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Growing up my parent didn’t teach me about sex or didn’t talk about it in front of me, but I
heard about sex and sexuality when I was around with my friends, media, television and school. As Mr.
Kenneth and Ms. Eden reported about sexuality they tackle about the definition of sexuality and they
said that the sexuality refers to the word that we used to talk and how we understand our bodies and
relationship. But, when my friends talk about sexuality they use it in dirty talk and in dirty activity and
they taught that people like it. When my parents talk about sex, it was presented as a matter of honor
between married couples. Sexuality was associated with unfavorable repercussions in health classes.
The media then portrayed sex as though everyone had it and you were the only one who didn’t. All of
these definitions influenced how I felt about sexuality and when Ms. Eden said that there is many types
of sexuality I concluded that our society adopt it and there is so many kind of gender or sexuality that
we didn’t expect. As of now there is ten basic types of sexuality that Ms. Eden discuss but I think time
will come sexuality will be the issue and maybe lead in many diseases that will get in sexual intercourse.

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