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lil§•=t Inch-Pound Units I

An ACI Standard

Multi-Component Epoxy
Adhesive for Bonding to
Reported by ACI Committee 548


<( <aci"
J American Concrete Institute
Always advancing
First Printing
__, American Concrete Institute
Always odvoncing
December 2021
ISBN: 978-1-64195-167-8

Multi-Component Epoxy Adhesive for Bonding to Concrete-Specification

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American Concrete Institute

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ACI SPEC-548.13-21

Multi-Component Epoxy Adhesive for Bonding to

Reported by ACI Committee 548

Mahmoud M. Reda Taha. Chair

Ashraf I. Ah,ned David \V. Fowlc.r Joseph A. Nuciforo Jr. Donald P. Tragianese
Mohammad A. Alhassan Quentin L Hibb,m John R. Robinson Wafeek s . Wahby
Jacques A. Bertta1\d Albe11 0 . Kaeding Michael L. Schmidt David Whire
Const.anljn Bode.a Jay Lee Joseph R. Solomon
Chris Davis John R. f,.•filliron Michae1 M. Sprinkel
Don Edwards Bradley Ne,mun.aitis Michael S. Stenko

Consulting Members
M ilton D. Anderson Loch Cwmecki Wi11iam Lee Ha.mid Saadutm:1nesh
Lu Anqi Harold (Don) R, Edwards Troy D. Mudclcy Donald A. Schmidt
Craig A. Ballinger Larry J. FnrrcJl Henry N. Marsh Jr. Meyer S1ci11berg
John J. Rur1holomcw Goorgc Horcczko f\<fendis Hnrold H. \Vcbe-r Jr,
Shashi P. 8ha1nagar David P. Hu Pe1er J. Moss
Jerry 0. Ryrne 8ert Paul Kriekcmans Yoshihiko Ohama
Zhi-Yuan Chen Ocon Kruger Kelly M . Page

This Specffication describes bonding fi-esh concrete, hardened CONTENTS

conc,.e1e, steel. tmd orher materitds as covered in Section 2.3 to
hardened concrete with a 1nulli-compo11eltl epoxy adhesive as
deji11ed for 1his pu,pose i11 ASTM CSSJ/C88!1W. Included are SECTION 1-GENERAL REQUIREMENTS, p. 2
controls /Or adhesive labeling: storage: handling: smj(1ce e.valu• I. I- Scope. p. 2
atio1t and preparariou,· mixing ,md application: and inspection. 1.2- lnterpretation, p. 2
safety, quality colllrol. and testlng. 1.3- Definitions, p. 2
1.4- Referenced standards, p. 3
Kepvords: adhit>sive: bond; cons-truc,ion~ epoxy: epoxy resin; fresh
1.5- Submitrnls, p. 3
concrete; quality control; repair: safety; surfoce.
1.6- Deli very. storage, and handling, p. 3
1.7- Project conditions. p. 3
1.8- Control of adhesive mixture. p. 3


2.1- Gencral, p. 3
2.2- Products. p. 3
2.3- Execui ion. p. 4

ACI SPEC-548. 13-21 supttscdesAC'I $48.13-14 a,ld was adop1cd Aug.1is127, 2021 ,
Copyrigh1 C 202 1. Amcncan Concttte ln~litute.
A ll right$ reserved includi ng rights of 1•cprod\llC1ion ;md us~ in any fonn or by a 1\)'
means. including the making of copiC$ by an)' photo process. or by declronic Of me-
chanicsl <lcvicc, printed, written, or l"'>rnl, or rccordins for sound or viSW1l rt.•1,roduction
or for use rn My knowledge or reirie.val ~ystem or de,•ice. unless pmni~i<>n in writing
is obtai ned from the copyright pl\)j)rictol'$.


