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The Voyage

Writer – Ram Mishra

Number of cast members – 7 Length – 5 minutes

Narrator - Hitanshi Antil

Shyam - Ram Mishra
Diya - Garima Kedia
Cook - Kirti Choumal
Riya - Ishita Singh
Prem - Anant Sharma
Rashi - Gayatri Suthar

NARRATOR: At 8 o’clock in the morning Shyam arrives at Madras

Port along with his friends, an experienced shipman and a cook.

SHYAM: The weather is pretty lovely, the sun is shining, the wind
is breezing and the water is flowing perfect. What a marvelous
day for sailing!

RASHI: I am pretty scared of the ocean. Oh! Ganesha guide and

protect us.

RIYA: Enough with the prayers. Let’s enjoy ourselves on this


SHYAM: We surely will enjoy the serenity of the vast ocean

DIYA: They say the Indian Ocean is full of mysterious creatures

and fishes. I hope I can do some fishing and catch them.
PREM: Let me take the luggage sir.

NARRATOR: The friends board SS Pragati and settle comfortably

SHYAM: Are you ready for adventure my friends?

RIYA: I can’t wait to be in the expanse of the ocean, the world

of nothing

SHYAM: (yells) All Aboard!

NARRATOR: The sails were set, anchors removed and the ship
started moving.

SHYAM: Relax and enjoy your ride, we will be in Maldives in blink

of an eye

RIYA: Don’t make it too fast. I want to enjoy the journey too.

DIYA: I love the Maldives and its beaches.

RASHI: It is not always about the destination my friends,

sometimes it is just about the journey

DIYA: You are speaking a pretty poetic language today. I guess

the ocean has inspired you

RASHI: It truly is inspiring to the human soul.

SHYAM: Mr. Prem I will be the captain today, I hope you guide me
to sail safely

PREM: I surely will. I am waiting for the lunchtime .Hey Cook,

what do you think about the weather? I hope you make good lunch
for us

COOK: The weather is perfect for cooking! Let me start preparing

for lunch.
NARRATOR: The ship sails smoothly along the waves and the friends
have a great time passing the afternoon.

SHYAM: Hey friends! I am getting bored now, let’s play cards!

RASHI: That sounds fun and interesting. Let us play!

RIYA: I want to play cards too.

SHYAM: That is great, what about you Diya?

DIYA: I would rather watch the beautiful and breathtaking ocean

than this boring game.

SHYAM: As you wish mate, it is your loss

NARRATOR: The friends play a card game and Diya gazes the ocean
and admires its tranquility,

SHYAM: Queen of hearts and a jack of hearts, it must be my lucky


RIYA: You must be cheating. The odds of you winning three times
in a row are not possible.

RASHI: If I find you cheating I will throw you down the ship!

SHYAM: I swear I am not cheating it is just luck and mathematics

NARRATOR: Everyone laughs

PREM: Mr. Shyam! Quick come on deck, I feel some disturbance

DIYA: What is that over the distance? It is colossal and giant.

NARRATOR: A huge whale is seen in the distance by the friends.

DIYA: There she blows! There! A whale!

NARRATOR: A quiet pause as everyone strains to see the whale. The
friends’ laughter turns into panic

RIYA: There she blows! There she breaches!

SHYAM: All hands on deck! Make ready to lower away!

NARRATOR: Instantly all is commotion. Shouted orders and requests

flood the deck of SS Pragati

PREM: All hands! All hands here! Make ready to lower away!

SHYAM: Trim the staysails! Overhaul thy clew lines! Taut leech –
belay there! Belay!

PREM: Fetch the tubs and lances! Spring! Spring to it!

SHYAM: Pay out again and smarten the rigging! RIYA – unsnarl that

RIYA: Yes mate

NARRATOR: The cook and Riya lower the sail and unsnarl the fore-

COOK: Ready there, Mr. Shyam?

SHYAM: Always Ready!

COOK: Lowering away then.

PREM: Yes Pull now, Pull!

RASHI: Lay back! There! There she blows right ahead

Stop snoring, you sleepers, and pull! Pull and wake the dead!

RIYA: Pull, pull, my fine hearts. Pull and break something!

Pull, and start your eyes out!

SHYAM: What did you say, Rashi?

RASHI: I say - Pull like beast

NARRATOR: A big whale starts to get closer to the lowering and

hasting boat

SHYAM: The whale will get hurt by the anchor; it might be fatal
for it

PREM: Forget about the whale the ship might drown!

NARRATOR: The Whale gets stuck and impaled by the anchor

SHYAM: There on his belly, it got hit terribly.

NARRATOR: The whale starts screeching loudly.

RIYA: That noise is too extreme for my ears. The pain and agony
endured by it is too much for one to bear

SHYAM: It is dead and stuck. What do we do now?

NARRATOR: Water floods the deck of SS Pragati. The friends lose

their hopes and accept their destiny

SHYAM: We can’t stop like that. The bond of friendship and

togetherness cannot be shaken by the sea. Mr. Prem start the

PREM: Yes captain. This will surely drain the ship.

NARRATOR: The crew starts to pump out the water off of the ship.
Slowly and gradually they get the ship running

SHYAM: At least the Ship is in nice shape!

PREM: No, The whale has decimated the bilge of the ship. We need
to get to the shore now. It is stuck to the anchor. Luckily the
ship can hold the weight of this whale.

RIYA: Let us get going then.

PREM: Let me take a look at the whale from a bit close

DIYA: I wonder what he will find from his inspection.

NARRATOR: Prem the shipman comes back with a big smile on his

SHYAM: Why do you look so happy Prem, did you win the lottery or

PREM: In a way we all won a lottery. The damn thing is a sperm

whale. It is worth 30 million rupees in the market at Maldives.

RASHI: Is that really true?

PREM: Yes the bones of this whale are much sought after by the

DIYA: We have stumbled on a fortune!

ALL: Yahoo! Yahoo!

SHYAM: This was a gift in disguise by Mother Nature herself. Let

us get back to the shore!

NARRATOR: SS Pragati and its crew safely reach the Maldives with
a huge whale and all the riches and glory.

ALL: Thank You

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