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1. What disadvantages do streaming platforms like Netflix have?

2. How has the Internet made our lives more comfortable? January


3. Why is it difficult to have a roommate?. 

4. In what way does social media create bad habits in people?

January 2023.

5. Why is it important to have online pen pals from other countries?

January 2023.


1. Why is traffic considered a serious problem in cities?January


2. Why is having good practical skills important?

3. What factors determine where people decide to live? January


4. How can we develop a positive body image?

5. What is the importance of nature reserves?

1. Why is traffic considered a serious problem in cities?

A good and effective transportation system accelerates the country's economic development and
directly benefits for business, people, and the environment [1,2]. However, large vehicles and
increased transport activities on the road influence traffic congestion. Traffic congestion has been a
major challenge in ensuring a sustainable transport system in most cities around the world.
Congestion increases travel costs and reduces accessibility by increasing travel times. Congestion
exposure has substantial adverse effects, such as an increase in noise pollution, driver stress,
decreased mental satisfaction, the city's economic growth, and increased passenger time
pressure [3]. Congestion also has severe environmental effects, including an increase in fuel
consumption and air pollutant emissions. Traffic congestion and its socioeconomic and
environmental impacts have been increasing in urban and rural areas around the world, developed
or not, and it will continue to worsen, posing an undeniable threat to the quality of urban and rural

Traffic Congestion Solutions

Despite the many causes of roadway congestion, civil engineers have tools to reduce its effects and,
in some cases, prevent it. More innovative road design can help direct the overflow of drivers onto
side roads, reducing the chance of traffic congestion. Alternate transportation infrastructure, such as
bus lanes, bike lanes, and sidewalks, can provide travel options outside private vehicles. Investment
in public transportation can expand those options even further.
2. Why is having good practical skills important?

Employers often hire individuals based on the skills they possess and how those skills can benefit the
company. Many professionals acquire practical, non-industry-specific skills to broaden their skill set.
Learning about these skills may help you obtain a leadership role, advance your career or broaden
your job prospects. 

What are practical skills?

Practical skills typically refer to the abilities that employees acquire to perform their duties
efficiently. You can learn many of these skills without undertaking formal education or certification.
They may include interpersonal, physical, creative, hard or soft skills. You can gain them by studying,
working or training.

Some useful practical skills are:

Digital literacy: This skill involves using computers and technology. 

Problem-solving: Employers often value individuals who can solve problems efficiently.
Speed reading: Speed reading typically means understanding or absorbing documents quickly.
Public speaking: Public speaking is an important form of communication because it can help you
form connections and influence decisions in a corporation.
Writing: Writing skills enable professionals to communicate their ideas through written words.
Communication: This is the ability to receive and convey information effectively. 
Programming: Programming or coding skills usually involve using programming languages to create
commands and instruct a computer on the actions it may perform. 

Importance of practical skills

Practical skills often enable professionals to improve their productivity in their workplace. They can
also help you gain influence in social circles. When you equip yourself with these skills, you may
become an effective manager or a mentor to entry-level employees. Acquiring these abilities can
give you a competitive advantage during recruitment and help you to achieve success in your role
quickly. You can use them to solve issues and generate new ideas. Other common benefits of gaining
practical skills include:

 encouraging self-learning
 promoting experiential learning
 increasing independence and confidence in the workplace
 enabling you to participate actively at work
 improving your relationship with colleagues
 increasing a business's efficiency
What factors determine where people decide to live? 


Team Laurus •  Friday 22nd October 2021

When deciding where to live, there are a lot of factors to consider and prioritise. The location you
live in has an impact on your commute time and, ultimately, the quality of life for you and your
family. Some considerations are more obvious than others, and others come with inevitable trade


The location of your home has an impact on your commute time and the quality of life of you and
your family. Factors to consider:

House prices and affordability: Before you even start looking at houses, it's a good idea to
determine your budget. This should help narrow down the number of possible areas you'll want to

Nearby amenities: This could be anything from supermarkets and shopping centres, parks and
playgrounds, bars & restaurants, good schools or even just good access to public transport.

Commute time: If you want to make your new life as stress-free as possible then reducing your
commute time could be a good way to go about it. 

Train station and public transport links: Public transport links are important to look at when trying
to decide where to live. This helps you determine how easy it will be to get around.

Good schools: Choosing a new home with good schools nearby can be one of the most important
things to consider when making your decision. This is especially true if you have children and want
them to attend a particularly good school that you had in mind beforehand.

