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Vocab to spend time considering a possibledefinition

future action, or to consider one

contemplate盤算 particular thing for a long time in a serious and quiet way
的 extremely important, because it will affect other things
incentives激勵 something that encourages you to do something
alleviated減輕 to make something less severe
handout施捨物 food, money or clothes that are given to a person who is poor
profound強烈的 felt or experienced very strongly or in an extreme way
代際間的 including or involving people of different generations or age groups
artificially人造地 in a way that copies something natural
empower授權 to give
that can somebodyespecially
be exchanged, the powerwithout
or authority to dothe
affecting something
way in which
可互換的 something works
分 the state of being or becoming a mother
分 the fact of being the father of a child
materially本質上 in a clear
able to be operated andown
on its definite or important
without way to a larger
being connected
獨立運作的 system
pave 鋪 to cover
Given to quirks a surface withstrange
or idiosyncrasies; large flat
in astones
somewhat silly,
的 strange or unusual,awkward manner,
especially in a potentially
way that is cute.
unpleasant or makes
peculiar古怪的 you worried
a person’s particular way of behaving, thinking, etc., especially when
癖的 it is unusual; an unusual feature
況 to get ontoa afact
shipororevent that
plane; tomakes a situation the way onto
put somebody/something it is a ship or
embark上船 plane
tow拖 to pull a car, boat, etc. behind another vehicle, using a rope or chain
奏 the performanceto ofsing or play music
something, to somebody
especially a song or piece of music;
的詮釋 having greattheloveparticular way in which it isand
for somebody/something performed
supporting them in
忠實的 a very thin book with a papereverything
cover, containing information about a
pamphlet小冊子 particular subject

acoustic聲音的 related to sound or to the sense of hearing

aspiring雄心勃勃 wanting to be successful in life

to hit somebody/something hard ; (especially of a vehicle) to travel

belt重擊 with great speed
eponymous同名 An eponymous character in a play, book, etc. has the same name as
的 the title.
commend讚揚 to formally praise somebody/something, especially publicly
startle使大吃一 to surprise somebody suddenly in a way that slightly shocks or
驚 frightens them
的 familiar with something and accepting it as normal or usual
脫出來 to appear by coming out of something or out from behind something
盛的 noisy and full of life and energy
a single performance by a musician or group of musicians, especially
gig演奏會 playing modern or pop music
gala慶典 a special public celebration or entertainment
amid在 ... 之中 in the middle of or during something, especially something that
(prep.) causes excitement or fear

an important positive development ; to walk with long steps in a

stride進展 particular direction大步快走

handy便利的 useful or convenient

determined堅決 having made a definite decision to do something and not letting
的 anyone prevent you
a strong feeling of disapproval that most people in a society have
stigma about something, especially when this is unfair
a strong feeling of sympathy and sadness for the suffering or bad luck
compassion of others and a wish to help them

assumption something that you accept as true without question or proof

a set idea that people have about what someone or something is like,
stereotype especially an idea that is wrong
universal existing everywhere or involving everyone

eminent famous, respected, or important

the fact of being present and noticeable in every part of a thing or
pervasiveness place
to talk about something in a way that makes it sound better than it
romanticise really is, or to believe that something is better than it really is

encapsulate to express or show the most important facts about something

connected with your emotions, rather than reason ; producing

emotions such as sympathy, romantic love, or being sad, which may
sentimental be too strong or not appropriate; feeling these emotions too much
someone with a very great ability that usually shows itself when that
prodigy person is a young child

