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Nitin Behl’s Essay

Ethical writing is an important aspect when reporting ones research. Hence, it is important to
understand the different topics that are covered under the topic of ethical writing. Though I
was unaware to a large extent on most of these topics under ethical writing such as data
falsification, data fabrication, un-intentional plagiarism, conflict of interest, however, the
second week course on research writing has helped me a great deal in understanding more
about ethical writing. Most importantly, it has helped me in understanding and correcting my
thought process for my research writing.
Apart from the above aspects that has been an eye opener for my knowledge in ethical writing,
I have also learnt about predatory journals. This is a totally new aspect that I never knew
existed. But again I have learnt about the same through this weeks’ course and it will definitely
help me in going a long way and selecting the correct journals after conducting thorough search
and inquiry for publishing my research paper in due course of time.
I had recently gained knowledge of order of authorship from my Guide and mentor, but here to
I was unaware of authorship guidelines. By listing the type of activity and involvement of a
person in a research I know can understand why my name was included in the conference level
paper and in the order as mentioned therein.
Hence, I would like to summarise by stating that this second weeks’ course has been of great
help and enhanced my knowledge greatly on ethical writing of a research paper.

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