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Paper 2: Trace the historical development of the Philippine Education Science Curriculum
in tabular

The development of the Philippine Education Science Curriculum has undergone several stages
over the years, with the aim of providing students with a comprehensive understanding of
scientific concepts and principles. Here is a brief overview of the historical development of the
Philippine Education Science Curriculum:

Period Key Features Curriculum Frameworks

Indigenous knowledge,
Pre-Colonial Era practices, and beliefs
Oral traditions and apprenticeship

Spanish Colonial Period Christian education and Colegio de San Juan de Letran,
(1565-1898) catechism Universidad de Santo Tomas

American Colonial Emphasis on scientific and

Thomasites, Bureau of Education
Period (1898-1946) vocational education

Post-World War II Expansion of science Philippine Science High School,

education, focus on research National Science Development
(1946-1965) and development Board

Shift towards national New Elementary School

Martial Law Era (1972- development goals, emphasis Curriculum (NESC), New
1986) on practical applications of Secondary Education Curriculum
science (NSEC)
Introduction of new
approaches to teaching Basic Education Curriculum
Post-Martial Law Era science, integration of (BEC), K-12 Curriculum, Science,
(1986-present) indigenous knowledge
systems, alignment with
Technology, Engineering, and
Mathematics (STEM) Curriculum
global standards

Overall, the Philippine Education Science Curriculum has evolved over time to meet the
changing needs of the country and to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of
scientific concepts and principles.


 Wong, S. Y. (2017). The Evolution and Organization of the Social Science Curriculum 1.
In School knowledge for the masses (pp. 124-138). Routledge.
 Halagao, P. E. (2010). Liberating Filipino Americans through decolonizing curriculum. Race
Ethnicity and Education, 13(4), 495-512.


Paper 3: Forces that shape the Curriculum?

The curriculum is shaped by a variety of forces that influence its development and
implementation. Here are some of the key forces that shape the curriculum:

1. Political and Social Forces: The political and social environment can have a
significant impact on the curriculum. Any effective urge or impulse that leads to social
action. Specifically, a social force is a consensus on the part of a sufficient number of the
members of society to bring about social action or social change of some sort. In the
plural, the social forces are the typical basic drives, or motives, which lead to the
fundamental types of association and group relationship.
2. Economic Forces: Economic factors can also impact the curriculum. are factors such
as monetary and fiscal policies, interest rate, employment, inflation rate, demographic
changes, political changes, energy, security, and natural disasters. All of these have a
direct effect on how businesses produce and distribute their products or services.
3. Technological Forces: affecting business (also called technological forces) are
all externally generated changes in technologies and processes which are used (or may
be used) by the company or its competitors. Advancements in technology can drive
changes in the curriculum, as schools aim to prepare students for a rapidly changing
technological landscape.
4. Pedagogical Forces: Educational theory and research can also shape the curriculum,
as new approaches to teaching and learning are developed and refined. For example,
research on the benefits of project-based learning or differentiated instruction may lead
to changes in the curriculum.
5. Cultural and Historical Forces: The cultural and historical context in which
education takes place can also influence the curriculum. For example, schools in
different countries or regions may have different approaches to teaching history or
literature, reflecting cultural and historical differences. Similarly, changes in societal
attitudes towards certain issues may lead to changes in the curriculum, such as a greater
emphasis on environmental sustainability.

Overall, the curriculum is shaped by a complex interplay of political, economic, societal,

technological, and educational factors.


 Tobin, K. (1987). Forces which shape the implemented curriculum in high school science and
mathematics. Teaching and Teacher education, 3(4), 287-298.
 Barnett, R. (2000). Supercomplexity and the curriculum. Studies in higher education, 25(3), 255-

Paper 4: Philosophical Basis of my Own Educational Practice

Jean Piaget once said that “ The child is a realist in every domain of thought
and it is therefore natural that in the moral sphere he should lay more stress
on the external, tangible than on the hidden motive”As a science teacher, it is
important to understand the philosophical foundations of science, as they provide a framework
for understanding the nature of scientific knowledge and its relationship to the world.
One important philosophical basis for a science teacher is constructivism, which holds
that learning is an active process of constructing knowledge through experiences and reflection.
A constructivist approach emphasizes the importance of inquiry-based learning and encourages
students to explore scientific concepts through experimentation, observation, and reflection.
Another important philosophical basis is the belief in the importance of scientific literacy.
A science teacher may believe that all students should have a basic understanding of scientific
concepts and be able to apply them to real-world situations. This involves not only learning
scientific facts and theories, but also developing critical thinking skills and the ability to evaluate
scientific claims.
Science teachers may also value the importance of diversity and inclusivity in the
classroom, recognizing the value of different perspectives and experiences. This may involve
designing curricula that reflect diverse cultural, ethnic, and socio-economic backgrounds, and
providing opportunities for all students to participate in scientific inquiry regardless of their
background or abilities.
Finally, a science teacher may value the importance of ethics in science, recognizing that
scientific inquiry should be guided by ethical principles such as honesty, integrity, and
responsibility. This may involve teaching students about the ethical implications of scientific
research and helping them develop a sense of responsibility for the social and environmental
impacts of scientific discoveries.

