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What is cancer?

Signs of cancer

Cancer is a disease that develops in any part of A sign is a sign that can be seen by another
our body, it originates when cell phones grow out person, be it a loved one, a doctor, some
of control and outnumber normal cell phones. examples of signs of cancer are: fever, rapid
breathing, and abnormal lung sounds that can be
Cancer symptoms reached from a stethoscope.

A symptom is a sign in which the person

experiencing it can feel or notice and that other
people may not be able to see it easily and one of
the clear examples are: weakness, muscle pain,
and shortness of breath.

Risk factor's

One of the main risk factors for cancer are: eating

animal fat, drinking alcohol, being infected with
certain viruses, coming into contact with certain
toxic substances, sunbathing without protection
and smoking tobacco.

Prevention steps
Follow a healthy and variable diet, this leads to
eating 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day, as
well as minimizing the consumption of meats,
especially red ones.

Practice physical exercise every day or move by


Get vaccinated.

Avoid tobacco.

Avoid excess weight.

Protect yourself from the sun.

Cancer Cancer

Fuentes bibliográficas:

SA. (SF). 10 consejos para prevenir el cancer. SF, de mejorsincancer Sitio web:
SA. (SF). Factores de riesgo. -, de ambientech Sitio web:
SA. (SF). Signos y síntomas del cáncer. -, de Americancancer Sitio web:

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