm in temper or feeling Verb Soothe Enrage
Sullen, sulky,
33 Morose Sullen and ill-tempered Adjective Cheerful, happy
having or showing
Dependent, Disbelieve,
34 Reliant dependence on something Adjective
susceptible, Disregard, Ignore
Seeming to be coolly Anxious,
35 Nonchalant Adjective Calm, cool
unconcerned or indifferent. concerned
36 Obsolete No longer in use. Adjective Outdated Current
Open and observable; not
37 Overt hidden, concealed, or Adjective Undisguised Covert
Strongly and actively
38 Pacifist opposed to conflict, Adjective Peacemaker Warmonger
especially violence and war.

39 . Noun Atonement, happiness,

Expiation, joy, reward
Punishment inflicted on Reparation
oneself for expressing
repentance for any
wrongdoing of one’s own.
Insolent or rude in speech or
40 Petulant Adjective Peevish, pettish Affable
To present as new and
original an idea or product
41 Plagiarize Verb Copy Original
derived from an existing
spending money or using
42 Prodigal resources freely and Adjective thrifty

A Specific mode in
43 Noun
method, Chaos,
which something is
Modality procedure, anarchy,
expressed or experienced
process difference
something exists
Physical weakness,
44 Debility especially as a result of Noun Frailty, weakness,
strength, vigour
illness. fatigue
Marked by withdrawal from Social,
45 Recluse Adjective Hermit, ascetic
society. gregarious
To return to health or
46 Recuperate Verb Recover Worsen
47 Relinquish To retire from; give up Verb Abandon Retain

48 a state of temporary Noun

Abeyance Suspension Continuance
Think deeply about
49 Ruminate Verb consider, mull- Ignore, neglect
Regarded as sacred and
50 Sacrosanct Adjective Sacred Profane
To move smoothly and
unhesitatingly from one
51 Segue Verb Transition, pivot Halt, stop
state, condition, situation, or
element to another
A mark of disgrace
associated with a particular shame, disgrace,
52 Stigma Noun honour, credit
circumstance, quality, or dishonour
of very great excellence or poor, lowly,
53 Sublime Adjective awesome,
beauty ordinary
Representing the most
Average, bad,
54 Quintessential perfect or typical example of Adjective Prototypical
a quality or class
Remaining in a place only a
55 Transient brief time; lasting only a Adjective Temporary Permanent
short time.
Guilty of or involving betrayal Traitorous,
56 Treacherous Adjective Loyal, faithful
or deception disloyal, perfidious
Not guided or controlled by
57 Unconscionable an internal sense of right or Adjective Unscrupulous Conscious
Offering nothing that is Insipid,
58 Vapid stimulating or challenging; Adjective uninspired, Lively, exciting
bland uninteresting
Something that is used to Bond, cord, knot, Detaching,
59 Ligature Noun
bind. link, tie unbinding,
Using or expressing dry, Ironic, sardonic,
60 Wry Adjective Straight, proper
especially mocking, humour satirical

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