SECTION 3-BONDING FRESH CONCRETE TO "or" indicates that the connected items, conditions,
HARDENED CONCRETE, p. 5 requirements, or events apply singularly.
3.1- General, p. 5 l.2. 1.6 The use of the verbs "may" or "wi ll" indicates
3.2- Products, p. 5 that the Specification provision is for infonnation to the
3.3- txecution, p. 5 Contractor.
l.2.J. 7 The phrase "as indicated in Contract Documents"
NOTES TO SPECIFIER (nonmandatory), p. 6 means the Specifier included the provision requirements in
Genera l notes, p. 6 the Contract Documents.
Foreword to Checklists, p. 6 1.2. 1.8 The phrase ''tmless otherwise specified" means
the Specifier may have included an alternative to the default
SECTION 1-GENERAL REQUIREMENTS requirement in the Contract Documents.
1.2. 1.9 The phrase •'if specified" means the SpeciJier may
1.1- Scope have include-0 a requirement in the Contract Documents for
1.1.1 This SpcciJication covers the uscofmulti-componcnt which there is no default requirement in this Specification.
epoxy adhesives, meeting the requirements of ASTM C88 I/ .l.2. J.10 Un less 01hcrwisc stated, the inch-pound system
C88 1M for bonding to hardened concrete as specified in of units is applicable to combined standards referenced in
2.1. 1 and 3.I.I. this Specification.
1.1.2 This Specification is incorporated by Contract Docu-
ments and provides requirements for the Contractor. 1.3-Definitions
1. 1.3 This Specification governs for construction w ithin its The following definitions shall govern in this Specification.
scope, except project-specific Contract Documents govern if accepted-<letenn ined by rhe Architect/Engineer to be in
there is a confl ict. compliance with Contract Documents.
1. I .4 This Specification governs if there is a conflict with Architect/Engineer- the architect, engineer, architec-
reference material and testing standards. tural firm, or engineering firm issuing Contract Documents
1.1,5 Contractor is permitted to submit written altema- or administering rhe Work under Contract Documents,
tives to any provision in this Specification for consideration. or hoth.
l.1.6 Do not use this Specification in conjunction with bond interface-the layer of adhesive that connects two
ACI 30 I or ACI 350.5 unless Contract Documents state that adjacent materials.
this Specification governs for \1/ork covered by 1.1. 1. continuous metering a nd mixing-the process of
1.1.7 Ignore provisions of this Specification that are not providing accurately measured quantities of ingredients into
applicable to the \1/ork. a blending chamber and, as a result, generating a stream of
J. 1.8 Values in this Specification are stated in inch-pound properly blended product at the ex it.
units. A companion specification in S I tmits is a lso available. Contract Documents-set of documents that form the
J. 1.9 The Notes to Specifier are not pat1 of this basis of a contractual relationship between an Owner and
Specification. constructor or design-builder. These documents are defined
by the contractual agreement, and contain contract fom1s,
1.2-lnterpretation contraction condjtions, specifications, drawings, addenda,
1.2.1 Unless otherwise explicitly stated, tbis Specification and contract changes.
shall be interpreted using the following principles. Contractor- the person, firm, or entity under contract for
J.2. 1. 1 Interpret this Specification consistent with the constn1ction of \\lork.
plain meaning of the words and terms used. drawings- graphic representations that detail require-
1.2. 1.2 Definitions provided in this Specification govern ments for Work and may include written notes.
over the definitions of the same or similar words or terms ep oxy- a thennosetting polymer that is the reaction
found elsewhere. product of epoxy resin and a hardener.
1.2. 1.3 Whenever possible, interpret this Specification so fresh concrete-concrete that possesses enough of its
that its provisions arc in harmony and do not conflict. original workabi lity so that it can be placed and consolidated
1.2. 1.4 Headings arc part of tbis Specification and arc by the i11tendcd mctho<ls.
intended to identify the scope of the provisions or sections Owner- the corporation, association, partocrsbip,
that follow. Tf tl1cre is a dilTcrcncc in meaning or implication individual, public body, or authority for whom Work
bccwccn the text of a provision and a heading, the ,neaning is consrructcd.
in the text governs. specifications-the written document that details require-
1.2.J.5 Where a provision of this Specification involves ments for the \1/ork.
two or more items, conditions, requirements, or events sub mit-provide to Architect/Engineer for review.
connected by the conjunctions "and" or "or," interpret the sub mitta l-<locument or materia l provided 10 Architect/
conj unction as follows: Engineer for review and acceptance.
"and'' indicates that all the connected items, conditions, Work- the entire construction or separately identifi -
requirements, or events apply. able parts thereof required to be furn ished under Contract

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1.4-Referenced standards 1.7-Project conditions

