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Rentoria, Yna O.



INSTILL: Search for 1 contributor to modern science. To answer this, please reupload your
“Idol Kong Scientist” file from your Facebook Page. 40pts.

I choose Michael Faraday as my #IdolKongScientist

because, he was a man devoted to discovery through

He was famous for never giving up on ideas that came

from scientific intuition.

When he thought of an idea, he would keep

experimenting through multiple failures until he got
what was expected.

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APPLY: Question and Answer: 30pts.

1. How do discoveries impact the life of people in modern times?

Over the years, we have seen several discoveries and inventions that have improved our
lives and helped us in understanding the new technologies. Scientists have invented several
technologies and devices to make our life easier. We live in the age of science. People live, move
and think in terms of science. Water, air, time and space have been conquered. Science has
entered our life so powerfully that we have started thinking in a scientific way. It has all together
changed our outlook on life. We now want to know the how and why of things.

2. What would have happened to humankind if technology did not exist?

As for me, if there is no technology, we could never be in this state wherein we are
fighting for our lives against Covid 19, there could be no transportation wherein it could be
easily spread through transportation such as airplanes, bus and other rides. There could be no big
industries that could harm the environment. But on the other hand, without technology, we might
now be struggling on our online classes amidst Covid 19, and there could be no doctors and front
liners that will help on this current issue.

3. Discuss whether technology is a means to an end or an end in itself. List down

pertinent points on your stand.
We seem to forget that technology is merely the how and never the why or what. It is not
an end in itself but rather a means to an end. In its original sense, technology was only a tool, a
means to an end, never an end in and of itself. It can be beneficial as a crutch, but we can become
captives to its use, unless we condition and develop our own strength. As a result, it has the
ability to both activate and disable us. As a result, the threat is not that computers will become
human-like. Humans will become computers, which is the actual risk. “Embrace technology but
do not become it,” urges Gerd Leonhard.

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