 Norris, S. P. (1985). The philosophical basis of observation in science and science
education. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 22(9), 817-833.
 Matthews, M. R. (2014). Science teaching: The contribution of history and philosophy of science.
 Koulaidis, V., & Ogborn, J. (1995). Science teachers’ philosophical assumptions: How well do
we understand them?. International Journal of Science Education, 17(3), 273-283.

Paper 5: Curricular Theories

Curricular theories are frameworks that provide a theoretical foundation for designing and
implementing educational curricula. These theories inform the selection and organization of
subject matter, as well as the instructional strategies used to teach that material. Here are three
common curricular theories:

1. Traditional/Subject-Centered Theory: This theory emphasizes the transmission of

knowledge from teacher to student, with a focus on the mastery of subject matter. The curriculum
is organized by subject areas, such as math, science, and history, and is structured around a set of
predetermined learning objectives. The instructional approach is often lecture-based, with the
teacher as the primary source of knowledge.

2. Learner-Centered Theory: This theory places the learner at the center of the educational
experience, with a focus on individual needs, interests, and learning styles. The curriculum is
organized around themes or projects that are designed to engage students in active learning and
inquiry. The instructional approach is often student-led, with the teacher serving as a facilitator
and guide.
3. Social Reconstructionist Theory: This theory emphasizes the role of education in
promoting social justice and addressing social problems. The curriculum is designed to help
students understand and challenge existing power structures and to develop the skills and
knowledge necessary to create a more equitable society. The instructional approach is often
problem-based, with students working collaboratively to address real-world issues.

Other curricular theories include the developmental theory, which emphasizes the
importance of aligning curriculum with the cognitive and emotional developmental stages
of learners, and the critical theory, which seeks to challenge and transform existing power
structures and social norms through education. Ultimately, the choice of curricular theory
depends on the educational goals and values of the school or institution, as well as the
needs and interests of the students.

 Ellis, A. K. (2014). Exemplars of curriculum theory. Routledge.
 Vallance, E. (1982). The practical uses of curriculum theory. Theory into practice, 21(1), 4-10.


Paper 6: Evaluating a Science Curriculum

Evaluating a science curriculum involves assessing its effectiveness in achieving

its stated goals and objectives, as well as its overall quality and relevance to the
needs of students and society. Here are some steps that can be taken to evaluate a
science curriculum:
 Identify the goals and objectives of the curriculum: Before evaluating
the curriculum, it is important to have a clear understanding of its intended outcomes. This
involves identifying the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that students are expected to develop
through the curriculum.

 Assess the alignment of the curriculum with standards and best

practices: The curriculum should be evaluated to determine how well it aligns with national or
state standards for science education and with best practices in science education.

 Review the content and organization of the curriculum: The

curriculum should be reviewed to ensure that the content is accurate and up-to-date, and that it is
organized in a logical and coherent manner.

 Evaluate the quality of instructional materials and assessments :

The instructional materials, such as textbooks, lab manuals, and digital resources, should be
evaluated for their quality and relevance. Assessments, such as tests and quizzes, should be
reviewed to ensure that they are aligned with the curriculum goals and objectives and are
appropriate for assessing student learning.

 Analyze student performance data: Student performance data should be

analyzed to assess the effectiveness of the curriculum in achieving its goals and objectives. This
may involve analyzing test scores, grades, or other measures of student achievement.

 Solicit feedback from stakeholders: Feedback should be solicited from a

variety of stakeholders, including students, teachers, parents, and community members. This
feedback can provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of the curriculum and areas for

By taking these steps, educators and curriculum developers can evaluate the effectiveness of a
science curriculum and make necessary adjustments to ensure that it is meeting the needs of
students and society.

 Johnson, D. T., Boyce, L. N., & VanTassel-Baska, J. (1995). Science curriculum review: Evaluating
materials for high-ability learners. Gifted Child Quarterly, 39(1), 36-42.
 Champagne, A. B., & Klopfer, L. E. (1974). Formative Evaluation in Science Curriculum
Development. Journal of Research in Science Teaching.
 Renner, J. W. (1973). An evaluation of the science curriculum improvement study. School Science and
Mathematics, 73(4), 291-318.