Standards cited in this Specification are listed by name l.7.1 Environmental requiremenrs-Comply with manu-
and designation, including year. factllrer's written insh11ctions regarding environmenta l
1.4.1 ASTM l11ter11atio11al conditions under which the adhesive s hall be applied.
ASTM C42/C42M- I 8a- Standard Test Method for
Obtaining and Testing Drilled Cores and Sawed Beams of 1.8-Control of adhesive mixture
Concrete 1.8. I Metering accuracy-Use equipment or tools able
ASTM C881/C88 1M-20-Standard Specification for to establ ish and maintain a ratio of the components within
Epoxy-Resin-Base Bonding Systems for Concrete the tolerance specifi ed by the m,mufacturer of the multi-
ASTM Cl 583/C I 583M-20- Standard Test Method for component epoxy adhesive over the full range of operating
Tensile Strength of Concrete Surfaces and the Bond Strength pressures and temperatures. lfthe manufacturer oftl1e epoxy
or Tcllsi lc Strength of Concrete Repair and Overlay Mate- adhesive does not specify a tolerance for the mixture ratio,
rials by Direct Tension (Pull -off IVlethod) maintain a mixture ratio within ±5% of the nominal mixture
ASTM 04263-83(20 18)- Standard Test Method for Indi- ratio specified by the manufacturer of the epoxy adhesive.
cating Moisture in Concrete by the Plastic Sbect Method 1.8.2 Qualification test for metering accuracy
ASTM D454 1-1 7-Standard Test l\1ethod for Pull-Off If continuous metering and mixing is used, test
Strength of Coatings Using Portable Adhesion Testers the metering accuracy o f equipment before the start of rbe
ASTM 04580/ D4580M-l2(2018)-Standard Practice Work to demonstrate that the pump is capable of maintaining
for Measuring Delaminations in Concrete Bridge Decks the ratio within the. tolerances required in 1.8. 1. Follow the
by Sounding written instructions of the continuous metering and mix ing
1.4.2 The Society for Protective Coatings equ ipment manufacturer to verify accuracy. If no written
SSPC SP 1-1982(2004)-Surface Preparation Specifica- instructions exist. use the following steps to verify accuracy:
tion No. I, Solvent Cleaning 1.8.2.l(a) The device used to measure metering accuracy
SSPC SP 2- 1982(2004)-Surface Preparation Specifica- shall be capable of controlling the discharge pressure o f each
tion No. 2, Hand Tool Cleaning o f the components separately as they are simultaneously
SSPC SP 3-1982(2004)-Surface Preparation Specifica- discharged into separate containers.
tion No. 3, Power Tool Cleaning l.8.2.l (b) Conduct test by discharging both adhesive
SSPC SP 6/NACE No. 3-2006-Surface Preparation components simultaneously into separate conta iners while
Specification No. 6, Commercial Blast Cleaning maintaining discharge presstu-e on both components at antic-
ipated discharge pressure.
1.5-Submittals l.8.2.1.c Discharge each component into separate gradu-
1.5.1 Certifications-Submit manufacturer's ce rtification ated conta iners or into containers that can be weighed . At
verifying conformance to material s pecifications and that least 7 fl oz. o f the larger volume component is required for
adhesive used is compatible with materials to be bonded. an adequate ratio determination. If the ratio detem1ination is
1.5.2 App/icatio11 co,111-0/--Submit mixing and app lica- made by mass, determine the volumetric ratio by multiplying
tion procedures for acceptance prior to use. the mass ratio by the inverse of the ratio of the specific gravi-
1.5.3 Data- Submit technica l data sheets and safety ties of the components, as provided by the epoxy adhesive
data sheets. manufactw·er.
l.5.4 Additional tes/i11g- Submit additional test results l .8.2.2 If a prepackaged cartridge system is used, only use
if specified. a dispensing tool approved by the multi-component epoxy
adhesive manufac.turer.
1.6-Delivery, storage, and handling
1.6.1 Delivery of materials- Accept only materials deliv- SECTION 2-BONDING HARDENED CONCRETE,
ered in sealed containers with labels legible and intact. STEEL, AND OTHER MATERIALS TO
1.6.2 labeling-Only use materials that arc marked with HARDENED CONCRETE
the following infonnation:
a) Name of maoufacturcr 2.1-General
b) Manufacturer's product identification 2.1.1 Scope
c) Manufacturer's instructions for mixing 2 .1.J.I This Section covers the bonding of bardened
d) \Varniog for handling and toxicity concrete, steel, and other materials as covered in Section 2.3
e) Expiration date and lot number to hardened concrete with a multi-component epoxy adhe-
1.6.3 Storage of materials--Srore materials at tempera- sive as indicated in Contract Documents. This Section does
ture.s between 40 and 100°F, unless otherwise specified. not apply to anchoring dowels or adhesively bonded anchors
1.6.4 fla11dli11g of material~~Handle materials to avoid in concrete. This Section does 110 1 apply to bonding carbon
breaking comainer seals and in accordance with manufac- or g lass fabric or composites to concrete.
tu.-er's recommendations.

