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1. COUPLE: two people who are in some way connected
2. STATISTICS: information based on a study of the number
of times somethingY LIST
3. REVEAL: to make know that something is surprising
4. PROPORTION: the amount of a group
5. CONCENTRATION: the ability to think carefully about
something you are doing and nothing else
6. AGGREGATE: something formed by adding together
several amounts
7. ROLE: the purpose that someone has in a situation
8. FACILITY: an ability
9. INDICATE: to show or make clear in another way
10.DECLINE: to refuse, to gradually become worse
11. COMMENCE: to begin something
12.INICIATE: to cause something to begin
13. DIMINISH: to reduce in size or important
14.NONETHELESS: despite what has just been said
15.SEXIST: comments suggest that women are less able than
16.RACIST: believes that other races are not as good as their
17.VEGAN: a person who doesn´t eat or use any animal
18.UNITY: the state of being clear an easy to understand
19.FULFILLMENT: someone does something that is
20. ENJOYMENT: when you get pleasure of something
21.EDUCATION: the process of learning in a school
22. EXPLANATION: the details that someone gives to
make something
23. WISDOM: the ability to use your knowledge to make
good decisions
24. ROUGHLY: approximately
25. GAIN: to get something that is useful and gives you
an advantage
26. ALIGN: to put two or more things into a straight line
27. RELEVANT: connected whit what is happening or
being discussed
28. MOTIVE: a reason for doing something
29. IGNORE: to no listen or give attention
30. EQUATION: a mathematical statement, to show to
amounts are equal
31. CONVENTIONAL: traditional o ordinary
32. DEVELOPMENT: when someone grows or change
and become more advanced
33. FORMANTION: the way something is naturally
made or has been arranged
34. LEARNER: a person who is still learning something
35. MILLIONAIRE: a person who at least 1,000,000 in
their country
36. STUDENT: a person who is learning at a college or
37. FAMILIARITY: a good knowledge of something
38. INSTANCE: a situation, event or fact
39. LINGUIST: someone who studies many languages
40. IMMEDIATENESS: now or without waiting or
41.DEVELOPER: a person or company that makes money
from buying land
42. WORKER: someone who works in a job
43. ACTOR: someone who pretends to be someone else,
while performing in a film
44. IMMIGRANT: a person who has come from a
different country
45. LEGIONNAIRE: a member of a legion
46. CHILDHOOD: the time when someone is a child
47. MOTHERHOOD: the state or time of being a
48. HAPPINESS: the feeling of being happy
49. BOREDOM: when you are bore
50. CORRESPONDENT: a person employed by a
51.WAITRESS: a woman whose job is to bring the food to
52. ACTRESS: show that someone has said something
that could have another meaning connected to sex
53. ENGINEER: a person whose job is to design or build
54. SOURCE: the place something comes from
55. ADJACENT: next to
56. VOCUS: promise to do something
57. HENCE: that is the explanation
58. SOLELY: not involving anyone
59. ODD: strange or unexpected
60. SAKE: bring advantage to someone
61.AGING: age
62. PREMATURELY: done too soon
63. PICTORESQUE: attractive
64. CONFINEMENT: when something is kept
65. LONG-STANDING: having existed for a long time
66. LIKEWISE: in the same way
67. ACQUANTANCES: person you have met but you
know well
68. ELATION: state of extremely happiness
69. DEMYSTITY: make something easier to understand
70. HARDWIRED: can’t change the behavior or thought
71.LIKELIHOOD: chance that something will happen
72. ENDURE: to suffer something difficult
73. UNDERGO: experience something which is causing
74. MISCARRIAGES: an early unintentional end to a
75. MISNOMER: name that doesn´t suit what it refers
76. LEISURE: the time when you aren´t working or
doing other duties
77. CRAWL: to move slowly or with difficulty.
78. GRIDLOCK: a situation where roads in a town
become so blocked by cars that it is impossible for any
traffic to move
79. UNBEARABLE: endured or tolerated
80. SHORING: support or hold up something with props
or breams
81.RAMPAGE: violent and uncontrollable manner
82. POURING: flow rapidly in a steady stream
83. CROWD: a large group of people who have come
84. MILL: a building where grain is crushed into flour
85. PROMPT: cause or bring about an action or feeling
86. FOREIGNER: a person who comes from another
87. AMOK: to be out of control and act in a dangerous
88. ONSLAUGHT: a fierce or destructive attack
89. MISHAP: bad luck, or an unlucky event or accident
90. OUTBURST: a sudden release of strong emotion
91.DRUMBEAT: a single hit on a drum
92. CHRONICLE: a written record of historical events
93. LATCHKEY: opener or screw
94. MALAISE: a general feeling of being ill or having no
energy, or an uncomfortable feeling that something is
95. LEXICON: all the words used in a language or
subject or a dictionary
96. SHIFT: move or cause to move from one place to
another, especially over a small distance
97. REALM: kingdom
98. BURST: to break open or apart suddenly
99. GLIMPSE: to see something or someone for a very
short time or only partly
100. FLOOD: to cause to fill or become covered with
101. SLIGHT: insult by treating or speaking of them
without proper respect
102. VOID: not valid or legally binding
103. WELTER: a large number of items in no order
104. FLOUNDER: to experience great difficulties or be
completely unable to decide what to do
105. ZEAL: great energy or enthusiasm in pursuit of a
cause or an objective
106. LOOM: a piece of equipment on which tread is
woven into cloth
107. ROT: decay
108. HINGE: a piece of metal that fastens the edge of a
109. ALTRUISM: to do things which bring advantages to
other people
110. AIMED: a result that your plans or actions are
intended to achieve
111. COGNIZANCE: to take noticed of and consider
112. QUANTUM: amount or total
113. OVERWHELM: bury or drown beneath a huge mass
114. SUBDUE: overcome, quieten, or bring under control
a feeling
115. INNERMOST: most secret and hidden, or nearest to
the centre.