Paper 7: Challenging issues/ Concern in Curriculum Development or Implementation

Curriculum development and implementation can be challenging and complex

processes that involve a range of stakeholders, including teachers, administrators,
students, parents, and community members. Here are some common issues and
concerns that can arise in curriculum development and implementation:

1. Cultural bias and diversity: Curriculum development should take into account
cultural diversity and avoid bias towards a particular cultural group or perspective.

2. Standardization versus individualization: There is often a tension between the

need for standardization and the desire for individualized learning experiences.
Curriculum developers must strike a balance between these two goals.

3. The role of assessment: Assessment plays a critical role in curriculum development

and implementation, but it can also be a contentious issue. Teachers and administrators
must decide on the types of assessments to use and how to use them effectively.
4. Keeping up with changing needs: The needs of students, teachers, and society as
a whole are constantly changing. Curriculum developers must be able to adapt to these
changes and make updates to the curriculum as needed.

5. Resource allocation: Limited resources can be a significant challenge in curriculum

development and implementation. Curriculum developers must make strategic decisions
about how to allocate resources to different aspects of the curriculum.

6. Teacher training and support: Teachers play a critical role in curriculum

implementation, but they may not always feel adequately prepared or supported.
Curriculum developers must ensure that teachers have the training and resources they
need to effectively implement the curriculum.

7. Stakeholder involvement: Curriculum development should involve input from a

range of stakeholders, including students, teachers, parents, and community members.
Ensuring that all stakeholders have a voice can be a challenging but important task.

8. Balancing subject-specific and interdisciplinary approaches: Curriculum

developers need to consider whether to focus on a subject-specific approach or an
interdisciplinary approach to learning. Both have benefits and drawbacks, and the choice
may depend on the goals of the curriculum.

9. Technology integration: Technology can be an important tool for curriculum

development and implementation, but it can also be a source of challenges. Curriculum
developers need to ensure that technology is used effectively and that it supports the
learning goals of the curriculum.

10. Accountability and evaluation: Curriculum development and implementation

should be evaluated regularly to ensure that they are meeting their goals. However,
accountability measures can be controversial and can sometimes create unintended
consequences. Curriculum developers must find a balance between accountability and

These issues highlight the importance of careful planning and collaboration among
stakeholders in curriculum development and implementation, as well as the need
for ongoing support and evaluation to ensure that the curriculum is effective and
meeting the needs of all learners.


 Dowden, T. (2007). Relevant, challenging, integrative and exploratory curriculum design:

Perspectives from theory and practice for middle level schooling in Australia. The
Australian Educational Researcher, 34(2), 51-71.
 Edelson, D. C., Gordin, D. N., & Pea, R. D. (1999). Addressing the challenges of inquiry-
based learning through technology and curriculum design. Journal of the learning
sciences, 8(3-4), 391-450.
 Aithal, P. S. (2016). student centric curriculum design and implementation–challenges &
opportunities in business management & IT education. IRA International Journal of
Education and Multidisciplinary Studies, 4(3), 423-437.

The philosophical basis of a science teacher refers to the underlying beliefs and values
that guide their teaching practices. Some common philosophical perspectives that
inform science teaching include:

1. Positivism: This philosophy emphasizes the use of scientific methods and evidence to
gain knowledge about the world. Science teachers who adopt a positivist approach
focus on teaching students to use scientific methods to gather and analyze data.
2. Constructivism: This philosophy emphasizes that students construct their own
understanding of the world through their experiences and interactions with the
environment. Science teachers who subscribe to constructivism believe that students
should be actively involved in the learning process and should be encouraged to
construct their own understanding of scientific concepts.
3. Inquiry-based learning: This philosophy emphasizes the importance of asking questions
and seeking answers through investigation and experimentation. Science teachers who
adopt an inquiry-based approach encourage students to ask questions and design
experiments to find answers.
4. Humanism: This philosophy values the unique qualities and potential of each individual
and emphasizes the importance of creating a positive learning environment that
supports the growth and development of each student. Science teachers who adopt a
humanistic approach focus on creating a supportive classroom environment and
building positive relationships with their students.
5. Pragmatism: This philosophy emphasizes the importance of practical experience and the
application of knowledge to real-world situations. Science teachers who adopt a
pragmatic approach focus on helping students develop skills and knowledge that will be
useful in their future lives and careers.

In summary, a science teacher's philosophical basis influences their teaching approach

and guides their decision-making in the classroom.

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