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2.2-Products 2.3. t .4(b) A ftcr etching, wash surface with distilled water
2.2.1 Marerials and then dry.
2.2.1. l Multi-compo11e11t epoxy adltesive- Use 2.3. t .S Preparation ()(copper and copper-alloy .twjaces
ASTM C881/C88 I M Type IV for load-bearing applications 2.3. t.S(a) Blast-clean copper and copper-alloy surfaces as
or Type l for non-load-bearing applications, unless other- specified in 2.3 .1.2 for carbon steel.
wise specified. C uring temperature requirements (Class) 2.3.1.S(b) Where blast-cleaning is not practical, clean the
s hall be determined by the Supplier and Contractor based on copper or copper-alloy surfaces w ith aqueous household
specific project conditions. Use Grade 2 (medium viscosity) ammonia, wash surfaces with distilled water, and then dry.
or Grade 3 (non-sag) for bonding horizontal or vertical 2.3.t .6 Preparation of wood swfaces
mating s urfaces. Use Gr-Jde 3 for overhead and for non- Clean wood s urfaces of all visible loose or
mat ing surfaces. foreign pa,ticles or contaminants by sanding. Remove
2.2.l.2 Fillers- Fil lers may be used to increase the sanding or fi lling dust by wiping with an alcohol-soaked rag,
viscosity of the uncured multi-component epoxy adhesive or or clean with oil-and-water-free compressed air.
provide additional inert mass to fill voids between the bonded 2.3.2 f11spec1io11 and testing
substrates will1out generating excess heat. unless otherwise 2.3.2. 1 bifpection ofconcrere swfaces
specified. Documentation verifying that the mixture of the 2.3.2. l (a) Inspect al l concrete surfac.e s prior to applica-
multi-component epoxy adhesive, combined with the speci- tion of epoxy adhesive. Sttrfaces shall be free of deleterious
fied amount of fi ller, meets perfonnance requirements sha.11 materials, including laitance, curing compounds, dust, dirt,
be provided in certifications s ubm itted in Section 1.5. I, oi I. and other material that may prevent bonding. l\llaterials
resulting from surface prepar;1tion sha ll be removed.
2.3-Execution 2.3.2.t(b) At lhe time of installation, s urface temperature
2.3. l Preparation of the concrete shall be w ithin tbe limits recommended by
2.3.1. t Prepararion ofconcrere sw:faces the adhesive manufacturer. Additionally, for ASTM C881 /
2.3.1. l(a) Concrete surfaces to which epoxies are to be C88 I M Class C multi-component epoxy adhesives, the
applied shall be newly prepared concrete free of loose mate- s urface temperature shall be at leas t 60° F; for ASTM C88 I/
rials. Prepare surfaces to the surface profi le indicated in C881M Class B multi-compoocm epoxy adhesives shall be
Contract Documents. Prepare the surfaces by blast-cleaning, al least 40°F; and for ASTM C881 /C881M Class A multi-
unless otherwise specified. component epoxy adhesives shal l be at least the minimum
