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Using the title you picked from the story book of the Grimm Brothers, write a short essay

about what
you think the story is about. Create questions you wanted to know about the story.

The story of Rumpelstiltskin is about a miller's daughter who is asked by a greedy king to spin straw into
gold. A little man helps her in exchange for her first-born child. When the time comes, the miller's
daughter tries to keep her child by guessing the little man's name. The story teaches important lessons
about greed, honesty, and resourcefulness.

 What is the significance of Rumpelstiltskin's name and how does it relate to the story?

The name "Rumpelstiltskin" is believed to have German origins and is composed of two parts:
"rumpel", which means "rattle" or "noisy", and "stiltskin", which is a diminutive form of "stilt",
meaning "a long, thin support or leg". The name has been interpreted as representing the sound of
spinning wheels or the creature's supposed ability to jump or dance around on stilts.

 What is the symbolism behind the spinning of straw into gold?

The spinning of straw into gold is a central motif in the story and has been interpreted as a symbol of
transformation or the transmutation of something ordinary into something valuable.

 What is the historical context in which the story was originally told and how does it reflect the
values of that time period?

The spinning of straw into gold is a central motif in the story and has been interpreted as a symbol of
transformation or the transmutation of something ordinary into something valuable.

Background of the authors/date of publishing

Rumpelstiltskin is a well-known fairy tale that originated in Germany, which has been passed down
through generations in many different versions. The story was first published by the Brothers Grimm in
1812, and it tells the tale of a miller's daughter who is tasked with spinning straw into gold by a king. She
enlists the help of a magical creature named Rumpelstiltskin, but soon finds herself in a dangerous
situation when he demands payment for his services.


The characters in the story include the miller's daughter, the king, and Rumpelstiltskin.

 The miller's daughter is the protagonist of the story, and she is portrayed as a clever and
resourceful young woman who is able to outsmart the king and Rumpelstiltskin.
 The king is depicted as a greedy and selfish ruler who is willing to do anything to obtain gold,
 Rumpelstiltskin is a mysterious and magical creature who helps the miller's daughter but also
has his own motivations.


The plot of the story involves the miller's daughter being locked in a room and tasked with spinning
straw into gold. She is helped by Rumpelstiltskin, who does the task for her in exchange for her first-born
child. When the child is born, Rumpelstiltskin returns to claim his payment, but the miller's daughter is
able to outsmart him and keep her child.

The sequence of the story follows a traditional fairy tale structure, with a clear beginning, middle, and


The conflict of the story centers around the miller's daughter's attempts to fulfill the king's demand for
gold, and the subsequent danger posed by Rumpelstiltskin's demand for her child


The theme of the story emphasizes the importance of honesty and the danger of making deals with
mysterious and unknown entities.

Application in real life and to self

The story of Rumpelstiltskin has many applications in real life and for myself. It can serve as a cautionary
tale about the dangers of greed and making deals with unknown entities. It can also teach the
importance of being honest and true to one's word. The story can encourage readers ang to me to be
resourceful and clever in difficult situations, and to value the relationships with their loved ones.

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