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Corporate Communication

Case study 2
The past communication practises mean communication which was limited, not global, with
no proper connectivity like how we have internet everywhere at the tip of our fingers. The
author thinks so because in this era, the era of development in information technology, the era
of connecting with people sitting in one corner of the country from another corner, if an
organisation is limiting itself, it cannot sustain or survive in the current growing economy.
The use of past communication will damage and drain the country’s economy as it does not at
all support the current business patterns and strategies. For ex: a company limiting itself and
keeping its operations local will not be able to compete with its competitors who are using the
current communication practises and acing the heights of market. To grow and gain heights
in the market and gain satisfaction within and outside the organisation, the current technology
of internet, devices, platforms, communication channels and networking business models
have to be utilised to efficient extent by the organisations. Using web, organisations can
expand their reach. Going global will create healthy opportunities for an organisation,
increase their revenues, build their international relations. With the organisations now, having
thousands of employees working for them, old practise of communication will be ineffective
and delayed communication can result in decreased work productivity again resulting into
decreased revenue and decreased satisfaction among different levels of an organisation.
Effective communication will improve the relationship between different levels of an
organisation. The new practises also eliminate language barriers as one can translate the
language within seconds and interpret and communicate the same to the opposite person
through the web. Hence, I justify that the past communication practises have absolutely
become ineffective, and organisations should implement new communication practises in
order to achieve their planned objectives.

Mohammed Yaseen Qureshi

MBA ‘C’ Section

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