2.3.1.l(b) Control exposure to si lica and concrete dust in temperature as listed in the adhesive manufacturer's written
accordance w ith appl icable regulations. Common methods instructions.
to reduce exposure to dust include use of water on the surface 2.3.2.t(c) Evaluate moisrure content of concrete in accor-
during preparation, dust fi lters on equipment, exhaust venti- dance with ASTM D4263 with the following exceptions:
lation, and personal protective equipment a 4 ft by 4 ft polyethylene sheet shall be used instead of
2.3.l . I (c) Remove and dispose of residue material the 18 in. x 18 in. sheet specified; and allow the polyeth-
resulting from surface. preparation in accordance with appli- ylene sheet to remain in place for the cure time of the epoxy
cable regulations, adhesive as reported by the manufacturer for the anticipated
2.3. 1.2 Preparation ofcarbon steel surfaces surface temperature instead o f the 16 hours specified. Do
2.3. l.2(a) Clean smfaces according to SS PC SP l, SSPC not apply epoxy adhesive until the test results indicate the
SP 2, and SSPC SP 3, as necessary to prepare the surface for absence of moisture.
blasl-cleaning, !11spectio11 ofmetal surfaces B last-cle,m carbon steel surfaces in accor- h1sJ)ect all metal surfaces prior to application
dance with SSPC SP 6/NACE No. 3 to provide a surface o f epoxy adhesive. Metal s urfaces shall be dry and free of
condition as specified, Use sand abrasive media, unless loose material.
otl1erwise specifled. Ac the time of installation, s urface temperature
2.3. 1.2(c) Remove blast-cleaning residue with compressed of the metal shall be w ithin the limits as listed in the adhe-
air from an oil- and water-free compressed air source or s ive manufacturer's written instn1ctions.
by vacuuming. Inspection of wood swfaces
2.3. 1.3 Preparation ofgalvanized steel su~faces Inspect all wood surfac.e s prior to application of
2.3.l.3(a) Scrub galvanized steel surfaces thoroughly in epoxy adhesive. \Vood stufaces shall be free of loose mate-
accordance with SSPC SP I. rial. Moisture content of the wood shall be within limits
2.3.l.3(b) For ga lvanized steel s urfaces showing signs of recommended by tile adhesive manufacturer when measured
subsurface corrosion, blast-clean as specifi ed in 2.3. 1.2 for will, a pin-type wood moisture meter.
carbon steel. At the time of installation, temperature of the Prepara1io11 ofalu111i11u111 su~faces wood shall be within the limits as listed in ,he adhesive Scrub aluminum surfaces thoroughly with a 111anufacturer's written instructions.
non-chlorinated cleaner and then etch with proprietary chro- Testing ofconcrete and metal s111jhces
mate treatment in accordance with manufacturer's appl ica- Concrete surfaces shall have ao average pulloff
tion instructions and safety wamings. strength of at least 250 psi based on three tests at each loca-

