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Class 12 English Flamingo (Word Meanings)

Chapter 7 The Interview

S.N Meanings (in
Word Meanings Synonyms
o. hindi)
1 lace not unusual; ordinary general, common, generic
Extravaga extraordinary, exceptional,
2 nt excessive or elaborate remarkable
3 Despise hate, dislike pish, nauseate, abhor
Unwarrant unfair, inappropriate,
4 ed not justified or authorised improper
5 Intrusion the action of intruding; intervention Encroachment, violation
effective, powerful,
6 Seminal influential efficacious
7 Lionized give a lot of public attention and approval prise, celebrate
8 Repel drive or force back push back, repulse
Petitioner applicant, supplicant,
9 s a person who asks for something petitioner
Amuseme entertainment, recreation,
10 nt the provision or enjoyment of entertainment holiday
Condemn blasphemous,
11 atory expressing strong disapproval disapprobatory, scornful
12 Wrecked destroyed or severely damaged demolish, crash
13 Assault make a physical attack on raid, inroad, Irruption
meanspirited, hangdog,
14 Vile extremely unpleasant dastardly
15 d commited to do, performed
test, examination,
16 Ordeal a very unpleasant and prolonged experience ख probation
Serviceabl expedient, serviceable,
17 e fulfilling its function adequately; usable plummy
producing powerful feelings or strong, clear images in
18 Vivid the mind. radiant, orient, splendent
19 ented never done or known before unique, peerless, masterly
20 Medieval relating to the Middle Ages middle age, Gothic, early
a branch of philosophy that deals with nature and
21 Aesthetics appreciation of beauty attractiveness, beauty
Staggering waveringly, falteringly,
22 ly to an astonishing or shocking degree ख reelingly
Philosophi relating study of the fundamental nature of
23 cal knowledge, reality, and existence. philosophic
24 Pursue follow ensue, chase, chevy
25 Ethical relating to moral principles moral
26 Eliminate remove delete, dislodge, repel
27 Interstices space, gap interval
28 Elevator a lift escalator, hoist
29 s theory speculation
30 Narration the action or process of narrating a story representation

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