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Metacognitive Reflection

Throughout the duration of this class, my approach to thinking, reading, and writing has

undergone a significant transformation. Engaging daily with these activities in the course has not

only helped my skills but also expanded my understanding in several key areas. One of the major

achievements has been learning how to both comprehend and compose academic journals, an

aspect that I found particularly struggling with. The exposure to various concepts in class has not

only broadened my knowledge base but also enhanced my appreciation for the depth and

diversity of academic discourse. This course has been instrumental in refining my analytical and

critical thinking capabilities, equipping me with the tools necessary for academic engagement.

In Writing 2, my understanding of several concepts related to writing has increased

significantly. I've learned about different genres, which illuminated the different forms and

conventions that define and distinguish types of writing, from academic papers to blogs and

academic journals. Understanding genres has taught me that each writing style serves a specific

purpose and audience, shaping the way information is presented and received. Another important

subject that I learned to study was rhetoric, or the art of persuasion. I now see that rhetorical

devices may affect a piece of writing's efficacy based on its intended reader, setting, and goals.

This understanding has caused me to be more careful in the way I structure my arguments and

deliver the statements, making sure that my writing is not just understandable but also

convincing. Writing 2 was an experience learning about writing processes. I had no idea that

there were organized methods for writing before this course. The quality of my writing has

increased, and the process has been less intimidating, thanks to my learning about brainstorming,

rewriting, and editing. Understanding that writing is a process and that each step adds to the final

product's quality.
The majority of what I learned in this course came from practice and complaints in the

real world. Practical experience was gained by directly interacting with various writing genres,

utilizing rhetorical devices, and adhering to an organized writing process. For me, the continuous

writing process. For example, receiving feedback, going back, and improving my work was

really effective. I was able to witness a development in my skills because of this cycle of review

and criticism. In addition, class discussions and group work were very important to my learning.

Engaging with my classmates, exchanging ideas, and meeting other viewpoints enhanced my

comprehension of writing as an adaptable means of communication. This cooperative setting

promoted a greater understanding of the subtleties and significance of writing.

In the process of revising Project Builder 1, I not only tackled its initial disorganization

but also on a deeper exploration of the distinct characteristics defining my disciplines. By

delving into the various writing formats commonly used in academic journals, I gained a richer

understanding of how each discipline communicates its research and ideas. This exercise was

instrumental in highlighting the critical role that structure and organization play in conveying

complex concepts effectively. As I think back on the experience, I see how these improved

abilities will be a great help to me in my future academic efforts as well as being essential for my

current academic interests. Effective research and communication depend heavily on one's

capacity to analyze and integrate complicated material from a variety of disciplines, and I am

appreciative of the ways in which this project has improved my talents in this regard.
For my Writing Project 2, significant revisions were made. I came to the realization that a

large portion of my paper was essentially summaries of the articles rather than directly

addressing the assignment's questions. Initiating the revision process was initially challenging

due to the disorganized state of my work and my scattered approach to ideas. Consequently, a

substantial part of my paper underwent rewriting to enhance its quality. To transform my blog

more authentically, I incorporated images and added colored text, drawing inspiration from

various other blogs I had examined and included as references. An introduction for my

metacognitive reflection was crafted in response to feedback suggesting its necessity. Following

this, I integrated two blogs that had influenced my translation approach and proceeded to refine

my footnotes and references.

This portfolio provides evidence of my significant learning and development during the

quarter. It not only displays the results of projects and tasks, but it also illustrates how my

writing and critical thinking have evolved over time. I've been exposed to a wide range of

writing genres, styles, and the tactical use of rhetorical devices over this time, all of which have

been helpful in my growth as a writer.My improved ability to modify my style and tone to meet

the unique needs of the audience and goal is one of the most obvious shifts in my writing

process. Assignments that demanded a change from scholarly research papers to more public

formats like blogging have fostered this flexibility.

Writing 2 has taught me many things that I may utilize to my future writing, thinking, and

research. I can use the abilities I've acquired to efficiently and clearly arrange my thoughts when

I write. My ability to think critically and analyze data will enable me to make wise judgments in

a variety of situations. My improved research abilities will also help me locate and assess

material quickly, which will be helpful in both academic and professional contexts. All things
considered, the skills and information I've gained in Writing 2 will provide me with a solid basis

for my future writing, thinking, and research projects. I found it difficult to comprehend certain

ideas, such as how to use sophisticated rhetorical devices in my work. Furthermore, it was

challenging for me to keep my works' tone and manner constant. Even if I've improved in these

areas, I could still have trouble using sophisticated rhetorical devices and developing my writing

voice. But I'm actively trying to get better at these abilities by practicing more and asking for

feedback from teachers and peers.

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