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Parts and Functions of Flower

● Carpel (Gynoecium)
- female part of flower
- consists of one or more carpels
- each carpel contains one or more ovules in an ovary
- style bearing a stigma extends from ovary
- ovary contains female gametes which when fertilized become seeds

● Stamen (Androecium)
- male part of the flower
- male part of flower
- consist of stamens
- each stamen consists of an anther containing pollen sacs
- anther produces pollen grains which contain male gametes

● Petals (Corolla)
- consist of petals
- often colored or scented to attract insects

● Sepals (Calyx)
- consists of sepals
- usually green
- protect flower in bud
Parts and Functions of Seeds

• embryonic root
• grows into the shoot system

• the primary root that emerges first during germination

Epicotyl (Plumule)
• embryonic leaves

• store food for the germinating seed

Plumule, radicle and Cotyledons

• when plumule and radicle grow, they use food stored in the cotyledon
• in some seeds food is stored in the endosperm
• Growth of the plumule does not occur until the cotyledons have grown above ground.

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