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Oh, my dear grandpa, so wise and kind,

A man of strength, a gentle mind.

With hair as white as winter snow,

And eyes that sparkle with a wise glow.

He lived a life full of adventure,

And always had a story to venture.

His voice so deep, like a roaring sea,

And laughter that would fill the room with glee.

He taught me how to fish and hunt,

And never once complained or grunted.

A heart so big, a soul so pure,

With love that always seemed to endure.

I remember sitting on his lap,

And listening to stories with a grin and clap.

He told me tales of far-off lands,

And legends of great warriors and their stands.

Oh, grandpa, how I miss your embrace,

Your warmth and love that I can still trace.

You left a mark on my heart and soul,

That will forever be my cherished goal.

You showed me what true strength means,

And how to live a life full of dreams.

You were a man of honor and pride,

A true family member that will forever reside.

Ekrem Çağan Arapkirli

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