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The landscape of the planet (Planet Name Pending) was illuminated by the distant glow

of a single sun. In the distance, a lone All Terrain Storm Walker stalked across the grassy
terrain on the outskirts of the Capital City, its heavy laser and blaster cannons at the
ready. Suddenly, a hail of missiles screamed overhead, exploding around the walker with
deafening force. The walker's Commander scanned his sensor readings, pinpointing the
source of the attack.

As the smoke cleared, four assault class BattleMechs, mercenary modified Chargers,
emerged from behind the larger buildings, their weapons trained on the AT-SW. The
walker's crew was not concerned. The BattleMechs charged forward, two splitting off to
each side, their massive forms shaking the ground with every running step. The AT-SW's
energy shield crackled to full strength as the lance of Chargers fired a salvo of 8 Large
Lasers at the oncoming machine.

The walkers's shield shrugged off the assault, and it returned fire with a pair of heavy
Laser Cannons, coring large holes into the center and right side torso of the center-left
Mech. Said mech’s remaining momentum propelled it forward into the ground. What
remained of the laser bolts impacted into a multi-story parking lot, destroying the second
floor section by the ramp.

The remaining Chargers radioed for help and stared a retreat back into the city, using
every available cover. Noticing the radio signal, the Imperial commander increased his
ECM, jamming non-tight beam communications and enemy targeting systems.

The Imperial walker then advanced towards the city at full speed, it closed the distance to
where the Chargers first appeared in under a minute, destroying the road it was now on
with it’s two hundred ton mass at 75 kph.

The Storm Walker fired a pair of missiles from its chin mounted missile pod turret, the
anti-vehicle missiles streaked towards the center Charger just as it rounded the corner of a
large building. Detonating upon impact, they sent a tight cone of energy forward through
the building. Weakening as it went further inward through the other side, damaging the
upper right arm of the Charger, rendering it barely operable.

As the Imperial walker reached into the city, it slowed to cruising speed; the commander
reported his position, all the while tracking one of the Chargers with the sensors towards
a mass of energy readings, vehicular shapes, and life forms. As the walker rounded a
corner, it ran into something dreaded by many vehicle crews, an artillery park; worse yet,
one ready for them with reinforcements.

A tank battalion

the rounds slamming into the AT-SW's shield with tremendous force. The walker's pilot
knew that he couldn't withstand a direct hit from those weapons, and he quickly turned
and ran.

The three remaining Mechs pursued, their weapons pounding the AT-SW's energy shield
relentlessly. The walker's pilot tried to evade, weaving through the rocky terrain and
returning fire whenever he could. But the Mechs were too fast and too well-armed, and
the AT-SW's weapons were having little effect on their heavy armor.

Finally, the pilot decided to make a stand. He positioned the walker on a rocky
outcropping, using the high ground to his advantage. As the Mechs closed in, he
unleashed a barrage of rockets from the small MLRS pods mounted on the chin turret.
The missiles found their targets, exploding against the Mechs' armor with deadly force.

One of the Mechs stumbled, its leg blown off at the knee. But the other three pressed on,
their weapons never faltering. The AT-SW's energy shield was beginning to fail, and the
walker's armor was taking a beating.

The pilot knew that he had to take out at least one of the Mechs if he wanted to survive.
He fired a heavy laser cannon at the nearest target, the beam slicing through the Mech's
torso and blowing it apart in a shower of debris.

But the remaining Mechs were undeterred, their weapons still blazing. The AT-SW's
armor was beginning to fail, and the walker was taking heavy damage. The pilot knew
that he only had one chance left. He fired the remaining heavy laser cannon at the nearest
Mech, the beam striking the machine's cockpit and vaporizing the pilot inside.

The remaining two Mechs hesitated for a moment, their targeting systems recalibrating.
But it was too late. The AT-SW charged forward, its antipersonnel blaster cannons
cutting down the remaining Mech pilots in a hail of blaster fire.

The battle was over, but the cost had been high. The AT-SW was battered and bruised, its
armor scorched and its weapons depleted. The walker's pilot knew that he had won a
hard-fought victory, but he also knew that he wouldn't be so lucky next time. He turned
and limped away, his AT-SW leaving a trail of dust behind it as it disappeared into the

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