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tion when tested in accordance with ASTM C 1583/C 1583M. SECTION 3-BONDING FRESH CONCRETE TO
Test locations. as indicated in the Contract Documents, shall HARDENED CONCRETE
represent no greater than 500 yd2 of prepared s urface. If specified, metal surfaces shall be tested in 3.1-General
accordance with ASTM 04541 for adhesion with the multi- 3.1.1 Scope
component epoxy adhesive at the anticipated environmental This Section covers the bonding of fresh concrete
condition during application. to hardened concrete with a multi-<:omponent epoxy adhe-
2.3.3 Adhesive mixtures sive as indicated in Contract Documents. Condition epoxy components to a temperature consis-
tent with the adhesive manufacturer's written instructions. 3.2-Products Mix epoxy components in accordance with the 3.2. 1 Materials
adhesive manufacturer's written instructions. 3.2.1. I M11ili-compo11ent epoxy adhesive--Usc ASTM
2.3.4 Adhesive application C88 I/C88 IM Type O for non-load-bearing or Type V for Apply epoxy adhesive to concrete swface by load-bcariogapplications. unless otherwise specified. Curing
brush, roller. broom, squeegee. or spray equipment. Apply temperature rcquii-cmeots (Class) and viscosity (Grade) sha ll
epoxy adhesive at a thickness sufficient to fill, with s light be determined by Suppl ier and Comractor based on specific
excess, the gap between the s ubstrate and the element to project conditions.
be bonded. Do not exceed tbe thickness requirements in 3.2.l.2 Fresh co11cre1e--As indicated in Contract Documents.
the adhesive manufacturer's written instructions. Protect Fillers- Fillers may be used to increase the
concrete surfaces against spillage beyond limits of surface viscosity of the uncured multi-component epoxy adhesive,
receiving adhesive. unless otherwise specified. Documentation verifying that the Fasten or s hore elements to be bonded when move- mixture of the multi-component epoxy adhesive, combined
ment is likely to occur, such as elements on sloping,, with the specified amount of fi ller, meets perfonnance
or ovcrhe3d positions. Shoring and bracing elements sha ll be requirements shall be provided in certifications submitted in
instal led to prevent deflections that may cause the elements Section 1.5. 1.
to dcbond wben rcruo,•ed. Position clements to be bonded within tbe working 3.3-Execution
time o f the epoxy adhesive as recomme.nded by the manu- 3.3.1 Preparalio11
facturer. If epoxy compound cures to the extent of losing its Preparation ofconcrete surfaces
tack before c lements are in contact with the adhesive, follow 3.3.1.l (a) Concrete surfaces to which epoxies are to be
the adhesive manufacturer 's recommendations with respect applied shall be newly prepared concrete free of loose mate-
10 removing or slightly abrading the first coat and applying ria ls. Prepare surfaces to the s urface profi le indicated in
a second coat. Contract Documents. Prepare the surfaces by blast-cleaning, Do not disturb elements being bonded until the unless otherwise specified.
adhesive has cured in accordance with the adhesive manufac- (b) Contro l exposure to silica and concrete dust in
turer's written instructions for the e nvironmental conditions. accordance with applicable regulations. Common methods
2.3.5 Clea1111p to reduce exposure to dust include use of water on the smface Remove any epoxy adhesive applied or s pilled during preparation, dust filters on e<Juipment, exhaust venti-
beyond desired areas. Perfonn cleanup with material desig- lation, and personal protective equipment.
nated by adhesive manufacturer. 3.3.2 l11spectio11 Unused materials shall be disposed in accordance with 3 .3.2.1 lnspect concrete s urfaces prior to application of
manufacturer's recommendations and applicable regulations. adhesive. Surfaces shal l be free of deleterious materials,
2.3.6 Q11a/ity ass11rance testing including laiLance, curing compounds, dust, dirt, oil, and Bond to existing concrete shall be evaluated after other material that may prevent bonding. Materials resulting
the multi-component epoxy adhesive has cured in accor- from surface preparation shall be removed .
dance witb the adhesive manufacturer s written instructions Concrete surfaces shall have a moisture content
for the environmental conditions. not cxc.ccding satura ted surface-dry condition. Testing for adequate bonding shall be by c-o ring 3 .3.2.3 At the time of insta llation, surface temperature
or pulloff testing, as indicated in Contract Documents. of the concrete s ball be within the limits recommended by
Adhesion testing shall be performed in accordance with the adhesive manufacturer. Addi tionally, for ASTM C88 1/
1\STM Cl 583iCI 583M . Coring testing s hall be performed C88 I M Class C multi-component epoxy adhesives, the
in accordance with ASTl\1 C42/C42M and core drill shall surface temperature shall be at least 60°F; for ASTM C88 I/
penetrate at least I in. beyond bond interface. Core diameter C88 IM Class B multi-component epoxy adhesives shall be
s hall be at least 4 in. nominal d iameter and length of cores at least 40°F; and for ASTM C881 /C88 IM Class A multi-
s hall be twice the core diameter, unless otherwise specified. componem epoxy adhesives shall be at least the minimum Further testing, ifre<1uired, wil l be determined by temperature allowed by the adhesive manufacturer or
Architect/Engineer. minimum te mperantre for placement of fresh concrete,
whichever is higher.

