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Senior High School


Understanding Culture Society and Politics
NAME : ___________________________________ YEAR & SECTION ____________ SCORE: _________
Directions: Read carefully each item and write the letter of the correct answer in the blank provided.
___ 1. It always describes human, human behavior and human societies around the world.
A. Anthropology B. Culture C. Sociology D. Political Science

___ 2. It refers to a theoretical foundation of contemporary anthropology.

A. Nature of politics B. Nature of anthropology C. Nature of culture D. Nature of sociology
___ 3. Which perspective deals the states of two competing sides that affect the group as a whole?
A. Anthropology B. Cultural C. Political Science D. Sociological
___ 4. Who says that culture is an apparatus for the satisfaction of life and acquired as “need”?
A. Harris B. Kelly C. Minowski D. Ward Goodenough
___ 5. Which of the choices best describes Culture?
A. It is the way of life of a group of people who share similar beliefs and customs.
B. It is how people eat and drink.
C. It is how people get married
D. It is how people dress.
___ 6. It is a group of individuals sharing a common culture, geographical locations, and government.
A. Anthropology B. Culture C. Socialization D. Society
___ 7. What characteristics of culture is shown when the interaction of societies’ end product is led to
exchanging of materials and ideas?
A. Dynamic B. Encompassing C. Enculturation D. Symbolic
___ 8. What are the norms that may be violated without serious consequences?
A. Ethnocentric B. Folkways C. Laws D. Mores
___ 9. It is a social science that deals with humans and their interactions.
A. Anthropology B. Culture C. Political Science D. Sociology
___ 10. It is used to analyze and explain objects of social study, and facilitate organizing sociological
A. Theoretical perspective C. Cultural perspective
B. Conflict perspective D. Functionalist perspective
___ 11. Its goal is to look for the similarities and differences among the culture of societies around the world.
In doing so, we could be able to understand more about human nature and be more tolerant on other people’s
behavior and actions.
A. Anthropology B. Culture C. Political Science D. Sociology
___ 12. How does a structural point of view define society?
A. Accomplishes interest in association with his fellows C. Pattern of norms of collaboration
B. Complex of groups in mutual relationship D. With interaction to one another
___ 13. Cultural ways are learned by people from others. Many of these ways are handed down form elders,
parents, teachers, and others (mostly likely individuals of older generation), while other cultural behaviors are
handed up to elders. Therefore, culture is _____.
A. has a variety B. learned C. shared D. transmitted
___ 14. It is state or habit of mind in which trust or confidence is placed in some person or thing.
A. Beliefs C. Tradition
B. Customs D. Norms
___ 15. It sees social life as a competition, and focuses on the distribution of resources, power, and
A. Theoretical perspective C. Cultural perspective
B. Conflict perspective D. Functionalist perspective
___ 16. What is a culture trait?
A. Cleaning product C. Rosalinda’s favorite band
B. A minivan D. Shared practices within a culture
___ 17. Select the characteristics of the pre-industrial societies.
I. Focused on creating tools and information III. Focused on cultivating the land
II. Big and with a lot of different specialized jobs IV. Rural and small


___ 18. Which among the choices is an example of culture diffusion?
A. American using chopsticks B. Freedom of religion
B. Eating hotdogs in America D. moving from one country to another
___ 19. It attempts to explain how the social world operates.
A. Political theory C. Anthropological theory
B. Sociological theory D. Cultural theory
___ 20. Which purpose helps you recognize how human actions and consciousness are formed?
A. Anthropology B. Culture C. Political Science D. Sociology
___ 21. Culture serves as a tool for prediction.
A. Yes B. No C. Maybe D. Uncertain
___ 22. Which among the phrases below does NOT describe what Sociology is?
A. Topic is ranging from crime to religion C. Describe human behavior
B. Shaped by cultural and social structures D. Understand human action
___ 23. Society and culture are indeed connected with one another, all encompassing, meaning we visualize
culture and society as a complex whole. The following descriptions below clearly explain how culture, society,
and politics are interrelated with one another, EXCEPT for one. Which description is it?
A. People interact with meaningfully with one another and observe social norms as members of the
B. The culture of a society encompasses the meaningful processes and products of social
C. People interact in society as individuals and as group with duties and privileges
D. Members of the society are not active in the engagement in political activities.
___ 24. Your teacher asked you to demonstrate a functionalist perspective, how will you do it?
A. I give emphasis on the distribution of resources, power, and inequality.
B. I will show different social institutions working together
C. I will facilitate organizing sociological knowledge
D. I will discuss the best form of government
___ 25. Your friend says: “Personal identity develops in many ways, depending on preferred choices. In a
society where there are many cultures, one’s identity can be formed through enculturation.” After that he
asked you, what is enculturation? What will be your response?
A. It is the manner of patronizing one’s culture over the others.
B. It is the concept of acquiring knowledge about one’s self
C. It is the method of uniting one’s culture with others’
D. It is the process of learning one’s own culture

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OIC-Senior High School OIC, Office of the Principal

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