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Sir Marc Jayson Garcia

Geraldine Orteza

I hope you're doing okay after a long day. I'm Geraldine Orteza, and I was born in Laoag San
Marcelino, Zambales. Lina Orteza and Fidencio Orteza are my parents, and Gerald Orteza is my
older brother. I grew up close to my family, and even if our lives are not ideal, we have troubles,
we are still happy. They said I was a happy child back then. but I don't know that Geraldine
anymore hahaha. I studied elementary at Laoag Elementary School. My elementary journey was
fun, I met friends because for me the elementary era is pure fun and there aren't many problems
facing learning, it seems like it's just enjoyable. But the truth is that I am experiencing bullying.
Because I'm the type of student who is very quiet no matter what they say about me. and
judging my physical aspect as if I'm just keeping quiet s But in truth I'm also hurt because I'm
just human too. My elementary journey was happy and sad at the same time. I studied high
school and senior high school at San Guillermo National High School. My high school life was
happy because it was here that I met my true friends who are still my friends today even though
we have our own lives and don't see each other in person anymore. But even so, I still couldn't
escape the ridicule of the students there. They bully me because of my height, the way they look
at you up and down as if they are judging you and the way they seem to know you well. I often
hear the words capre, giant and many others in the mouths of judgmental people. Because I
really think that they are right. Because my height is really my biggest insecurities. Maybe it
also affected my attitude now. I became even more shy and afraid to speak in front of many
people. Right now I am studying at PRMSU and I am a second year college taking up Bachelor
of Elementary Education (BEED). The only thing I've learned in life is that you don't have to
change yourself for others. Just to please them. Do what you want to do, the important thing is
to be happy and not harm anyone else. And if it helps you do it, I support you in that. Maybe
because I'm like that because everything has a reason. now I accept and love myself more.
because no one will accept me but myself. When I used to walk in front of a lot of people, I
always bowed because I was shy. Now I walk in front of them with my forehead high. If I could
talk to young Geraldine then, I would probably say that she was strong enough to overcome all
of that Before I end this, all I can say is "If you do not fit in the standard of society make your
own standard" up to this point I hope you liked it and learned a lesson. Thank you very much

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