116. CORRODE: destroy or damage
117. LACK: when something isn´t available or when there
isn´t enough of it.
118. HERITAGE: features belonging to the culture of a
119. ENDOW: to give a large amount of money to pay for
creating a college or hospital
120. MALLEABLE: describes a substance that is easily
changed into a new shape
121. HAZARD: something that is dangerous and likely to
cause damage
122. AWRY: goes wrong
123. PONDER: think about something carefully
124. BARGE: to hurry somewhere
125. BAYOU: an area of slowly moving water away from
the main river
126. BENEATH: in or into a lower position than
127. PERISH: suffer death, typically in a violent, sudden
or untimely way
128. PROGENY: a descendant
129. CONJECTURE: a guess about something based on
how it seems and not on proof.
130. FACING: an outer layer covering a wall
131. BONDING: the process by which a close emotional
relationship is developed
132. INNATE: quality or ability is one that you were born
133. YELLED: give a loud, sharp cry
134. IMPEL: to make someone feel that they must do
135. ETCH: to cut a pattern, picture into a smooth
surface, especially on metal or glass
136. DESCENDANT: a person, plant or animal that is
descended from a ancestor
137. ARISEN: to happen
138. HARNESS: a piece of equipment, with straps and
belts, used to control or hold in place a person, animal or
139. APPRAISAL: when you examine someone or
something in order to judge their qualities
140. REPERTOIRE: a stock of plays, dances, or pieces
that a company knows
141. TAILORED: to fit individual customers
142. LENGTH: the measurement of something from end
to end or a long its longest side
143. SOOTHE: gently calm
144. SWIRL: move in a twisting or spiraling pattern
145. FLURRY: a sudden light fall of snow, blown in
different directions by the wind
146. REAR: the back part of something
147. COLLISION: an accident that happens when two
vehicles hit each other with force
148. MARAUDING: going from one place to another
killing or using violence, stealing and destroying.
149. MOTE: something especially a bit of dust, that is so
small it is almost impossible to see
150. PEER: rival or associate
151. FOE: an enemy
152. FLEE: to scape by running away
153. SHOUTED: utter a loud call or cry
154. GAUGE: to calculate an amount, especially by using
a measuring device.
155. TRIGGER: cause to happen or exist
156. EDGY: nervous or worried
157. FIXATED: unable to stop thinking about something
158. QUIETING: calming or relaxing
159. WORRISOME: causing anxiety or concern
160. AROUSAL: provoke or awaken
161. ENTAIL: to make something necessary
162. DUB: to give something or someone a name
163. CONCOCT: to make something, usually food, by
adding several different parts together
164. UPPER: situated on higher ground
165. NOSTRIL: either of the two openings in the nose
through which air moves when you breathe
166. NOXIOUS: describes something, especially a gas or
other substance.
167. ODOR: a distinctive smell, especially an unpleasant
168. POISONOUS: causing or capable of causing death
169. WITHDRAWAL: removal or cancellation
170. MOURN: to feel or express great sadness, especially
because of someone´s death
171. ELICIT: to get or produce something
172. GRIEVING: feeling very sad because someone has
173. VAGARIES: an unexpected and inexplicable change
in a situation or in someone´s behavior
174. DROUGHT: a long period when there is little or no
175. FEROCIOUS: frightening a violent
176. STEADILY: regularly or fixedly
177. WEAPONRY: gun arsenal
178. WELLED: rise to the surface and spill or be about to
179. UNNOTED: innamed or innominate
180. AWARENESS: knowledge that something exists
181. NAIVE: showing a lake of experience, wisdom or
182. ALONGSIDE: next to or together with
183. DICHOTOMY: a difference between two completely
opposite ideas or things
184. STEADY: balanced
185. GRADIENT: how steep a slope is
186. EONS: age or year
187. PERIL: serious and immediate danger
188. TIGHT: closed firmly
189. VETO: a decision or proposal made by a law-making
190. SATIRICAL: containing or using satire
191. PERENNIAL: lasting or existing for a long time
192. BESTOW: to give something as an honor or present
193. TYRANTS: a cruel and oppressive ruler
194. LUST: a very strong sexual desire
195. HOARSE: having a rough voice, often because of a
sore throat or a cold
196. BID: to offer a particularly amount of money for
something which is for sale.
197. NEATNESS: the quality of being tidy with everything
in its place.
198. BRAND: a type of product made by a company
199. HISS: to make a noise which is like the first sound in
the word “sing” but which lasts a lot longer
200. LOBE: any part of an organ which seems to be
separate in some way from the rest, especially one of the
parts of the brain.

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