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least 250 psi based on the average of three rests at each loca-
tion when tested in accordance with ASTM C 1583/C 1583M. General notes
Test locations, as indicated in Contract Documents, shall GI. ACJ Specification 548.13 is to be used by reference
represent no greater than 500 yd 2 of pre1>ared surface. in the Project Specification. Do not copy individual sections,
3.3.3 Adhesive m ixtures parts, articles, or paragn1phs into the Project Specific.1-
3.3.3.l Condition epoxy compo nents to a temperan ire tioo because wking them out of context may change their
consistent with adhesive manufacturer's written instructions. me-amng. Mix epoxy components in accordance with adhe- G2 . lf Sections or Parts of AC! Specifi cation 548.13 are
sive manufacturer ?s written instructions. copied into the Project Specification or any other document.
3.3.4 Adhesive application and concrete placeme111 do not refer to them as an ACl Specification. Do not apply adhesive if ambient temperature and G3. A statement s uch as the following will serve to make
hardened concrete temperature are not within the adhesive ACI Specification 548. J3 a part o f the Projec t Specification:
manufacnirer's allowable range. Placement of fresh concrete "Work on (Project Title) shall conJorm to all require-
s hall confo1111 to ambient temperature requirements as indi- ments o f AC! Specification 548.13, "Specification for
cated in Contn1ct Documents. Using Multi-Component Epoxy Adhesive for Bonding to Apply a(U1esive to concrete su1face by brush, Concrete," publ ished by the American Concrete lnstitutc,
ro ller, broom, squeegee, or spray equipment. Apply adhesive Farmington Hills, Micbigan. except as modified by these
at a thickness recomme□ded by manufacturer. Contract Documents.'· Place fres h concrete while adhesive is still tacky. lf G4. Each technical section of ACI Specification 548. 13 is
the adhesive cures to the extent oflosing its tack before fresh wri tten in the three-part section format of the Construction
concrete is placed, remove or abrade first coat and apply a Specifications lnstin,te. as adapted for ACI requi remems.
second coat in accordance with the adhesive manufacturer's The language is imperative and terse.
wrilten instructions. GS. ff AC I Specification 548.13 is referenced in Contract Consolidate fresh concrete as ind icated in Documents along with another ACI specification that
Contract Documents. contains overlapping provisions, identify which require-
3.3.4.S Upon completion of finishing operations, cure ments are in conflict and state in the Contract Documents
concrete as indicated in Contract Doeumcnrs. which requirements control.
3.3.S Cleanup
3.3.S. I Protect concrete s urfaces beyond limits of surface Foreword to Checklists
receiving adhesive against spillage. Ft. This Foreword is included for explanato1y pltrposes
3.3.S.2 Remove any adhesive applied or spilled beyond only; it does not fonu a pan of ACI Specification 548.13.
desired areas. Perform cleanup with material designated by F2. ACI Specification 548. 13 may be referenced by
adhesive manufacturer. the Specifier in the Project Specification for any building Unused materials shall be disposed in accor- project, together with supplementary requirements for the
dance with manufacturer's recommendations and applicable specific project. Responsibi Iities for project participants
regulations. must be defined in the Project Specification. ACI Specifica-
3.3.6 Quality assurance leSiing tion 548.13 cannot and does not address responsibilities for Bond of fresh concrete to existing concrete will any project partic ipant other than the Contractor.
be evaluated after the fresh concrete has cured for at least F3. C hecklists do not fon11 a part of AC! Specification
28 days. 548. 13. Checklists assist the Specifier in se lecting and speci- The evaluation will be perfo1111ed by som1ding in fying project re(Juirements in the Project Specification.
accordance with ASTM D4580/ D4580M, unless otherwise F4. The l'vlandatory Re<1uire111ents Checklist indicates
specified . work requirements regarding specific qualities, procedures, Detection of a hol low sound or other indication of materials, and performance criteria tJ1at are not defined in
delamination in any area shalI be reason to suspect inadequate ACI Specification 548.13. The Specifier must include these
bonding. Contractor s hall core s uspected area, as requested requirements in tbc Project Specification.
by Architect/Engineer, to detennine bonding adequacy. FS. The Optional Require,nents Checklist identifies Coring shal l be pe1formed in accordance with Specifier alte111atives or additions. The checklists identify
ASTM C42/C42M and s hall penetrate at least I in. into the sections, parts, and articles of AC! Specification 548. 13
the existing concrete. Core diameter sha ll be at least 4 in. and the action required or avai lable 10 the Specifier. Tbe
nominal diameter, un less otherwise specified. Length of Specifier should review each of the items in the checkli st
cores shall be twice the core diameter, or twice the thickness and make adjustmenrs to the needs of a particular project by
of new concrete. including those selected alternatives or additions as manda- Cores will be visually inspected and further testing, tory requirements in the Project Specification.
if required, wil l be determined by Architect/Engi□eer. F6. Ciled references- Documents and pub Iicarions that
are referenced in the checklists of ACI Specification 548. 13
are listed below. These re ferences provide guidance to the

