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Introduction-80 字以内
A. Definition of entrepreneurship(一句话)
B. Definition of desirable(一/两句话)
C. Rationale for the chosen criteria (一句话)
Entrepreneurship refers to the process of creating and running a business venture with
the aim of making a profit by identifying a gap in the market and developing a
solution to fill that gap. Desirable, in the context of entrepreneurship, refers to the
criteria that make entrepreneurship a desirable and worthwhile pursuit. In this paper,
we define desirable in terms of the benefits that entrepreneurship offers to society as a

II. Advantages of Entrepreneurship-150 字(回顾课件老师上课有列举,可以对

Outline 进行,并结合笔记中的关键词进行搜索添加 Reference 每个点后面给一
A. Employment creation
B. Economic growth
C. Innovation and creativity
Entrepreneurship plays a vital role in economic development by creating employment
opportunities. Small businesses are significant job creators, particularly in developing
countries. According to the International Labour Organization, small and medium-
sized enterprises (SMEs) account for around 70% of total employment in developing
countries. Entrepreneurship creates new jobs, reduces unemployment rates, and
generates income for individuals and communities.

Entrepreneurship also drives economic growth by creating new industries and

markets. Entrepreneurs identify gaps in the market and develop new products or
services to meet consumer needs. These new businesses and industries can lead to
increased competition, improved productivity, and economic growth. In addition,
entrepreneurs often invest in research and development, which leads to innovation and
the creation of new technologies. This innovation, in turn, can lead to increased
efficiency, productivity, and economic growth.

Entrepreneurship also encourages creativity and innovation. Entrepreneurs are often

driven by a desire to create something new or solve a problem. This drive leads to
innovation and new ideas, which can lead to the development of new products,
services, or processes. Entrepreneurial activities encourage creativity and innovation,
which can lead to improved efficiency, increased productivity, and economic growth.

III. Disadvantages of Entrepreneurship-150 字,要求同上

A. Risk and uncertainty
B. Income inequality
C. Resource depletion and environmental degradation
While entrepreneurship offers numerous benefits, there are also several disadvantages
that must be considered. One of the main disadvantages is the high level of risk and
uncertainty that entrepreneurs face. Starting a new business involves a significant
amount of financial and personal risk, and the outcome is often uncertain. Many
entrepreneurs fail, and this failure can have a significant impact on their personal
lives, as well as the wider economy.

Entrepreneurship can also contribute to income inequality. While successful

entrepreneurs can earn significant profits, many individuals who choose to start their
own business are driven by a lack of employment opportunities. These individuals
may not have access to the same level of resources, capital, or networks as more
established entrepreneurs, which can limit their ability to succeed. This can lead to
increased income inequality and limited economic opportunities for those without the
necessary resources.

Another disadvantage of entrepreneurship is the potential for resource depletion and

environmental degradation. Entrepreneurs often rely on natural resources for their
products or services, and this can lead to the overexploitation of resources and
environmental damage. Additionally, many entrepreneurs prioritize profits over
environmental concerns, which can have negative consequences for the environment
and wider society.

In conclusion, entrepreneurship has several disadvantages that must be considered,

including risk and uncertainty, income inequality, and potential environmental
damage. It is important to balance the benefits of entrepreneurship against these
potential drawbacks to ensure that entrepreneurship contributes to sustainable
economic growth and social welfare.

IV. The Relationship between Entrepreneurship and Economic Development-400 字

A. The Entrepreneurial Ecosystem-L4 课件中的模型,可以放图
B. The Resource-based View of Entrepreneurship-L2 中的理论可以回顾
C. The Schumpeterian View of Entrepreneurship-这个理论导师提到的不多可以选
写,可以使用两个 Case 代替
The Entrepreneurial Ecosystem
The entrepreneurial ecosystem refers to the various stakeholders and resources that
support entrepreneurship. It encompasses the cultural, social, economic, and
institutional factors that influence entrepreneurial activities. A favorable
entrepreneurial ecosystem facilitates the creation and growth of new ventures, leading
to economic development. For instance, a supportive government policy, access to
capital, and a culture that values risk-taking can boost entrepreneurship.

The Resource-based View of Entrepreneurship

The resource-based view of entrepreneurship suggests that entrepreneurial success is
dependent on the entrepreneur's ability to leverage their resources. This view argues
that entrepreneurs need to identify, acquire and combine resources in unique ways to
create competitive advantages. These resources can be tangible or intangible and
include skills, knowledge, relationships, and financial capital. By utilizing these
resources effectively, entrepreneurs can create value and stimulate economic growth.
The Schumpeterian View of Entrepreneurship
The Schumpeterian view of entrepreneurship emphasizes the role of innovation in
economic development. It posits that entrepreneurs introduce new products, services,
and business models that disrupt existing markets and create new ones, driving
economic growth. This view highlights the importance of creativity, risk-taking, and
the ability to seize opportunities in entrepreneurial success. Entrepreneurs who are
innovative and disruptive in their approach can catalyze economic development.