acclaimed attracting public approval and praise

bombard to attack a place with continuous shooting or bombs

perplexed confused, because something is difficult to understand or solve

containing or showing a lack of agreement between statements, facts,
contradictory opinions or actions
化 to make something worse, especially a disease or problem
introspective自省 examining and considering your own ideas, thoughts, and feelings,
的 instead of talking to other people about them
She was seriously contemplating working abroad. /For them the
distance between the ageingexamples bodies of their clients and their
own bodies was too great to contemplate.
There a crucial
an added role infor
incentive preparing theirfrom
you to buy child
our forcatalogue
—a free
These gift withhave
problems every purchase.
been greatly alleviated by the passing of
the new Act.
All those eligible will receive a cash handout.
The report
There has profound
is evidence implications for
of intergenerational schools. in antisocial
Most mushrooms sold in supermarkets have been grown
This in manure.
amendment empowers the president to declare an
Furthermore, forlegislation
a wideproblem"
terms "drinking range
thatof reasons.
and "alcohol
governed women'sabuse"
work,are from
often the
restriction of hours to provisions for maternity benefits, made
them burdensome
Increasingly, employees.
the unmarried father of a child in Europe registers
his paternity
His at the
letter contained
contribution baby's
is really abirth.
materially inaccurate
stand-alone information.
research article rather
The Theintroductory
than area
the promotion
near he
the beach had
is paved might
with failed
bricks intopatterns.
setfrom materialize.
one of the
of the volume.
decision paved the way for changes in employment
rights for women.
He was tall and had a quirky, off-beat sense of humour.
The videoa on
Wearing road accidents
raincoat, even on amade me feel
hot day, rather
is one peculiar.
of her
We were obliged to go by force of circumstance.
We embarked
The at Liverpool
road was closed for vehicles
while the New York. that had been involved
in the accident were towed away/off.
Shoppers are serenaded with live piano music.
band gave
The band's a live
latest albumrendition of their
is very poor latest single.
although devoted fans
The enjoy it. provides a pamphlet for all immigrants,
outlining their rights.
The microphone converts acoustic waves to electrical signals
for transmission.
Hollywood is full of aspiring young actors, waiting for their big
break into movies.

The car was belting along/down疾駛 the road. / He belted the

ball right out of the park. / a belt on the jaw猛擊
She performed a hit theme song of an eponymous television
series that was produced in 1980.
His designs were highly commended by the judges (= they did
not get a prize but they were especially praised).

She was startled into a little cry of surprise.

My eyes slowly grew accustomed to the dark.

The crabs emerge at low tide to look for food. / the emergence
of a new strain of the HIV virus
The children and the dogs raced out of the house to give me a
boisterous welcome.

The band is going to Atlanta to play a gig at the Fox Theatre.

a charity gala / a gala dinner/night

He finished his speech amid tremendous applause.

The group has made strides to expand internationally.

handy hints/tips ; handy container/tool

I'm determined to succeed.

Being an unmarried mother no longer carries the social stigma
that it used to.
In an overworked doctor, feelings of compassion are soon lost.
We are working on the assumption that everyone invited will
turn up.
He doesn't conform to the usual stereotype of the businessman
with a dark suit and briefcase.
Agreement on this issue is almost universal.

This may result in direct mineral dissolution or corrosion,

creating eminent implications with regard to biogeochemical
The pervasiveness of gun violence in their neighbourhood
inspired them to film the documentary.
Only as his body falls lifeless is his music exalted to a
comparably romanticized spiritual dimension.
It was very difficult to encapsulate the story of the revolution in
a single one-hour documentary.

It's a cheap ring but it has great sentimental value for me.
The 16-year-old tennis prodigy is the youngest player ever to
reach the Olympic finals.
"Dinner Party", based on the critically acclaimed novel by Bill
Davies, was made into a film last year.
The troops bombarded the city, killing and injuring hundreds.
The students looked perplexed, so the teacher tried to explain
once again.

We are faced with two apparently contradictory statements.

