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Application: Application:

Communication and HPV Vaccine Communication and HPV Vaccine

• Human papillomavirus (HPV), an STI is extremely

prevalent in the US
Two vaccines are available: Gardasil and Cervarix
• Vaccination uptake has not met target (37.6%
adolescent females, 13.9% adolescent males) - Role of framing in shaping HPV vaccine attitudes and
• Mass communication- major role in introduction
- Framing the purpose of vaccine as cancer prevention,
and dissemination of the vaccines versus STI prevention  women’s higher intention to receive
• High-profile, direct-to-consumer marketing campaign vaccine
by Merck reached large numbers of target audiences - Framing the vaccine as genital wart prevention increased
(teenage girls) young women’s intention to talk with physician by increasing
• News articles on HPV vaccine in local newspapers self-efficacy
• New information technologies- blogs, social media - loss-gain frames: those exposed to positive frame believe
vaccine to be more effective, and were more supportive of
vaccine requirements for school attendance

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