American Concrete Institute - Copyrighted© Material -


Specifier and are not considered to be part of AC! Specifica- ln1er11atio11al Concrete Repair Institute
tion 548. 13. ICRI 3 10.2R-2013-Selecting and Specifying Concrete
ASTM /111ernatio1u,/ Surface Preparation for Sealers, Coatings, Polymer Over-
ASTM 04258-05(20 I ?}--Standard Practice for Surface lays, and Concrete Repair
Cleaning Concrete for Coating
ASTM 0 4259-18- Standard Practice tor Preparation of The Society for Protecrive Coarings
Concrete by Abrasion Prior to Coating Application SSPC VIS 1-2002-Guide and Reference Photographs for
Steel Surfaces Prepared by Dry Abrasive Blast Cleaning


Part/Ar ticle N Ol('jj lO Sp~cificr Indicate in Contract Documents where a multi-com1>0ncnt adhesive is required for bonding concrete. steel, and other materials to
hardened concrete.
2.3.J.l(a) Specify the required concrete surface profile as described m ICRI 3 10.2R.
2.3, I .2(b) Specif)' surface condition con-esponding to ASa.2, BSa2. and CSa2 of SSPC VIS I, d epending o n the initial su rface condition of the
steel sutfocc.•) Specify number and frequency of ((.~tiog and minimum strength. If the test re.svlts arc not in failure or the coucre1c but in cohesion of the
epoxy adhesive matcriol used to bond tbe metal 1cs1disc 10 1hc 1es1specimen. or any fnilurc. in adhesjon ofthal epoxy ~dhesive mate.rial, the
ll..'St shall be rc:peated. Repet11ed f!lilun.~ in adhesion, or cohesion in the epoxy adhei;ivc material, indicate improper dc:ming or the concrete,
incorrect adhesiv~. or faulty adhesive application techniques. Specify the method for assessing 1hc adequacy of &he bond 1.x:twecn the bonded components. If pulloff tcsti,,g is used, specify required
pullotf strength. If coring is used, specify number of cores required and pass-foil criteria. Indicate in Contract Documents where a multi-component adhesive is required for bonding other materials to hardened concrete. Specify c-0ncrele requirements.
J_1,1.l (a) Specify the concrete surface profile as described in LCRJ 3 L0.2R. Specify number and frequency of tes1ing and minimum strength. If the test results arc•not in failure of the concrete but in cohesion of the
epoxy adhesive material used m bond the metal test disc to the test specimen. or any failure in adhesion of that epoxy adhesive material, the
test shall be repeated. Repeated failures in adhesion. or cohesion in the epoxy adhesive material, indicate improper cleaning of the concrete,
incorre<:t adhesive. or faulty adhesive application techniques. Specify ambient temperature requirements for concrete l,lacemem. Specify <:-Ont rete consolid!lli()n requirements.
3.3.4.S Sp<..-cify curing rcqui~mcms for co11crece.


Part/Article Notes to Specifiers

I.S.4 Specify additional tes.t results to be submitted,
I .6.3 Spc.cify alcemative range of storage cl."mpcrature. Sp«ify additional or alternative pcrfonnnncc requirements.. acceptable suppl ier.s. or both.
2,2, l.2 Specify if fillers arc not allowed,
2.3.1.l(a) Specify alternate mechods for preparing surfaces, such as in accordance with other methods in ICRI 3 I0.2R, ASTM D425:i. or ASTM 04259.
2.3. l.2(b) Specify if allerna1ive abrai.ive material, such as gri1 or $hot, is required.>) Spc-eify if 1uct-11I surfaces require adhesion tcstjng and mjnimum adhesive su-cnglh. If coring is used. speci fy alternative core size.. Minimum 4 in. nominal diameter cores are recommended for cesting. Nominal 2 m. cores may
be adequate if they art only used for visual inspec1ion. Specify addilfonal or ahemative perform.111ce requirements. acceptable suppliers, or both. Specify if filler,, an: 111,11 allowod.
3.3.1.l (a) Specify ahcrnatc methods for preparing surfaces. such as in accordance wilh other methods in JCRl 310.2R. ASTM D4258. or ASTM D4259. Specify alternate method to de,ermine delamination such as pulse velocity or impact..echo.
3.3.6,4 Specify alcemative dial'neter of cores lO he obtainOO. t\ l inimum 4 in. nominal dia,neter cores are recorn,oended for testing. Nominal 2 in.

cores may be adeq1.1ate if they are only used for visual iospection.

American Concrete Institute - Copyrighted@ Material -

• • American Concrete Institute
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__, American Concrete Institute
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