This attack will exacerbate the already tense relations between
the two communities.
She is famous for her introspective songs about failed
notes pronunciation
crucial to / of crucial importance - extremely importance /ˈkruːʃl/
incentive for/to opp:disincentive /ɪnˈsentɪv/
hand out (phr.v) - to give a number of things to the members of a group /ˈhændaʊt/
profound effects/changes/sadness/shock /prəˈfaʊnd/
intergenerational continuity/resentment/conflict ˈreɪʃənl/
artificially sweet
empowered smile - smiling in- sth
to / empowering(adj) a way that you
makes is not sincere
more /ˌɑːtɪˈfɪʃəli/
confident and makes you feel that you are in control of your life /ɪmˈpaʊə(r)/
pave the way forwith - to create a situation in which somebody will /ˌɪntəˈtʃeɪndʒəbl/
be able to of
do /something
maternity benefits/ward/hospital/clothes
or something can happen /məˈtɜːnəti/
paternity ofaffected / the
materially materialize(-)
road to hell- to
is take
start to exist /pəˈtɜːnəti/
as expected- or
intentions it isplanned
not enough to intend to do good things; you /məˈtɪəriəli/
quirky senseresearch
them / quirk of - something strange paved that /ˈstænd ələʊn/
with goldby- seems
happens chanceeasy e.g. to makelater,
Years moneyby ainstrange
a placequirk of fate, /peɪv/
she found herself sitting next to him on a plane. /ˈkwɜːki/
peculiar smell/ideas/reasons/circumstances /pɪˈkjuːliə(r)/
idiosyncratic style /ˌɪdiəˈsɪŋkrəsi/
embark circumstances
on/upon sth(phr.v) - to start to do something new or /ˈsɜːkəmstəns/
tow away/off / in tow - if you have somebody in tow, they are /ɪmˈbɑːk/
with you and following closely behind /təʊ/
serenade with /ˌserəˈneɪd/
synonym: interpretation /renˈdɪʃn/
devoted to /dɪˈvəʊtɪd/

acoustic guitar /əˈkuːstɪk/

synonym: ambition /əˈspaɪərɪŋ/

belt out(phr.v)- to sing a song or play music loudly / belt

up(phr.v) - to fasten your seat belt ; shut up / below the belt -
unfair or cruel / belt and braces雙重保險 - taking more actions
than are really necessary to make sure that something succeeds
or works as it should / have sth under your belt - to have
already achieved or obtained something / tighten your belt - to
spend less money because there is less available /belt/


like a startled rabbit / startled eyes / startled to /ˈstɑːtl/

accumtom to(phr.v) - to make yourself/somebody familiar with
something or become used to it /əˈkʌstəmd/

emerge from/into /ɪˈmɜːdʒ/




get into/hit your stride逐漸進入狀態 - to begin to do something

with confidence and at a good speed after a slow uncertain
start / put sb off their stride使...分心 - to make somebody take
their attention off what they are doing and stop doing it so well /
stride to stride - to keep doing something as well as somebody
else, even though they keep making it harder for you / take sth
in your stride對…處之泰然 - to accept and deal with
something difficult without letting it worry you too much /
without breaking stride不放慢腳步 - without stopping what
you are doing /straɪd/
come in handy - to be useful e.g. The extra money came in very
handy. /ˈhændi/
determined to / a man of fierce/ruthless determination痛下決心
的人 /dɪˈtɜːmɪnd/












exacerbate symptoms/problems/tensions (especially a
desease/problem) /ɪɡˈzæsəbeɪt/
introspective analysis/psychology/reports/method/lyrics /
gloomy introspection /ˌɪn.trəˈspek.tɪv/
noun verb adjective adverb
contemplation contemplate contemplating y
crucialness(un) incense crucial crucially
incentive /incentivise incensed
alleviation(un) alleviate alleviated
profundity(un) profound
intergeneration profoundly
empowerment artificialize artificial artificially
interchangeabilit empower empowered interchangeabl
y (un) interchange inerchangeable y
母親身分 maternal maternally
paternity(un) paternal paternally
material(un) materialize materially
pavement(cn) pave paved
quirk(cn) quirk quirky
peculiarity(cn) peculiar peculiarly
circumstance(c idosyncratic
embarkation(un circumstantial
) embark embarked
tow(un) tow
(cn) serenade
devotee(cn) devote devoted devotedly

acoustic acoustically
(cn) aspire aspiring aspiringly

belt belting - very good

eponym(cn) eponymous
cn) commend commendable commendably
startled ;
stratle startling startlingly

accumstom accustomed
頭角(un) emerge emerged
un) boisterous boisterously


stride(cn) stride

決心(un) determine determined determinedly













excerbation(un) exacerbate
省(un) introspect introspective introspectively

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