Case 1: Silicon Valley, USA

Silicon Valley is one of the most famous examples of how entrepreneurship can
contribute to economic development. In the mid-twentieth century, a group of
entrepreneurs and engineers in the San Francisco Bay Area started to create new
technologies, including semiconductors, personal computers, and software. These
innovations led to the development of a new industry, which created high-paying jobs
and stimulated economic growth. Today, Silicon Valley is a hub for technology
companies and startups, which continue to drive innovation and economic
development in the region.

Case 2: China's Economic Transformation

China's economic transformation over the past few decades is another example of the
role that entrepreneurship can play in economic development. In the 1980s, the
Chinese government initiated economic reforms that allowed for greater private
enterprise and foreign investment. This led to the emergence of a new class of
entrepreneurs, who started small businesses and stimulated economic growth. Over
time, the Chinese government has continued to support entrepreneurship by providing
funding, regulatory support, and other resources to entrepreneurs. Today, China has
one of the world's largest economies and is home to many successful startups and
V. Critique of Entrepreneurship-400 字-这段好好写是表达你整篇文章论点的章节,
A. Entrepreneurship as a Panacea
B. Entrepreneurship and Social Justice
C. Entrepreneurship and Sustainability

Entrepreneurship as a Panacea
Entrepreneurship is often presented as a solution to various economic problems,
including unemployment, poverty, and inequality. While entrepreneurship can
contribute to economic development and job creation, it cannot solve all of society's
problems. Entrepreneurship alone cannot address structural issues such as income
inequality, lack of access to education, or discrimination. Moreover, focusing too
heavily on entrepreneurship can distract from other important policy initiatives, such
as investing in education, infrastructure, or social safety nets.

Entrepreneurship and Social Justice

Another critique of entrepreneurship is its potential to exacerbate social inequalities.
Entrepreneurs with access to more resources, such as financial capital, networks, or
education, are more likely to succeed than those without such resources. Thus,
entrepreneurship can reinforce existing social hierarchies and contribute to the
concentration of wealth and power in the hands of a few. Moreover, entrepreneurship
can be exclusionary to marginalized communities who may face structural barriers to
entry, such as discrimination, lack of access to credit, or unequal access to education
and training.

Entrepreneurship and Sustainability

Finally, entrepreneurship's impact on the environment has come under scrutiny. While
entrepreneurship can be a source of innovation that contributes to sustainable
development, it can also lead to unsustainable practices. For instance, some
entrepreneurs may prioritize profits over environmental and social considerations,
leading to overconsumption of resources or pollution. Moreover, entrepreneurship can
contribute to a culture of consumerism that undermines sustainability efforts.

VI. Conclusion-不超过 80 字
A. Recap of the arguments made
B. Summary of the main points
C. Personal Opinion and recommendations for future research.-,选写视字数情况而

A. Recap of the arguments made
Overall, entrepreneurship has the potential to drive economic and social development,
but it is not a panacea. Instead, we must take a nuanced approach that recognizes the
complexity and diversity of entrepreneurship and works to ensure that it contributes to
a more just and sustainable world.

B. Summary of the main points

From the entrepreneurial ecosystem perspective, we have seen how the environment
in which entrepreneurs operate can affect their ability to succeed.From the resource-
based view of entrepreneurship, we have looked at how entrepreneurial success
depends on the resources available to the entrepreneur, including financial, human,
and social capital. Finally, from the Schumpeterian view, we have explored how
entrepreneurship can drive innovation and economic growth by disrupting existing
industries and creating new markets.

On the other hand, we have also discussed three critiques of entrepreneurship. Firstly,
we have seen how entrepreneurship can be seen as a panacea, with the belief that it
can solve all economic and social problems. Secondly, we have examined the
relationship between entrepreneurship and social justice and the potential for
entrepreneurship to exacerbate inequality. Finally, we have looked at entrepreneurship
and sustainability, questioning whether entrepreneurship can lead to sustainable
development or whether it may contribute to unsustainable practices.
C. Personal Opinion and recommendations for future research.
Entrepreneurship can be a powerful force for economic and social development, but it
must be supported by a conducive ecosystem and policies that promote social justice
and sustainability. Future research should explore how different ecosystems and
policy environments affect the success and impact of entrepreneurship.

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