Access to green areas: Do you want easy access to parks, green spaces and nature? Many people do
- so this should definitely be something to take into consideration when making your decision.

Air quality: Since the dawn of the internal combustion engine, air pollution has been a major issue
plaguing the civilized world. In fact, consistent exposure to low air quality can have a significant
impact on your health, on both a short-term and a long-term basis. Properties on, or very close to,
very busy major roads and motorways are almost guaranteed to have much lower air quality than
others, so it’s an important factor to bear in mind. 

Crime rates and anti-social behaviour: Another important factor to consider when you decide
where to live is the safety of an area. While crime rates don't always reflect all incidents that have
occurred, it's a good indicator as to whether there are problems in the community and whether
people feel safe or not!
How can we develop a positive body image?
One list cannot automatically tell you how to turn  negative body thoughts into positive body image,
but it can introduce you to healthier ways of looking at yourself and your body. The more you
practice these new thought patterns, the better you will feel about who you are and the body you
naturally have.

1. Appreciate all that your body can do. Every day your body carries you closer to your
dreams. Celebrate all of the amazing things your body does for you—running, dancing,
breathing, laughing, dreaming, etc.

2. Keep a top-ten list of things you like about yourself—things that aren’t related to how
much you weigh or what you look like. Read your list often. Add to it as you become aware
of more things to like about yourself.

3. Remind yourself that “true beauty” is not simply skin-deep. When you feel good about
yourself and who you are, you carry yourself with a sense of confidence, self-acceptance,
and openness that makes you beautiful. Beauty is a state of mind, not a state of your body.

4. Look at yourself as a whole person. When you see yourself in a mirror or in your mind,
choose not to focus on specific body parts. See yourself as you want others to see you — as
a whole person.

5. Surround yourself with positive people. It is easier to feel good about yourself and your
body when you are around others who are supportive and who recognize the importance of
liking yourself just as you naturally are.

6. Shut down those voices in your head that tell you your body is not “right” or that you are a
“bad” person. You can overpower those negative thoughts with positive ones. The next time
you start to tear yourself down, build yourself back up with a few quick affirmations that
work for you.

7. Wear clothes that are comfortable and that make you feel good about your body. Work
with your body, not against it.

8. Become a critical viewer of social and media messages. Pay attention to images, slogans, or
attitudes that make you feel bad about yourself or your body. Protest these messages: write
a letter to the advertiser or talk back to the image or message. 

9. Do something nice for yourself — something that lets your body know you appreciate it.
Take a bubble bath, make time for a nap, or find a peaceful place outside to relax.

10. Use the time and energy that you might have spent worrying about food, calories, and
your weight to do something to help others. Sometimes reaching out to other people can
help you feel better about yourself and can make a positive change in our world.
What is the importance of nature reserves?
Benefits of Nature Reserves

Nature reserves are usually government-protected, while others are privately owned. It is a secured
area of importance for plants and animals, reserved and regulated to give opportunities for those
who want to do research. Nature reserves allow tourists to see the animals from a distance. There
are many natural reserves globally. This article will highlight the benefits of the natural reserves to
both the environment and the community.

Protects Animals and Plants

Guarded areas directly deliver the primary driver of extermination, environmental loss, which
endangers over 80% of different animals and plants globally.

Provides Knowledge and Value

Reserves give opportunities to connect with nature and carry out different activities such as hunting,
fishing, and gathering by providing the locals and tourists with a way to experience nature from a
distance through a game drive. Most natural reserves have a management system which sets and
collects park fees from visitors. Through this, they can learn about different species and habitats and
understand their value.

Safe Habitat for Plants and Animals

With the effects of global warming becoming a reality, nature reserves serve as a habitat for
different species of animals, birds, and plants. Nature reserves also help protect endangered species
from poachers and other predators.
Economy Benefits

Nature reserves are beneficial to the economy as they help increase revenue because locals and
tourists want to visit the area and to do so, have to pay park fees. It creates an opportunity for
employment because it’s essential to professionally manage the reserves. Some employment
opportunities include tour guides, researchers, marketers, and animal and plant specialists.

Protects Indigenous People’s Land Rights

In some countries, natural reserves are set up to protect indigenous people’s land rights, especially
in Africa and the Far East. In this case, the land is owned by all community members, hence helping
protect their culture and beliefs. This acts as a tourist destination where the community raises
money for community projects through park fees.

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